Views: 2598
Submissions: 11
Favs: 38

writer? artist??? who's to say! | Registered: Dec 17, 2019 03:28
Meowdy, I'm Maxi, though you might see me as DeadPyxel, or something like that.
I like writing and drawing, though I think I'm better at the former. I am bad at time management. like... REALLY bad. expect 1-2 stories a year (hopefully). I'll take requests for stories (and art, maybe. don't expect it to be good).
Will/Will not list:
also I'm bad at interacting. with anyone.
I like writing and drawing, though I think I'm better at the former. I am bad at time management. like... REALLY bad. expect 1-2 stories a year (hopefully). I'll take requests for stories (and art, maybe. don't expect it to be good).
Will/Will not list:
also I'm bad at interacting. with anyone.
This user has no submissions.
Comments Earned: 83
Comments Made: 23
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 23
Journals: 7
Featured Journal
Back to work!
2 years ago
so... I haven't posted anything in a while (almost 1/2 a year!), my bad! I just started working on the stories that have been in the works again; next one should be done in about 2-3 weeks of continuous effort, AKA 4-6 months of occasionally writing probably. I like how they're coming along though! I even have a 2-year anniversary story semi-planned. I hope you'll enjoy these new stories when they come out!
EDIT: I also have a B-day story idea that I wanna work on SO BAD but i need to finish these two first...
EDIT: I also have a B-day story idea that I wanna work on SO BAD but i need to finish these two first...