Views: 33592
Submissions: 274
Favs: 37772

Digital Artist | Registered: May 15, 2017 05:49
♥ Heya there, just a fat and hungry lizard doing art around here. I'm not always the most frequent uploader, but if you like what you see then I'm happy you found your way here~ ♥
Mostly into drawing Pokemon and OCs of the scaley, aquatic, and bug persuasion.
Comments Earned: 1165
Comments Made: 498
Journals: 5
Comments Made: 498
Journals: 5
Recent Journal
I'm terrible at uploads/Also Uploads!
4 years ago
The title says it all. Sorry I'm so bad about mass uploading and disappearing! ;3;
With that said, I'm about to mass upload and HOPEFULLY be a little more regular unless job stuff suddenly starts up again. >> If it doesn't I may be looking at opening commissions in the next few weeks, but I've still got some things to figure out first!
With that said, I'm about to mass upload and HOPEFULLY be a little more regular unless job stuff suddenly starts up again. >> If it doesn't I may be looking at opening commissions in the next few weeks, but I've still got some things to figure out first!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Dragon Lizard Kobold Thing
Favorite Music
Jazz and bassy stuff
Favorite Games
Okami, Monster Hunter, Xenoblade
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Switch, PS4

And art is indeed a great way to relax.