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Writer/Doodler | Registered: Nov 20, 2017 07:49
About the human behind the fursona:
Race: Native American. Cherokee and Muskogee (enrolled as Muskogee).
Location: Southeastern Kansas.
Gender: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Age: 42.
Job History: Farmhand (1997-2009), Oilfield Worker (2009-2014), Disabled/Family Gopher (2014-2018), Disabled/Gopher (2018-present).
Mental Problems (diagnosed and being treated for): Pervasive Developmental Disorder, OCD, Extreme Social Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Insomnia.
Physical Problems: Short stature (5ft 1in tall), occasional severe migraines, poor physical coordination, nearsighted, severe plant allergies, allergic to mosquito bites, light sensitive (extra rod cells in eyes).
Hobbies: Writing, gaming, plinking (target shooting with things like pop cans for targets), collecting things (knives, keychains, trinkets, etc.), building and modding in Second Life.
Other: ABDL (mostly DL, but wishing to become more AB). Though more of a dog person, I do tend to get along well with most other types of pets. Extreme hatred of spiders. Mostly Conservative leanings in views/beliefs. I don't have many friends, but I'm viciously loyal to those I care about. I love seeing oddities (which may explain my fascination with things like thylacines and the "The Thing" creatures). As of my last testing, my IQ is 115.
Online status update (7-30-2022): I spend some of my time in Second Life, where I volunteer at a help sim (Helping Haven Gateway). If you'd like to IM me, you're welcome to do so. When not there, I'm either following a friend to another sim, or off fishing (on the Magic Fishing buoys). Look for Yvhuce Resident. Though I usually have my display name set to Vlad Yvhv. I do not openly discuss ABDL related stuff in reguar chat at HHG. I will discuss in IM if one wishes to do so. But most other things, I'm happy to chat with people about. I'm more often now in Warframe, but working to balance that a bit still with SL. I just finished The New War storyline, and am working on gearing up to tackle the rest of the story, so my OCD will calm down and let me get on SL without nagging at me to go finish the storyline in WF.
About my works:
Though mostly a writer, I do sometimes draw a bit. These are often imaged tied to stuff I write about, or something that has or will inspire writings.
Most of my characters revolve around a fictional company I've created, called Yvhuce Industries, which produces most any sort of product imaginable, given enough time. Yvhuce Industries' R&D is not perfect, and often becomes the subject of my writings, drawings, and humor. Yvhuce Industries is ran by Fred Yvhuce, my tertiary fursona.
Other characters may revolve around my main fursona, Vlad Yvhv (pronounced "yaw-haw", Muskogee for "wolf") and his eccentric crew. Or my secondary fursona, Rick Tyger and the thylans. Or they may involve any number of the realities I've created over the past 3 decades.
Recently, I've started work on a new world, which is something of a wasteland with some pockets of descent civilization scattered here and there. As I work up characters for this project, I've been making SL outfits that try to resemble them.
About Vlad the fursona:
History: Vlad is an odd being, belonging to a species of "omni-shifters" that I call "Omnians" (as they can mimic all species [or parts thereof] at will). Originally a dragonoid mad scientist, working to build weapons and space ships for his planet's government. When the Omnians encountered his planet, most of the planet proved to be hostile to them. Vlad accepted an offer to be assimilated in the hopes of brokering peace between his people and the Omnians. Instead, most of his people sought to kill him and exterminate the other Omnians. Those who supported him were rounded up and executed. So, he left aboard a ship he'd built. His former people tried to use the things he'd built against him, but he had built in fail-safes into each weapon and ship, so that they would simply explode if somone tried to use it against him. Having abandoned the now mostly desimated planet, he followed the migration of the Omnians for a time, before heading off into another universe. He has been wandering a lot ever since.
