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Writer | Registered: Jan 12, 2006 05:16
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The bittersweet of cleaning up
11 years ago
Always a bittersweet thing. Cleaning up watch-lists, that is. Taking off a name of someone you remember fondly talking to, but haven't seen online in a year or more, or see around but who never says more than hello.
Talking about MUCKs, mainly. The memories are there, but the people are gone; they've moved on, and so should I. There's always someone new to meet, new memories to be made.
I just wish they'd said goodbye.
Talking about MUCKs, mainly. The memories are there, but the people are gone; they've moved on, and so should I. There's always someone new to meet, new memories to be made.
I just wish they'd said goodbye.
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