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Digital furry Artist | Registered: Dec 7, 2016 06:14
I usually love to make friends to role play with on discord if your interested? Add me me to your friends list, my hash tag is zahnholley the fox#9493 i look forward of seeing you have a great day ^.^
I usually love to make friends to role play with on discord if your interested? Add me me to your friends list, my hash tag is zahnholley the fox#9493 i look forward of seeing you have a great day ^.^
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Comments Earned: 546
Comments Made: 654
Journals: 13
Comments Made: 654
Journals: 13
Recent Journal
All pressured with fa and complaints
a day ago
Hi consumers. Im going to take a week off from my art and Fur affinity i been pressured and upset with people complaining about everything. They hate Russia because they are currently communist and donald trump is a fraud and hes fascist to us all i think people need to suck it up and deal with it he is none of those things, he is a business man standing up for us all in our country we are all republicans we are not nazi's. Im sick of listening in to people bitching about our president and crying like a baby because they can't get there way with kamala Harris winning but i dont trust her i she's going to betray us all in four more years. Our country would be a disaster under her. But still thats not the point, im through with people being so toxic and Treacherous towards me calling me a moron and other slang names, you can't judge a book by its cover im a furry artist for christ sake dont anybody my art very much? Apparently not people are so blind especially the russians. Ungrateful pricks! There so blind to see the truth and everyone doesn't even know that i even exist! Im sorry to say. i try to put things in consideration but its too hard to win everyone's heart. Especially on Fur affinity they make me feel ashamed! 😔 i was upset with one of my friends treating me like shit. ... we all make mistakes you know? I care about everybody but there are some bad people being very gay and unpleasant to be around with. Im disappointed in my favorite artist from russia who didn't thank me for working hard providing her a present for her birthday. Some people are so fuckin selfish keeping there compliments to themselves. I worked hard to draw my heart out and glorify it to the world, some people ask me do you love drawing? come to think of it i dont love it or enjoy it. Its hard being the greatest artist i try to fit in like the rest of them out there some people think of me as an amateur it breaks my heart to admit what they say is true. I understand completely what people are coming from, where there going to soon i will be throwing my life away there be sorry. I been depressed for so long i wish people have a changed heart to care about me i wanted so much to help
people. They hate me they all hate me!! 😭 i had to speak out my mind to tell everyone how i feel. There's allways hatred in this world they can be a dick! im sorry for not making any sense somebody's gotta like me best.... *sniffles 😢💔
people. They hate me they all hate me!! 😭 i had to speak out my mind to tell everyone how i feel. There's allways hatred in this world they can be a dick! im sorry for not making any sense somebody's gotta like me best.... *sniffles 😢💔
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classics, hip hop, heavy metal,
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zootopia, the lost boys, dead pool, space jam, cats dont dance
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rocket kinght metal gear solid contra castlevania ganbar goemon & more
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snes & sega saturn
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pasta soup pizza salad
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listening to songs daydream fantasy adventure
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~HeresyArt ~Miles-DF ~TaniDaReal ~silverfox5213 ~Eipril ~Koul
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