An exceptionally strong-spirited individual, Vlad showed a level of power as yet unknown to the Omnians: the ability to overshadow the minds minds of even other strong Alphas. This has led to him being classified as a unique "Super-Alpha". During his travels, he raided an advanced biotech weapons lab and assimilated an experimental bio-rifle named Xej. Xej is female and has since become Vlad's most trusted Alpha and personal advisor. On occasions where Vlad leaves his colony, he entrusts its operation to her. A later encounter introduced him to a group of semi-rogue Alphas known as Jed (a fellow Super-Alpha), Edj, and Dej. He brokered a deal with them, allowing them sanctuary in his own colony in exchange for them working for him. Many millennia later, Vlad assimilated a Thylan (a chimera species resembling thylacines with 3 eyes and 7 digits on each hand and foot) known as Jack Yvhv, who had built an exceptional Thylan combat synth (Short for Synthetic Organsim, and a term i often use to describe highly advanced robotics with sentient or semi-sentient minds). Using Jack's knowledge, Vlad forged himself a Thylan identity as Jack's cousin, Vlad Yvhv, and signed over all rights to the synth to himself. This is where his last name has come from. This synth is a female, named Lynyxya (an Ancient Thylan word for "destroyer of war machines") or "Lyn" for short. Vlad removed the mental restraints Jack had put into her neural network, allowing Lyn to evolve beyond an AI, to a true sentience. Lyn views Vlad as something of a "step-father" and remains fiercely loyal to him. Following a great battle, where Vlad and Lyn helped the Thylans fight off an alien threat, both became decorated war heroes. Lyn was given the rank of Captain, and Vlad the rank of Fleet Admiral of the Thylan Armada. They retain these titles, for formal purposes, but both command Vlad's ship, the Warwolf, almost equally. They enjoy seeking out new species, and revisiting old friends.
Personality (Vlad Yvhv): Vlad is a bit odd. A very pliable character, in some aspects, and oddly rigid in others. Most of the time he's a bit weird, but in a fun and harmless way. And often, he tends to forget that non-Omnians may not appreciate an individual manipulating their environment by simply growing extra limbs, heads, or tentacles or otherwise size/shape shifting to handle tasks unsuited to Vlad's "normal form". He can, however, also be quite serious when the situation calls for it. And woe be unto anyone threatening him, someone he cares about, or those he believes can't fend for themselves. Towards an enemy, he can be rather dark, often remarking on how long it's been since he last vivisected someone. But even in this mindset, he is not willing to do things that he considers evil (though this may not necessarily mesh with the list of things that others may consider evil). He prefers to try talking things out, then escalating to intimidation, then to the darker side of intimidation, before actually having to attack someone. On occasion, he may even try to turn an adversary into an ally (such as with his truce with Jed, Edj, and Dej). But if persistently attacked (or if a friend is attacked), he has no problem with stopping the threat by any means possible. He has a great interest in oddities and enjoys learning new things, even if he may not agree with subject matter. Apart from Xej and bladed tentacles, Vlad favors a type of self-igniting bio-napalm (remeber, he was a dragon to start with) as a more lethal attack method, and hypodermic knockout darts for not-so-lethal take-downs. Typically, Vlad would prefer to use humanoid dragon form, but given how that can be distressing to the inhabitants of many worlds he visits, he's settled on maintiaing a slighty overweight Thylan form.
About Omnians: The idea for the Omnians is an example of parallel or convergent thought, as I had created them long before I was old enough to watch John Carpenter's "The Thing". But they do share the basic similarities of being able to assimilate others, assimilated new genetics into themselves, and shape-shift on a cellular level. A key difference is that each Omnian cell is sentient, rather than needing the distributive computing of enough biomass to attain sentient thought. Another is that Omnians are rather selective about who or what they assimilate. When encountering an individual with desirable traits/adaptations, they more often are content to collect a droplet of blood or other small sample of living tissue from that individual, than to have to resort to a predatory assimilation (running around eating people is effective, but usually isn't a way to make a good impression on inter-reality societies). Often, they will offer a trade of knowledge, advanced tech, an amount of something valuable to that species (gold, gems, iron, etc.), or may even be willing to perform a task of importance to the individual (such as retrieving an artifact or snaking tentacles into an enemy's brain and extracting vital knowledge).
Omnians have a hierarchy based on a cells' mental and spiritual strength. While most fall into the "Civilians" rank, less powerful individuals are often referred to as "Drones", and the inferior clones produced though mitosis are labeled "Omegas". In more rare occasions, exceptional individuals may become "Soldiers". The strongest individuals are known as "Alphas", and have the power to overshadow the minds of the other ranks. Thus far, only a handful of "Super-Alphas" have ever surfaced, having the strength to overshadow the minds of other Alphas. Groups of Omnians are know as "Colonies", to avoid confusion with more common terms like a "body" or "form" (as non-microbial life forms tend to think of a body as the being). Omnians have no true governing body or society outside of each colony. However, Vlad Yvhv was instrumental in establishing a loose alliance of colonies as the Omnian Alliance, in order to try to resolve this issue. These like-minded colonies seek to make Omnians known more as a respectable species than simply as "monsters" or "sentient cancer", as some other species may see them as.
