Views: 32866
Submissions: 652
Favs: 29922

The blind dragon writer | Registered: Oct 31, 2016 02:40
Hi everyone; I’m Kyo, a French dragon who enjoys writing and role-playing.
I mostly do adult stuff including a lot of naughty times with dragons. My only restrictions are hard vore, death and torture but otherwise I’m rather eager to try and experiment new things.
As you must have noticed my profile is rather empty for now, it’s because I’m reworking all my stories before posting them here and it takes a lot of time to go through them since some of them are fairly old and require a lot of editing but I’ll do my best to post them here asap.
However if you want to see all my story in their original form you can always check my SoFurry account.
About myself:
I am a feral western dragon with black and blue scales, 25 years old who loves to explore, spend time with friends and imagine. I am also a very naughty dragon who I can’t deny it, crave for mating.

Characters :
All the characters you may encounter in my stories or arts are my creations and if they don't belong to me they belong to their respective owners.
Usage of any of my characters without my permission is strictly forbidden and if it happens measures should be taken, beside it's not that hard to send me a note or poke me if you'd like using one of my characters.
Faves and Watches :
Due to the fact that there are too many faves on what i post and that i'm having touble keeping up i wont be shouting to you for faves on my stuff; however that doesn't mean i don't apreciate them, in fact everyone that faves my stuff instantly gets my gratitude for doing so.
For watches however expect to receive a shout from me even though you might not want to ^^.
Close friends

with my love Crowy for over a year now
Comments Earned: 3128
Comments Made: 3703
Journals: 25
Comments Made: 3703
Journals: 25
Featured Journal
Life update may / june 2024
9 months ago
RAWR everyone! hope you are all doing ok ! Here i'm doing pretty ok in this abysmal weather we're getting in France but hey, haven't drowned in all the rain we're getting so i guess it's good.
I come to you today with a bit of an update regarding my situation. I've been pretty absent this month and this will probably continue into next month and posibly july as well, the main reason being I have FINALLY found a place to rent and i'm currently preparing to move out. I have already transfered part of my stuff there, i'm just missing some furniture and Internet access to finalize everything.
Therefore, as you can imagine, it has kept me quite busy, especially with all the paperwork involved (including having to get my ID redone urgently cause it had expired (that one is on me ^^)). Moreover, with Internet subscription not being set up yet I can't guarantee i'll be back online immediately after moving in but to be honnest it's really not the most important thing right now, just letting you know. In any case i'll let you know when I move out and if i have everything set up when that day comes so stay tuned.
On another note work has been quite brutal lately, I've been thrusted in the middle of an ongoing project to redesign an entire website for a subsidiary of the company i work for. Long story short, my boss wants to have the website and all components developped in house by yours truly, while the subsidiary's director has gone out of his way to get it done externally. So I've had to make a nearly fully fledged prototype of a website in very little time with equally little information and with only the old, crappy, buggy, barely working websites they currently use as reference (while also working on my other projects that have to be finished asap) so, let's just say it was madness on multiple level.
Anyway somehow i pulled through with this and it seems i have convinced everyone with my work (i dont want to speak too quickly but it looks promising) and now i can somewhat relax and work properly instead of in a rush. However, as a result ive had very little time and motivation to post the stuff i've gotten and write stories so there has been very little progress in that regard, I'm gonna try to catch up and not let everything pile up but i can't really promise anything.
Anyway, thanks for rading this journal to the end, i hope it made sense and I'll see you next time i post something, (hopefully soon ^^)
I come to you today with a bit of an update regarding my situation. I've been pretty absent this month and this will probably continue into next month and posibly july as well, the main reason being I have FINALLY found a place to rent and i'm currently preparing to move out. I have already transfered part of my stuff there, i'm just missing some furniture and Internet access to finalize everything.
Therefore, as you can imagine, it has kept me quite busy, especially with all the paperwork involved (including having to get my ID redone urgently cause it had expired (that one is on me ^^)). Moreover, with Internet subscription not being set up yet I can't guarantee i'll be back online immediately after moving in but to be honnest it's really not the most important thing right now, just letting you know. In any case i'll let you know when I move out and if i have everything set up when that day comes so stay tuned.
On another note work has been quite brutal lately, I've been thrusted in the middle of an ongoing project to redesign an entire website for a subsidiary of the company i work for. Long story short, my boss wants to have the website and all components developped in house by yours truly, while the subsidiary's director has gone out of his way to get it done externally. So I've had to make a nearly fully fledged prototype of a website in very little time with equally little information and with only the old, crappy, buggy, barely working websites they currently use as reference (while also working on my other projects that have to be finished asap) so, let's just say it was madness on multiple level.
Anyway somehow i pulled through with this and it seems i have convinced everyone with my work (i dont want to speak too quickly but it looks promising) and now i can somewhat relax and work properly instead of in a rush. However, as a result ive had very little time and motivation to post the stuff i've gotten and write stories so there has been very little progress in that regard, I'm gonna try to catch up and not let everything pile up but i can't really promise anything.
Anyway, thanks for rading this journal to the end, i hope it made sense and I'll see you next time i post something, (hopefully soon ^^)
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Western Dragon
Favorite Music
Rock, Hard Rock, Metal
Favorite Games
Warframe, War Thunder, Smite, Deep Rock Galactic, Elite dangerous, Darksiders, Snowrunner,
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Dogs, Dragons, Dinosaur
Favorite Site
Youtube, SoFurry, Fur Affinity, e621, InkBunny
Contact Information

and I hope you like the ych we got as much as I do ;)