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Writer, Linguist, and Musician | Registered: Jul 18, 2019 02:03
I don't go by TwiPON3 anymore (I'd rather not get into it), I go by «B47_L1NK», but Fur Affinity has no way of changing a username.
I'm an author (one book and a number of articles published) with talents that lie in music, technology, and (to a lesser degree) linguistics. I love anything that's in a foreign language, or even using archaic letters in English (ƿ, þ, ꝥ, æ, œ, ŋ, ȝ, to start with). My main hobbies all revolve around experimentation and trying new things. My favorite things to do after a long day are to kick back with a good book/movie or (if I'm feeling musical) break out a music notebook and start playing. I've got music spanning every genre from Christian hymns to North Korean propaganda- no judgements here. My favorite languages are the CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), Mongolian, Russian, and German languages. The two ways I like writing English are in a version of the Cyrillic script derived from Modern Russian or with archaic letters. I'm a Linux geek behind the keyboard and not very social. That being said, my desk is filled with all sorts of junk from a laptop dock to an office phone from 2007 because I thought it looked cool. Occasionally, I might post writings here (short stories and whatnot), but most of my work is focused on my aspiring career at the moment.
I'm an author (one book and a number of articles published) with talents that lie in music, technology, and (to a lesser degree) linguistics. I love anything that's in a foreign language, or even using archaic letters in English (ƿ, þ, ꝥ, æ, œ, ŋ, ȝ, to start with). My main hobbies all revolve around experimentation and trying new things. My favorite things to do after a long day are to kick back with a good book/movie or (if I'm feeling musical) break out a music notebook and start playing. I've got music spanning every genre from Christian hymns to North Korean propaganda- no judgements here. My favorite languages are the CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), Mongolian, Russian, and German languages. The two ways I like writing English are in a version of the Cyrillic script derived from Modern Russian or with archaic letters. I'm a Linux geek behind the keyboard and not very social. That being said, my desk is filled with all sorts of junk from a laptop dock to an office phone from 2007 because I thought it looked cool. Occasionally, I might post writings here (short stories and whatnot), but most of my work is focused on my aspiring career at the moment.
Comments Earned: 155
Comments Made: 111
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 111
Journals: 7
Recent Journal
Beware of Mixed_Bandicoot_Girl
3 months ago
A few weeks ago, I tried to commission Mixed_Bandicoot_Girl for a YCH of one of my characters (Kandi, my sexy dragoness), but she behaved oddly, ghosted me, and blocked me. Shortly ago, I saw a journal she had posted, urging anyone to take down the string bikini picture (under the presumption that they were not-only traced, but Kandi belonged to her, despite me still having the invoices). When I signed onto Fur Affinity, I'm welcomed with the fruits of her labor to make me out to be the bad guy. Now, I'd like to clarify a few things: One-, I wasn't being rude. Whenever money is “on the table”, I'm skeptical UNTIL AND UNLESS I'm proven that I don't need to be. Now, this can be direct contact via someone I know and am close to (an IRL friend, SO, or I just know that someone I grew up with IRL is an artist), it can be holding off for a while so I can go get verification from current and previous customers (I had to go with that route for this particular artist), and I've even known a few to withhold payment until the sketch (or even whole piece) is done. That's not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it's certainly an agreeable one. Number the Second-, she accused my USUAL artist of TRACING the art. This claim is complete and utter bullshit! The whole reason I made him my go-to is because a friend I went to college with helped me get an artist for my characters. He knew the guy I use was cool, affordable, and could do an animé-like style that I like for my characters to be in. So far, my experience with Mixed Bandicoot Girl was getting an incorrectly-itemized invoice that I asked about (her solution was to delete the invoice, ghost me, and block me) and then hoping she could just accept that I no longer wanted to do business with her anymore after it was all over and done with. Sadly, an opinion I've heard about her seems to be more correct than non (I'm not posting it here because I'd like the hope of sparing dignity), as she has decided to escalate this needlessly. It was to my understanding, anyway, that when she refused to answer me (I was never rude, I've got the screenshots on my computer for this reason), she was foregoing any right or privilege to contest any art I do with the character, not to mention that she's sitting there and acting like she has a monopoly on ideas. I bought Kandi from [] this ad because I had an idea for a character to write that sprang from some late-night browsing. When I bought the character, I decided to have my go-to artist make a few minor changes because her [Kandi's] character would be someone who dresses like (but most-certainly isn't) a hooker for the extra cash here and there. I wanted her in a shot of a string bikini, as I simply thought that would be fitting beach attire for her. Did I give Mixed Bandicoot Girl a chance? Yes. Did she piss it away? Absolutely. What was my solution? Go to someone who I knew would draw the art because I effectively owned any and all rights to it, something I should've just done from the beginning. Somehow, I still think that Mixed Bandicoot Girl would have someone perusing FA on her behalf to take down any pictures of a string bikini, and I know there are a few out there, so artists, please beware of this sadsack. If anyone wants more details, feel free to comment or note me.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Various (Bat, usually)
Favorite Music
Whatever cassette I put in my walkman first. Preforably Asian or (just about) anything from the Post-War era.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Beowulf, Raya and the Last Dragon, Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, Lucy, Ready Player One (the book more than the movie)
Favorite Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Horse, bat, skunk… anything, really.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Asian and meat-heavy foods
Favorite Quote
You'll never get anywhere in life if you don't take a risk, but you'll live a safe life if you avoid risks.
Contact Information