Omnians are monotheistic, believing only in God, and believe that their abilities to shift and assimilate are key to bringing themselves and other closer to Him.
The precise age of the Omnians as a species is unknown, due to extensive assimilation of various life forms across multiple realities and through extensive time travel in many of those realities. Vlad himself stopped counting "somewhere after 300 billion years before encountering the Thylans". Since Omnians don't age, their life spans are indeterminate. There are, however, recordings taken from their original reality, which show that the Omnians were originally a genetically engineered microbial colony, created by that reality's humans to consume hydrocarbons in order to clean up oil spills. These microbes would glow green so people could see them at work. They were later modified to clean tar off of fossils found in tar pits, and their glow was changed to blue. This second variant was struck by what appears to be a black lightning bolt (although, some consider it an error in color processing due to proxomity to the strike), causing further mutation and allowing them to consume the fossils, and changing their appearance to a glossy black ooze. When their creators attempted to remove them form the fossils, they proved able to also consume biohazard suits and flesh, and began to shift into human form. The recordings end with the cameraman begin attacked and presumably eaten. Since very few original Omnians still exist, the species' collective memories are a bit fuzzy as to the events leading up to them being stranded on an icy world and later found by an alien survey team. What is known is that these aliens observed the microbes and dubbed them Omnians, due to their genetic shifting abilty. The aliens also were the fist species to make a non-predation/non-assimilation pact with the newly named Omnians. The Omnians were given a ship and sent into another universe, in excange for a promise never to return...
About Fred Yvhuce ("Yaw-hooch-eh", depending on accent. A more arcaic word for "Coyote") and Yvhuce Industries (YI for short):
Fred Yvhuce: This is my fursona for ABDL stuff, basically. His world is a bit more cartoonish in nature, allowing for more of a comedic approach to situations and general handwaving of the mechanics of things like magic and the blending of magic and ultra-hightech stuff. The Yvhuces are bloodline of Coyote (the NA trickster), and possess innately strong, but often unweildy magic. Fred has learned how to focus this, for the most part. Due to an errant spell when he was younger, he is a thylacine/coyote hybrid (he was trying to become more like Daisy). While he's typically more of a DL, he can be "coerced" into AB situations, and does have an AB side that he's more comfortable using to unwind. He and Daisy, Sandy, and Roxy have been friends since they were 2. His grandfather is the one who started YI after having bought out a defunct tool company called "Carbide Industries" and brought it back to life as a subdivision of his own company. The Yvhuces have owned the land that YI's headquarters is located on for many generaitons prior to that. They struck a deal with utiity companies to wave right-of-way in exchange for the companies waving any would-be bills.
Daisy Stone: Fred's wife. She is a thylacine/canine hybrid and is very much an AB. She refuses to be potty trained, but don't let that fool you. She's also the brains behind around 75% of the company's innovations and has a mastery of magic that until she started practicing it, was not heard of in that world. It's often her spells that are woven into many of the YI products to pevent tampering/reverse engineering, accidental misuse, or just provide functionality beyond the scope of technology. Her "twin" sister, Sandy, is actually adopted, but was born on the same day as Daisy, so the family has always referred to them as twins. After getting married to Fred, they both realized that Daisy whould need someone to act as caregiver for her (and occasionally him) when induging the AB side and that it would be a bit awkward having Daisy's folks contenue to be caregivers. Being infertile, their friend Roxy decided she wanted the job. And being someone they'd known most of their lives, they trusted her. Daisy used a spell to allow Roxy to become a macro or revert to normal size at will.
Roxy Varstow: Kangaroo, part time macro, and semi-fulltime caregiver. Also, then main "indoor security guard". Roxy is a life-long friend of the others, and sort of blances between DL and AB much better than either Fred or Daisy. Overall, she's often called the "heart" of the company, helping to reign in some of the chaos and keeping peace with the non-YI entities that YI needs to deal with (be that cometitors, the government, customer service, etc.). That doesn't mean she won't stomp on someone trying to cause harm, though... Stay on her good side and it's all fresh cookies and diaper changes. Get on her bad side, and you might wish she'd stomped on you...
