Views: 15390
Submissions: 198
Favs: 942

Writer | Registered: Oct 25, 2009 01:07
Hmm, well.. Apparently people think I actually write decently, so I guess I can actually call myself a writer by FA standards. I don't do commisions that I know of.. and never understood the point to buying art anyway... so yea... once it goes commercial, seems to lose a bit of meaning to me.... Now, that doesn't mean I ain't gonna' fav' it and love it.
Art Requests: Just note me.. really I don't bite, and I need stuff to do and practice with. PLEASE ='(!
Story Requests: .... note me, but this I'm more likely to not get around to.
parkourfurs I stopped believing in gravity awhile ago.
carolinafurs East Coast NC...... There is no hope here... ohkay maybe a little bit.
chocolatefurs NEGRO! ... please don't lynch me
FeralFurs Four legs are better en' two any day.
420furs <- That... is what a LOT of people need.
AIRFORCEfurs But this says that I have nothing to do with the above.
Is my info on my FA? Yes, do I like random people adding me? No not really... note me first or you're very likely to be ignored.
Do I RP? Yes, I actually quite like writing in its many forms... but be warned, yiff... is nowhere near the top of my list.............. 'cept one speshul person. But, if it's in any of my stories, I probably like writing about it.
So ... cuz everyone else has a section like it...
Things I like:
Border Collies that live in Alaska and fail at staying in hum-vees.
Macro stuffs..
Violent stuffs
Things I hate:
HAPPY people that say everything is good and use faces like ^^ .... No really... I hate that face.
People that have an addiction to something not drug related.. but don't even know... most notable is THE COMPUTER
People that are way too god damned happy... so much so that they sap all of my energy
Barjo <3 mah puppy...... 'cept like 80% of the time.
Also, a lot of stuff is in my scraps folder now.
Art Requests: Just note me.. really I don't bite, and I need stuff to do and practice with. PLEASE ='(!
Story Requests: .... note me, but this I'm more likely to not get around to.

Is my info on my FA? Yes, do I like random people adding me? No not really... note me first or you're very likely to be ignored.
Do I RP? Yes, I actually quite like writing in its many forms... but be warned, yiff... is nowhere near the top of my list.............. 'cept one speshul person. But, if it's in any of my stories, I probably like writing about it.
So ... cuz everyone else has a section like it...
Things I like:
Border Collies that live in Alaska and fail at staying in hum-vees.
Macro stuffs..
Violent stuffs
Things I hate:
HAPPY people that say everything is good and use faces like ^^ .... No really... I hate that face.
People that have an addiction to something not drug related.. but don't even know... most notable is THE COMPUTER
People that are way too god damned happy... so much so that they sap all of my energy

Also, a lot of stuff is in my scraps folder now.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 1445
Comments Made: 1892
Journals: 35
Comments Made: 1892
Journals: 35
Featured Journal
Opening for Writing Commissions
a year agoI won't lie, I write like an epileptic, so sometimes I'll seizure out 10 pages in a day, and other times I might write a paragraph over the course of a week. I take this into account, which is why I will only be taking one or two commissions at a time. I will however save all ideas, and respond to let you know if I can get back with you in the future (if the idea fits with something I'd be keen to work on)
How to contact me
FA notes. I check these more or less everyday, because I'm old.
- Note me whatever details you have already fleshed out for your idea, and if/when I contact you, I'll get whatever extra details I may need to start it
What Am I Willing to Write
- If you've been following me awhile, you probably know I don't really have many limits.
- If a story is macro/micro related I have virtually no limit.
- If you have an idea for characters in one of my universe, I'll be a bit more discerning about what I'll let slide there, but I am happy to hear any ideas.
What Will I Absolutely NOT Write
- Sex with kids, not to be confused with just kids being in stories. Kids can be cute, but nobody will be sticking anything inside of them, and vice-versa.
My Pricing Model
- In general I will need to know how large of a story you're looking for. The general rate will be $0.04 USD per word. (1 page is usually about 500 words or $20).
- I'll ask for half of the money once I have a rough draft to give you, and the other half at the end. I'll keep this system until enough people exploit it to ruin it.
- I may charge a bit more (1 to 2 cents per word) if I'm going to be forced to create an entire character's backstory and personality. This will be on a case by case basis, and I'll make it perfectly apparent before I ever start writing.
- I try to make your idea fit into that word count, but if I overshoot by a bit then I'm not going to charge you more. I will, however, let you know if there's no way I can do a certain idea in a word length that's too stringent.
What Is My Expected Turnaround Time?
I'd say 3 months at the most, depending on the desired length of the commission. It will likely be way shorter than that, but 3 months gives me a solid cushion for burnout and unexpected happenings.
I guess that's all for now while I gauge interest.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Borda Colleh
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Pacific Rim
Favorite Games
Section 8; Wolfteam(before SUPER CASH); CnC
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Canids of all kinds... and hyenas
Favorite Site
Ummm.. FA <_< (They're watching)
Favorite Foods & Drinks
The kind I can eat
Favorite Quote
"Spark up the barbecue we're comin' home" - Century Bomber (RA3)
Favorite Artists
Ummm, nobody and everybody
Contact Information
