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Art Whore | Registered: Feb 13, 2013 11:14
Greetings! This is a furaffinity page devoted to vegetarianism!
A vegetarian is a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc. (
So if you're a vegan( no animal products in your diet), lacto-ovo vegetarian( dairy and eggs included in your diet), pescetarian( fish included), pollotarian( chicken included), or if you just support the idea of vegetarianism, please feel free to put our icon somewhere! No need to watch!
NOTICE: This site is not meant to in any way disparage, berate, or preach to those who choose to eat meat of any kind. Conversely, this site will not tolerate any hateful comments toward vegetarian or vegan ideals. This site is of the policy "eat and let eat". In short, don't be a jerk to people because of what they eat.
Page created and moderated( lazily) by
Icon created by the wonderful, CadetDerp!(can be found on deviantArt)
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an herbivore of some sort
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Any and all fruits, vegetables, and fungi

Really dude? Like I ain't vegetarian but c'mon man they being rude
Also my fave veg (or is it a fruit) is olives