Sandy Stone: Sandy's mom died in childbirth, and had no immediate family, but was a long time friend of Daisy's folks. So, Sandy was adopted by them, and essentially raised as Daisy's twin. Sandy isn't really into the ABDL thing, but has been known to allow herelf to be made up to match some of Daisy's outfits for the sake of "being twins" over the years. Though lacking the innate talent of either Fred or Daisy, Sandy is also highy intelligent and a quick study. She's in charge of YI's "Arcane Studies Division", often helping to translate archaic magical tomes, or figure out what some long-lost magical artifact is, and how it can be modernized or utilitized (or if it should be locked away). Just don't bother her when she's working. Not because of how she'd react, but because you might be interupting the casting of some ancient spell or the neutralization of some horrible magical curse...
Other Yvhuce Indsutries stuff: YI is basically my attempt at comical parody of real and fictional companies. They have their hands in every concievable market and also do work for the government. There are 3 main faces of the company. The general non-ABDL stuff, the ABDL stuff, and the government contract stuff. Non-ABDL stuff is the main focus of YI. Everything from common household item to the weirder side of "As Seen On TV!" stuff. Though, their commercials tend to focus on being more strightforward and not assuming that the people who might buy their stuff don't know how to operate a garden hose or remove one item from an eletrical outlet to plug something else in. They don't usually have someone yelling at you to hype up the products. They assume you know what a spork is as how it works. They just offer better quality plastic sporks and more of them for less money than conventional plastic spork brands. And if you're tired of plastic sporks they also offer metal ones. The ABDL side is generally more light-hearted but still not talking down to consumers, or trying to hide that their diapers are diapers. They will, however warn about some of the things that people may not be considering with certain products, like the Inifisorb line of diapers' ability ot expand indefinitly (a combination of nanotech and magic means the diapers convert waste and unwanted stuff [such as water from external sorces] into more diaper fluff and enough extra plastic bakign to cover that, maintianing a constant "clean" state) potentially cauising mobility issues ("while these diapers technically never need changing, you might wanna do so if you'te getting stuck in doorways, or can't reach the floor"), "wreckign ball butt" ("you might not want to walk though an antique shop with an expanded one"), or stuff like destrucntion of clothing items that aren't made to handle infinitely expanding diapers ("don't wear these diapers with clothing that will rip, cause they'll totally rip the clothing if expanded far enogh"). They don't really advertise on the government contract stuff. Cause, that's sorta like saying "Hey, we're building a new stealth hover-tank, but don't tell anyone!" and expecting whoever's not supposed to know about it to not be watching the commercial. While YI does also take special requets for customized items, those are put through a screening process to make sure those items aren't going to be offensive or used by people who probably shouldn't have such an item. In cases where those flags are tripped, the person or peopel who made these order requests will be visited by the appriate government agencies.
I like to make people laugh, and hope that others who view my works will do so with a sense of humor. I do have some problems with proper socialization, so please let me know if my jokes get off the mark, or don't make sense. I'm trying to work on fixing this through interactions with others online.
Race: Native American. Cherokee and Muskogee (enrolled as Muskogee).
Location: Southeastern Kansas.
Gender: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Age: 42.
Job History: Farmhand (1997-2009), Oilfield Worker (2009-2014), Disabled/Family Gopher (2014-2018), Disabled/Gopher (2018-present).
Mental Problems (diagnosed and being treated for): Pervasive Developmental Disorder, OCD, Extreme Social Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Insomnia.
Physical Problems: Short stature (5ft 1in tall), occasional severe migraines, poor physical coordination, nearsighted, severe plant allergies, allergic to mosquito bites, light sensitive (extra rod cells in eyes).
Hobbies: Writing, gaming, plinking (target shooting with things like pop cans for targets), collecting things (knives, keychains, trinkets, etc.), building and modding in Second Life.
Other: ABDL (mostly DL, but wishing to become more AB). Though more of a dog person, I do tend to get along well with most other types of pets. Extreme hatred of spiders. Mostly Conservative leanings in views/beliefs. I don't have many friends, but I'm viciously loyal to those I care about. I love seeing oddities (which may explain my fascination with things like thylacines and the "The Thing" creatures). As of my last testing, my IQ is 115.
Online status update (7-30-2022): I spend some of my time in Second Life, where I volunteer at a help sim (Helping Haven Gateway). If you'd like to IM me, you're welcome to do so. When not there, I'm either following a friend to another sim, or off fishing (on the Magic Fishing buoys). Look for Yvhuce Resident. Though I usually have my display name set to Vlad Yvhv. I do not openly discuss ABDL related stuff in reguar chat at HHG. I will discuss in IM if one wishes to do so. But most other things, I'm happy to chat with people about. I'm more often now in Warframe, but working to balance that a bit still with SL. I just finished The New War storyline, and am working on gearing up to tackle the rest of the story, so my OCD will calm down and let me get on SL without nagging at me to go finish the storyline in WF.
