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Artist/Animator (mainly) | Registered: Sep 11, 2006 02:03
Artist, Animator, Music Composer(occasionally). Have an Interest in gamedev.
I like to draw round critters. I have a love for smoothly curved, rounded bellies. Especially when paired with big, thick tails with that wide leg gap, making the body smooth from belly to tail. Like on-model charizard and mewtwo anatomy.
I have a comically exaggerated hatred of incorrectly placed tails. (Like tails sprouting out of the lumbar spine above the belt line.) I mean, people are of course welcome to draw what they like, but I dun like it! >:O (Besides, I draw plenty of stupid shit.)
The general system of my game is design to be a beat'em-up fighting game hybrid of sorts. Movement handles like a platformer while combat plays closer to what you'd expect from a 2D fighter. The best way I can describe it is Smash-styled movement, which combat similar to Fatal Fury. Loose and open ended combo ability, but with mechanics to prevent long, over-drawn out combos. Inputs and mechanics are designed to be welcoming to pick up, but detailed enough for growth of a skill ceiling.
I currently prototype my game ideas and works in MUGEN/IKEMEN which also helps me put some stuff out from character to character. I am likely developing further with UF2D
Don't nag me about making NSFW Mugen/game stuff. While I do draw plenty of NSFW work, my game is a passion project of it's own, which I want to be open as a SFW project and a way for me to portray my characters and lore in a more "serious" light. Anything NSFW I make will be made separate from this project.
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I'm generally VERY open to having my characters featured in commissions you get from me, or art you wish to do. Here's some notes on that:
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Some notes about using my critters in stuff. :3
4 years ago
NOTE: When I say "use my critter in your work," I'm referring to art you make. It DOES NOT allow for you to just grab my assets to use in anything you'd like. Especially not making any merch with my characters.
Just a lil silly post as, I figured it was kind of obvious by how many commissions I've done that had my characters in them, some peeps still don't know, or where afraid to ask, so here's an official statement on using my characters in commissions or your own personal art.
- I'm generally VERY open to having my characters featured in commissions you get from me. I enjoy mingling them around with others. It's fun. And I often give a bit of a discount to soften the cost for more than 1 character stuff on single buyers, and it's a lot of fun. So it's welcome. :3
- You are also welcome to draw my characters, if you'd like. I ask that you poke me before hand or that you at least show me what you did before you post it anywhere, because I may not want my characters associated with certain things.
- The DON'Ts are cub, diaper, watersports, scat, gore, snuff and vore (digestion, hard vore. Some kinds of "soft," toony vore might be okay).
- I'll also post most gift art of my characters, if you'd like me to. (Provided that I approve of the subject matter) Also keep in mind they will be posted in my scraps, which still shows up in peeps sub notifications, to keep my gallery focused on my main line stuff, but links to who did it will be provided.
-While I am open to having my characters drawn, please respect my input given about them. I do have a lore for my characters, so I may lean towards having certain characters shown a certain way in some stuff. I MIGHT be particular on certain details about them, like, on the anatomy and design details, but overall I want you to have fun, so I'm not gonna be super strict about it.
- You can also reach out to me in any way I have listed, either in notes here, or via Telegram or Discord to get more information about characters of mine that interest you and I can outline details about them.
- I will also ask that you link and credit me if my characters are in your posted work.
So that's the basic gist. There's probably other notes, but I'll add them when I think of them.
Just a lil silly post as, I figured it was kind of obvious by how many commissions I've done that had my characters in them, some peeps still don't know, or where afraid to ask, so here's an official statement on using my characters in commissions or your own personal art.
- I'm generally VERY open to having my characters featured in commissions you get from me. I enjoy mingling them around with others. It's fun. And I often give a bit of a discount to soften the cost for more than 1 character stuff on single buyers, and it's a lot of fun. So it's welcome. :3
- You are also welcome to draw my characters, if you'd like. I ask that you poke me before hand or that you at least show me what you did before you post it anywhere, because I may not want my characters associated with certain things.
- The DON'Ts are cub, diaper, watersports, scat, gore, snuff and vore (digestion, hard vore. Some kinds of "soft," toony vore might be okay).
- I'll also post most gift art of my characters, if you'd like me to. (Provided that I approve of the subject matter) Also keep in mind they will be posted in my scraps, which still shows up in peeps sub notifications, to keep my gallery focused on my main line stuff, but links to who did it will be provided.
-While I am open to having my characters drawn, please respect my input given about them. I do have a lore for my characters, so I may lean towards having certain characters shown a certain way in some stuff. I MIGHT be particular on certain details about them, like, on the anatomy and design details, but overall I want you to have fun, so I'm not gonna be super strict about it.
- You can also reach out to me in any way I have listed, either in notes here, or via Telegram or Discord to get more information about characters of mine that interest you and I can outline details about them.
- I will also ask that you link and credit me if my characters are in your posted work.
So that's the basic gist. There's probably other notes, but I'll add them when I think of them.
sent Shinies to VinVulpis"A little something for ya, here ya go."