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Watcher | Registered: Dec 28, 2007 02:07
Welp you found me. Not sure why you was looking for me to begin with, but there you go.
Im a single white male, age 30. And yes, I swear to the heavens I am actually 7 ft tall. Look at the doorway closest to you, and I will bet you $20 I have to crouch to get through it.
Been a voyer of the furotic art's for some time now. I am absolutely worthless at drawing, makeing the iconic stick figure look like he has a bad case of the bends. However I am a fairly decent author. If I ever get frisky, more than likely not, I will see if I can post what I have written. Maybe its good, maybe its bad. Either way, Im here, Im dressed, what more do you want?! :P
Im a single white male, age 30. And yes, I swear to the heavens I am actually 7 ft tall. Look at the doorway closest to you, and I will bet you $20 I have to crouch to get through it.
Been a voyer of the furotic art's for some time now. I am absolutely worthless at drawing, makeing the iconic stick figure look like he has a bad case of the bends. However I am a fairly decent author. If I ever get frisky, more than likely not, I will see if I can post what I have written. Maybe its good, maybe its bad. Either way, Im here, Im dressed, what more do you want?! :P
Comments Earned: 388
Comments Made: 1447
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 1447
Journals: 3
Featured Journal
RIP chester
7 years ago
damn guys.....not seen any posts on the topic, but wow....I'm thrashed over the fact that us millennials have just lost our voice.
For those who don't know, the lead singer of linkin park, committed suicide very recently.
I never met him or the band in person, never seen a concert, but my life revolved around everything they created since the days of hybrid theory and reanimation. Going to school, working my first job, playing my first online multiplayer, collage, first the cd player, blasting out my stereo system, was linkin park through it all.
Now, literally 2 days away from my 33rd birthday, I'm heart broken and utterly destroyed. I spent all last night throwing papers through swollen eye's, a blown out voice from the singing through their first 3 albums, and constantly coming to terms with what just happened. Perhaps the only hero left in my life has ended his.
Honestly Iv been down that road, thought about getting rid of it all, but come to terms with that self destruction. Honestly its not worth it, even through this pain and misery, I want to see how things play out in the next 50 years....Honestly it will be rather dark for some time after this loss, Chester always had a way of getting to my very core with his lyrics and with the way he sang, but now I'm worried about the rest of the guys in linkin park.....
For any LP family, guys if you have ever felt the need to show some love, but held back....Now is the time....
Honestly, I am not worried about any music, more or less if the band stays together, but I just feel like that they need to be reminded that the world cares about them as individuals. That we are here for them and to let them know how we feel. About how Chester made us feel. That they are not alone in this loss and that we will continue to be there for them.
Its a dark day for the millennials of America, only we can shed some like into these uncertain nights.
For those who don't know, the lead singer of linkin park, committed suicide very recently.
I never met him or the band in person, never seen a concert, but my life revolved around everything they created since the days of hybrid theory and reanimation. Going to school, working my first job, playing my first online multiplayer, collage, first the cd player, blasting out my stereo system, was linkin park through it all.
Now, literally 2 days away from my 33rd birthday, I'm heart broken and utterly destroyed. I spent all last night throwing papers through swollen eye's, a blown out voice from the singing through their first 3 albums, and constantly coming to terms with what just happened. Perhaps the only hero left in my life has ended his.
Honestly Iv been down that road, thought about getting rid of it all, but come to terms with that self destruction. Honestly its not worth it, even through this pain and misery, I want to see how things play out in the next 50 years....Honestly it will be rather dark for some time after this loss, Chester always had a way of getting to my very core with his lyrics and with the way he sang, but now I'm worried about the rest of the guys in linkin park.....
For any LP family, guys if you have ever felt the need to show some love, but held back....Now is the time....
Honestly, I am not worried about any music, more or less if the band stays together, but I just feel like that they need to be reminded that the world cares about them as individuals. That we are here for them and to let them know how we feel. About how Chester made us feel. That they are not alone in this loss and that we will continue to be there for them.
Its a dark day for the millennials of America, only we can shed some like into these uncertain nights.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
White tiger
Favorite Music
Rock and roll/ alternative rock and roll/rap/goth/anything but cuntry[pun intended :P]
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The illusionist, Pirates of the caribean, I robot, ect. ect. Oh and everything Pixar.
Favorite Games
Tribes Areal assult, MW3,Ghosts, Sid Miers Civilization, boarderlands, left 4 dead, world of tanks...
Favorite Gaming Platforms
X box 360, PS2, PS one, SNES, Nintendo.
Favorite Animals
white tiger, vixen, squirle, skunk, big floofy tails.
Favorite Site,, and las lindas....With the occasional game
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Crab, shrimp, spiny lobster, octosquid, you know. Anything that swims. Plus rum, god save the rum!
Favorite Quote
Do not worry about the little things, or else you will miss the big picture.
Favorite Artists
Jay naylor, Chalodillo, eric schwartz [I think thats his name] And max black rabbit. Who doesn't love zig zag?