About my works:
Though mostly a writer, I do sometimes draw a bit. These are often imaged tied to stuff I write about, or something that has or will inspire writings.
Most of my characters revolve around a fictional company I've created, called Yvhuce Industries, which produces most any sort of product imaginable, given enough time. Yvhuce Industries' R&D is not perfect, and often becomes the subject of my writings, drawings, and humor. Yvhuce Industries is ran by Fred Yvhuce, my tertiary fursona.
Other characters may revolve around my main fursona, Vlad Yvhv (pronounced "yaw-haw", Muskogee for "wolf") and his eccentric crew. Or my secondary fursona, Rick Tyger and the thylans. Or they may involve any number of the realities I've created over the past 3 decades.
Recently, I've started work on a new world, which is something of a wasteland with some pockets of descent civilization scattered here and there. As I work up characters for this project, I've been making SL outfits that try to resemble them.
About Vlad the fursona:
History: Vlad is an odd being, belonging to a species of "omni-shifters" that I call "Omnians" (as they can mimic all species [or parts thereof] at will). Originally a dragonoid mad scientist, working to build weapons and space ships for his planet's government. When the Omnians encountered his planet, most of the planet proved to be hostile to them. Vlad accepted an offer to be assimilated in the hopes of brokering peace between his people and the Omnians. Instead, most of his people sought to kill him and exterminate the other Omnians. Those who supported him were rounded up and executed. So, he left aboard a ship he'd built. His former people tried to use the things he'd built against him, but he had built in fail-safes into each weapon and ship, so that they would simply explode if somone tried to use it against him. Having abandoned the now mostly desimated planet, he followed the migration of the Omnians for a time, before heading off into another universe. He has been wandering a lot ever since.
An exceptionally strong-spirited individual, Vlad showed a level of power as yet unknown to the Omnians: the ability to overshadow the minds minds of even other strong Alphas. This has led to him being classified as a unique "Super-Alpha". During his travels, he raided an advanced biotech weapons lab and assimilated an experimental bio-rifle named Xej. Xej is female and has since become Vlad's most trusted Alpha and personal advisor. On occasions where Vlad leaves his colony, he entrusts its operation to her. A later encounter introduced him to a group of semi-rogue Alphas known as Jed (a fellow Super-Alpha), Edj, and Dej. He brokered a deal with them, allowing them sanctuary in his own colony in exchange for them working for him. Many millennia later, Vlad assimilated a Thylan (a chimera species resembling thylacines with 3 eyes and 7 digits on each hand and foot) known as Jack Yvhv, who had built an exceptional Thylan combat synth (Short for Synthetic Organsim, and a term i often use to describe highly advanced robotics with sentient or semi-sentient minds). Using Jack's knowledge, Vlad forged himself a Thylan identity as Jack's cousin, Vlad Yvhv, and signed over all rights to the synth to himself. This is where his last name has come from. This synth is a female, named Lynyxya (an Ancient Thylan word for "destroyer of war machines") or "Lyn" for short. Vlad removed the mental restraints Jack had put into her neural network, allowing Lyn to evolve beyond an AI, to a true sentience. Lyn views Vlad as something of a "step-father" and remains fiercely loyal to him. Following a great battle, where Vlad and Lyn helped the Thylans fight off an alien threat, both became decorated war heroes. Lyn was given the rank of Captain, and Vlad the rank of Fleet Admiral of the Thylan Armada. They retain these titles, for formal purposes, but both command Vlad's ship, the Warwolf, almost equally. They enjoy seeking out new species, and revisiting old friends.
