Views: 17977
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I am fluffball! | Registered: Jan 15, 2012 09:09
Am two nesses and a birb! :D
Nevermind the username, I thought I'd use this account as a lurking account xD
Nevermind the username, I thought I'd use this account as a lurking account xD
Comments Earned: 673
Comments Made: 586
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 586
Journals: 2
Recent Journal
Belated Hatchday! And other things!
4 years ago
My special day has past! :'D Not that I missed it or anything, just at work and was busy! The allergies aren't helping either!
Tis been a year since I did a journal thingy! And sure enough a LOT has happened since the last time I did one, I'm not even sure where to start!
I'll start with probably the best financial decision I made last year, adopting Astra! :D Funny thing is that I never planned on adopting a character at all, to me I figured I'd have a good enough mindset to be able to create a character that I'd love would be the only thing I would do, and I was heccin wrong! xD I can't quite remember what I was doing before I found Astra, was probably browsing the dragons tag or something, but I do remember that once I did find her, everything stopped. The artist (Which is
VDragon-Creations who is really nice btw! ) already had her up for adoption for about a month before I came across her, so I was kinda surprised that she wasn't sold when I asked her. (I was also really happy that she wasn't sold xD) I never bought an adoptable before, so I honestly had no idea how the prices worked for them and all of that, but considering what the previous bidder was trying to get for her, I maaay have spent a bit?? I dunno, it's still art, so someone had to take the time to make it.... Anyways! Within the first month of having Astra, I was completely satisfied, and loved her as much as I do Luna, and don't regret it one bit.
So now, the art! The last few months I've been commissioning artists that have had opened their commissions, and it's pretty fun! I'm not really picky about how things really need to look, most of the time the first sketches I get from artists are great from me. I have four left that need to be done, and one of them is in the last stage before being completed, which I cannot wait for! It's both Luna and Astra in one, and they're all smug like and cool! xD But unfortunately the art will probably slow a bit down until around the fall, as I really need to focus on paying other things like bills and payments. It won't come to a complete halt, but maybe like one a month. I do have all kinds of plans for them!! I really want to get them in more commissions together, and show the relationship they have, as I'm struggling to come up with a good back story instead. I think it's better for me to have a commission done and plan a small backstory off of it. Astra needs more solo art too, and eventually I'd like to get them balanced out so one won't have much more solo art than the other, because I'm fair! :D Luckily that should be easier to manage since solo art is usually cheaper than duos. I will admit, I think my favorite art of them I got this year so far is Luna's hatchday kisses, the current featured submission I have. It'll be a rarity for them to not do some kind of devious thing in order to take advantage and instead just enjoy being in each others embrace. More backstory that I'll have to pull together to eventually make work! xD
Last thing before I sign off on this journal, I want to thank you guys again for deciding to watch me if you have. I am pretty introverted and like to remain in a small group, and sometimes I get shy to either say my thanks or reply in comments in submissions. I appreciate a lot of the comments I receive, and will even remain on the page of a recently submitted artwork and wait for the comments. xD I'm also fighting allergies, so between that and work I've been pretty quiet around the places I usually hang out at, because sleep is pretty amazing.
Also! I'm fluffy! :D
Tis been a year since I did a journal thingy! And sure enough a LOT has happened since the last time I did one, I'm not even sure where to start!
I'll start with probably the best financial decision I made last year, adopting Astra! :D Funny thing is that I never planned on adopting a character at all, to me I figured I'd have a good enough mindset to be able to create a character that I'd love would be the only thing I would do, and I was heccin wrong! xD I can't quite remember what I was doing before I found Astra, was probably browsing the dragons tag or something, but I do remember that once I did find her, everything stopped. The artist (Which is

So now, the art! The last few months I've been commissioning artists that have had opened their commissions, and it's pretty fun! I'm not really picky about how things really need to look, most of the time the first sketches I get from artists are great from me. I have four left that need to be done, and one of them is in the last stage before being completed, which I cannot wait for! It's both Luna and Astra in one, and they're all smug like and cool! xD But unfortunately the art will probably slow a bit down until around the fall, as I really need to focus on paying other things like bills and payments. It won't come to a complete halt, but maybe like one a month. I do have all kinds of plans for them!! I really want to get them in more commissions together, and show the relationship they have, as I'm struggling to come up with a good back story instead. I think it's better for me to have a commission done and plan a small backstory off of it. Astra needs more solo art too, and eventually I'd like to get them balanced out so one won't have much more solo art than the other, because I'm fair! :D Luckily that should be easier to manage since solo art is usually cheaper than duos. I will admit, I think my favorite art of them I got this year so far is Luna's hatchday kisses, the current featured submission I have. It'll be a rarity for them to not do some kind of devious thing in order to take advantage and instead just enjoy being in each others embrace. More backstory that I'll have to pull together to eventually make work! xD
Last thing before I sign off on this journal, I want to thank you guys again for deciding to watch me if you have. I am pretty introverted and like to remain in a small group, and sometimes I get shy to either say my thanks or reply in comments in submissions. I appreciate a lot of the comments I receive, and will even remain on the page of a recently submitted artwork and wait for the comments. xD I'm also fighting allergies, so between that and work I've been pretty quiet around the places I usually hang out at, because sleep is pretty amazing.
Also! I'm fluffy! :D
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