Views: 20889
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Favs: 4197

Writer | Registered: Feb 23, 2009 01:55
Hi Hi all I am a crazy fun loving bunny. Well anyways a little about myself I like to write in my spare time though tend to get distracted so takes me awhile to finish anything. My furre name is really Krystal though I do go by the nickname of Tobu so why some of the pics of my fursona are labeled Tobu and some labeled Krystal. I am a baby furre though not many of my pictures depict that. Looking to get more, but I am willing to meet new people and make new friends. I love anime, writing, and sports espcially Basketball and Football but I like to just watch sports in general.
Family on FA
Aunt & Uncle:
Mommies to:
tavimunk Scamper

Family on FA
Aunt & Uncle:


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Comments Earned: 5626
Comments Made: 5629
Journals: 86
Comments Made: 5629
Journals: 86
Recent Journal
Back in Action Soon
11 years ago
Hi hi
*hops out of my cozy burrow*
I seemingly been absent for awhile now. I am sorry for that but been too busy with my jobs. I currently have two jobs and a tentative third I help out sometimes at one of my roomates jobs. Then I have been stressed and overworked and depressed more often than not. I have just been either too tired or stressed to come on. Though I am coming back and going to start posting new pictures soon. I miss my friends here and hope they understand and forgive me. I just wanted to let friends and family of the return of the hoppy bunny.
*hops out of my cozy burrow*
I seemingly been absent for awhile now. I am sorry for that but been too busy with my jobs. I currently have two jobs and a tentative third I help out sometimes at one of my roomates jobs. Then I have been stressed and overworked and depressed more often than not. I have just been either too tired or stressed to come on. Though I am coming back and going to start posting new pictures soon. I miss my friends here and hope they understand and forgive me. I just wanted to let friends and family of the return of the hoppy bunny.
User Profile
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Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Watership Down, Secret of Nihm
Favorite Games
Total Annihilation
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Wii, Atari, NES, SNES, Saturn, Dreamcast
Favorite Animals
Bunny, Mouse, Fox, Cloud Leapord, Chipmunk, Squirrel and Deer
Favorite Site
Karis Playground
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
'In Dreams All Truths Can Be Found....'-Tobu the Lost Dreamer