Personality (Vlad Yvhv): Vlad is a bit odd. A very pliable character, in some aspects, and oddly rigid in others. Most of the time he's a bit weird, but in a fun and harmless way. And often, he tends to forget that non-Omnians may not appreciate an individual manipulating their environment by simply growing extra limbs, heads, or tentacles or otherwise size/shape shifting to handle tasks unsuited to Vlad's "normal form". He can, however, also be quite serious when the situation calls for it. And woe be unto anyone threatening him, someone he cares about, or those he believes can't fend for themselves. Towards an enemy, he can be rather dark, often remarking on how long it's been since he last vivisected someone. But even in this mindset, he is not willing to do things that he considers evil (though this may not necessarily mesh with the list of things that others may consider evil). He prefers to try talking things out, then escalating to intimidation, then to the darker side of intimidation, before actually having to attack someone. On occasion, he may even try to turn an adversary into an ally (such as with his truce with Jed, Edj, and Dej). But if persistently attacked (or if a friend is attacked), he has no problem with stopping the threat by any means possible. He has a great interest in oddities and enjoys learning new things, even if he may not agree with subject matter. Apart from Xej and bladed tentacles, Vlad favors a type of self-igniting bio-napalm (remeber, he was a dragon to start with) as a more lethal attack method, and hypodermic knockout darts for not-so-lethal take-downs. Typically, Vlad would prefer to use humanoid dragon form, but given how that can be distressing to the inhabitants of many worlds he visits, he's settled on maintiaing a slighty overweight Thylan form.
About Omnians: The idea for the Omnians is an example of parallel or convergent thought, as I had created them long before I was old enough to watch John Carpenter's "The Thing". But they do share the basic similarities of being able to assimilate others, assimilated new genetics into themselves, and shape-shift on a cellular level. A key difference is that each Omnian cell is sentient, rather than needing the distributive computing of enough biomass to attain sentient thought. Another is that Omnians are rather selective about who or what they assimilate. When encountering an individual with desirable traits/adaptations, they more often are content to collect a droplet of blood or other small sample of living tissue from that individual, than to have to resort to a predatory assimilation (running around eating people is effective, but usually isn't a way to make a good impression on inter-reality societies). Often, they will offer a trade of knowledge, advanced tech, an amount of something valuable to that species (gold, gems, iron, etc.), or may even be willing to perform a task of importance to the individual (such as retrieving an artifact or snaking tentacles into an enemy's brain and extracting vital knowledge).
Omnians have a hierarchy based on a cells' mental and spiritual strength. While most fall into the "Civilians" rank, less powerful individuals are often referred to as "Drones", and the inferior clones produced though mitosis are labeled "Omegas". In more rare occasions, exceptional individuals may become "Soldiers". The strongest individuals are known as "Alphas", and have the power to overshadow the minds of the other ranks. Thus far, only a handful of "Super-Alphas" have ever surfaced, having the strength to overshadow the minds of other Alphas. Groups of Omnians are know as "Colonies", to avoid confusion with more common terms like a "body" or "form" (as non-microbial life forms tend to think of a body as the being). Omnians have no true governing body or society outside of each colony. However, Vlad Yvhv was instrumental in establishing a loose alliance of colonies as the Omnian Alliance, in order to try to resolve this issue. These like-minded colonies seek to make Omnians known more as a respectable species than simply as "monsters" or "sentient cancer", as some other species may see them as.
Omnians are monotheistic, believing only in God, and believe that their abilities to shift and assimilate are key to bringing themselves and other closer to Him.
The precise age of the Omnians as a species is unknown, due to extensive assimilation of various life forms across multiple realities and through extensive time travel in many of those realities. Vlad himself stopped counting "somewhere after 300 billion years before encountering the Thylans". Since Omnians don't age, their life spans are indeterminate. There are, however, recordings taken from their original reality, which show that the Omnians were originally a genetically engineered microbial colony, created by that reality's humans to consume hydrocarbons in order to clean up oil spills. These microbes would glow green so people could see them at work. They were later modified to clean tar off of fossils found in tar pits, and their glow was changed to blue. This second variant was struck by what appears to be a black lightning bolt (although, some consider it an error in color processing due to proxomity to the strike), causing further mutation and allowing them to consume the fossils, and changing their appearance to a glossy black ooze. When their creators attempted to remove them form the fossils, they proved able to also consume biohazard suits and flesh, and began to shift into human form. The recordings end with the cameraman begin attacked and presumably eaten. Since very few original Omnians still exist, the species' collective memories are a bit fuzzy as to the events leading up to them being stranded on an icy world and later found by an alien survey team. What is known is that these aliens observed the microbes and dubbed them Omnians, due to their genetic shifting abilty. The aliens also were the fist species to make a non-predation/non-assimilation pact with the newly named Omnians. The Omnians were given a ship and sent into another universe, in excange for a promise never to return...
