"Alright, so, we really do need to get tha televator moving or else Ill be late." The overly obese Scolipede shifted her weight a bit to make sure all of her mass was inside the elevator, seemingly wedging herself firmly inbetween the Typhlosion and the wall.
The fire badger grunted slightly as she was compressed even further between the two larger ladies, worryingly adding to the big bug's statement, "And can it be quickie? Missie Valence gets impatient at times..."
"I would love nothing else right now but the button box is out of reach." Marlaine replied, a little upset as she kept trying to wedge her hand in front of her oversized belly to no avail. Her gut simply was denying all access to the elevator's controls by being admantly smooshed against it. "I don't remember the levator being so small a few months ago. I don't understand!"
Myra sighed deeply, it was becoming obvious they wouldn't get out of the elevator anytime soon. Of course, she knew it was her fault for even going inside the elevator when it was already filled with another large member but she wouldn't really admit that. It was back to the embarassing solution, "Okay girls, time to execute the chain jiggling until Marlaine's belly somehow presses harder on the buttons and hope it's the right one..."
More fat smooshing because that's frankly oneof the sexiest thing with fat imo. :C
I love drawing old LLs I didn't drew in a few months. It makes me feel jstuified in drawing them bigger...
No, I can't draw close background nor elevators.
I realize I forgot the outline of the button box I believe...
The fire badger grunted slightly as she was compressed even further between the two larger ladies, worryingly adding to the big bug's statement, "And can it be quickie? Missie Valence gets impatient at times..."
"I would love nothing else right now but the button box is out of reach." Marlaine replied, a little upset as she kept trying to wedge her hand in front of her oversized belly to no avail. Her gut simply was denying all access to the elevator's controls by being admantly smooshed against it. "I don't remember the levator being so small a few months ago. I don't understand!"
Myra sighed deeply, it was becoming obvious they wouldn't get out of the elevator anytime soon. Of course, she knew it was her fault for even going inside the elevator when it was already filled with another large member but she wouldn't really admit that. It was back to the embarassing solution, "Okay girls, time to execute the chain jiggling until Marlaine's belly somehow presses harder on the buttons and hope it's the right one..."
More fat smooshing because that's frankly oneof the sexiest thing with fat imo. :C
I love drawing old LLs I didn't drew in a few months. It makes me feel jstuified in drawing them bigger...
No, I can't draw close background nor elevators.
I realize I forgot the outline of the button box I believe...
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fat Furs
Species Pokemon
Gender Female
Size 1200 x 873px
File Size 275.8 kB
I agree with the Typhlosions part.
I have always loved the ditzy ladies here, and Stef is my most favorite. X3
On the opposite of Eddypokefats,
RaccoonCube and his Typhie char account
TykoTyphlosion have some real good, handsome ones. ;3
I have always loved the ditzy ladies here, and Stef is my most favorite. X3
On the opposite of Eddypokefats,

"Advisory: Please refrain from smooshing butts on walls. Thank you" A bit late for that, and a bit impossible for most of the team's ladies X3 Very nice picture though hon, they're all looking lovely and being squeezed together in a big pile of loving la..I mean enjoying their alone time together in the elevator. ^^
And those are the more bellied girls, when a butt girl get sin, the advisory gets immensely violated. >:c Myra is just used to body pressing one ach other and Stef just is uncomfortable being crushed though Marlaine certainly digs the situation and just hides behind being "worried" |D;