Commission for
icefoxx :3
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This was an interesting experience to draw something looking cute in my sharp&moody style! xD

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This was an interesting experience to draw something looking cute in my sharp&moody style! xD
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Vulpine (Other)
Gender Male
Size 912 x 1280px
File Size 2.01 MB
Listed in Folders
Such a shame people use this fursona/art without any permission at all. (Nor give any credit.)
*cough* https://www.facebook.com/gabriel.v.lively/photos
Also had to tell this group to link back the image to you.
But still your art is fantastic. ^u^
*cough* https://www.facebook.com/gabriel.v.lively/photos
Also had to tell this group to link back the image to you.
But still your art is fantastic. ^u^
If you're logged in to Facebook, I believe you can message them here: https://www.facebook.com/messages/gabriel.v.lively