About Fred Yvhuce ("Yaw-hooch-eh", depending on accent. A more arcaic word for "Coyote") and Yvhuce Industries (YI for short):
Fred Yvhuce: This is my fursona for ABDL stuff, basically. His world is a bit more cartoonish in nature, allowing for more of a comedic approach to situations and general handwaving of the mechanics of things like magic and the blending of magic and ultra-hightech stuff. The Yvhuces are bloodline of Coyote (the NA trickster), and possess innately strong, but often unweildy magic. Fred has learned how to focus this, for the most part. Due to an errant spell when he was younger, he is a thylacine/coyote hybrid (he was trying to become more like Daisy). While he's typically more of a DL, he can be "coerced" into AB situations, and does have an AB side that he's more comfortable using to unwind. He and Daisy, Sandy, and Roxy have been friends since they were 2. His grandfather is the one who started YI after having bought out a defunct tool company called "Carbide Industries" and brought it back to life as a subdivision of his own company. The Yvhuces have owned the land that YI's headquarters is located on for many generaitons prior to that. They struck a deal with utiity companies to wave right-of-way in exchange for the companies waving any would-be bills.
Daisy Stone: Fred's wife. She is a thylacine/canine hybrid and is very much an AB. She refuses to be potty trained, but don't let that fool you. She's also the brains behind around 75% of the company's innovations and has a mastery of magic that until she started practicing it, was not heard of in that world. It's often her spells that are woven into many of the YI products to pevent tampering/reverse engineering, accidental misuse, or just provide functionality beyond the scope of technology. Her "twin" sister, Sandy, is actually adopted, but was born on the same day as Daisy, so the family has always referred to them as twins. After getting married to Fred, they both realized that Daisy whould need someone to act as caregiver for her (and occasionally him) when induging the AB side and that it would be a bit awkward having Daisy's folks contenue to be caregivers. Being infertile, their friend Roxy decided she wanted the job. And being someone they'd known most of their lives, they trusted her. Daisy used a spell to allow Roxy to become a macro or revert to normal size at will.
Roxy Varstow: Kangaroo, part time macro, and semi-fulltime caregiver. Also, then main "indoor security guard". Roxy is a life-long friend of the others, and sort of blances between DL and AB much better than either Fred or Daisy. Overall, she's often called the "heart" of the company, helping to reign in some of the chaos and keeping peace with the non-YI entities that YI needs to deal with (be that cometitors, the government, customer service, etc.). That doesn't mean she won't stomp on someone trying to cause harm, though... Stay on her good side and it's all fresh cookies and diaper changes. Get on her bad side, and you might wish she'd stomped on you...
Sandy Stone: Sandy's mom died in childbirth, and had no immediate family, but was a long time friend of Daisy's folks. So, Sandy was adopted by them, and essentially raised as Daisy's twin. Sandy isn't really into the ABDL thing, but has been known to allow herelf to be made up to match some of Daisy's outfits for the sake of "being twins" over the years. Though lacking the innate talent of either Fred or Daisy, Sandy is also highy intelligent and a quick study. She's in charge of YI's "Arcane Studies Division", often helping to translate archaic magical tomes, or figure out what some long-lost magical artifact is, and how it can be modernized or utilitized (or if it should be locked away). Just don't bother her when she's working. Not because of how she'd react, but because you might be interupting the casting of some ancient spell or the neutralization of some horrible magical curse...
Other Yvhuce Indsutries stuff: YI is basically my attempt at comical parody of real and fictional companies. They have their hands in every concievable market and also do work for the government. There are 3 main faces of the company. The general non-ABDL stuff, the ABDL stuff, and the government contract stuff. Non-ABDL stuff is the main focus of YI. Everything from common household item to the weirder side of "As Seen On TV!" stuff. Though, their commercials tend to focus on being more strightforward and not assuming that the people who might buy their stuff don't know how to operate a garden hose or remove one item from an eletrical outlet to plug something else in. They don't usually have someone yelling at you to hype up the products. They assume you know what a spork is as how it works. They just offer better quality plastic sporks and more of them for less money than conventional plastic spork brands. And if you're tired of plastic sporks they also offer metal ones. The ABDL side is generally more light-hearted but still not talking down to consumers, or trying to hide that their diapers are diapers. They will, however warn about some of the things that people may not be considering with certain products, like the Inifisorb line of diapers' ability ot expand indefinitly (a combination of nanotech and magic means the diapers convert waste and unwanted stuff [such as water from external sorces] into more diaper fluff and enough extra plastic bakign to cover that, maintianing a constant "clean" state) potentially cauising mobility issues ("while these diapers technically never need changing, you might wanna do so if you'te getting stuck in doorways, or can't reach the floor"), "wreckign ball butt" ("you might not want to walk though an antique shop with an expanded one"), or stuff like destrucntion of clothing items that aren't made to handle infinitely expanding diapers ("don't wear these diapers with clothing that will rip, cause they'll totally rip the clothing if expanded far enogh"). They don't really advertise on the government contract stuff. Cause, that's sorta like saying "Hey, we're building a new stealth hover-tank, but don't tell anyone!" and expecting whoever's not supposed to know about it to not be watching the commercial. While YI does also take special requets for customized items, those are put through a screening process to make sure those items aren't going to be offensive or used by people who probably shouldn't have such an item. In cases where those flags are tripped, the person or peopel who made these order requests will be visited by the appriate government agencies.
I like to make people laugh, and hope that others who view my works will do so with a sense of humor. I do have some problems with proper socialization, so please let me know if my jokes get off the mark, or don't make sense. I'm trying to work on fixing this through interactions with others online.
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Recent Journal
7 years ago
A few weeks ago, I picked up what seemed like a nice mp4 player. And now it's dead. Didn't do anything wrong with it or anything. It just up and died. This sucks, since I like to listen to music when I'm outside of my house, or use some of the more soothing music instrumentals to help me sleep. Guess you don't always get what you pay for... This time around, I'm shelling out more money for a proper name brand. Fortunately, I've also got all of my music copied on a USB memory stick and 2 computers, for extra insurance against this sort of thing. So, this is more of an inconvenience than a tragedy. One of the benefits of living alone out in the sticks is that I can turn up the computer and speaker volume and get my music fix that way, without worrying about disturbing the neighbors (though I'm sure the deer and coyotes aren't too happy about it).
I'm not sure if it's from growing up on a farm or what, but I've developed a psychosomatic need for music. Too much quiet makes it hard for me to stay in touch with reality. Having something to listen to helps me anchor/focus my mind and not go off daydreaming when I need to be paying attention to something like work, gaming, or writing. I also find myself having more problems with my circadian rhythm when there's too much quiet. Most of the places in town tune to one local radio station or another, too. So, perhaps it's not just me that has this sort of need of music...
What about you? Feel free to answer any/all applicable questions, ask anything music related, or just ignore this entry.
1: Do you feel the need to have tunes in your life? Yes? No? Other?
2: What sort(s) of music do you like? I'll listen to most anything with a good tune, but I hate rap/hiphop/etc and most classical music (it tends to put me to sleep).
3: Are there situations where certain songs or musical styles are preferable to you? For example: I sometimes like to play Trucker songs (Convoy, etc) when I'm driving longer distances, or playing a racing game. I also tend to go more for Rock when playing action games and have made a habit of playing Danger Zone when I have to fly.
4: Do you play or otherwise make music? Or wish you knew how? I've always though it would be cool to learn to play the fiddle.
I'm not sure if it's from growing up on a farm or what, but I've developed a psychosomatic need for music. Too much quiet makes it hard for me to stay in touch with reality. Having something to listen to helps me anchor/focus my mind and not go off daydreaming when I need to be paying attention to something like work, gaming, or writing. I also find myself having more problems with my circadian rhythm when there's too much quiet. Most of the places in town tune to one local radio station or another, too. So, perhaps it's not just me that has this sort of need of music...
What about you? Feel free to answer any/all applicable questions, ask anything music related, or just ignore this entry.
1: Do you feel the need to have tunes in your life? Yes? No? Other?
2: What sort(s) of music do you like? I'll listen to most anything with a good tune, but I hate rap/hiphop/etc and most classical music (it tends to put me to sleep).
3: Are there situations where certain songs or musical styles are preferable to you? For example: I sometimes like to play Trucker songs (Convoy, etc) when I'm driving longer distances, or playing a racing game. I also tend to go more for Rock when playing action games and have made a habit of playing Danger Zone when I have to fly.
4: Do you play or otherwise make music? Or wish you knew how? I've always though it would be cool to learn to play the fiddle.
User Profile
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No Character Species
Omnian, Thylan, Coyote/Thylacine hybrid
Favorite Music
Country, Outlaw Country, Rock, Southern Rock, Tribal, anything tht isn't Rap
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Thing (1982 and the 2011 prequel), The Howling 3: The Marsupials, The Expendables 2
Favorite Games
Prototype 2, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Diablo 3
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Thylacine, Dragon, Canid, Hyena, Scorpion, Bat
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Tex-Mex, Seafood, Junkfood
Favorite Quote
Sanity is vastly overrated
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