Views: 2539
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Armature Artist | Registered: Oct 3, 2015 09:26
Just a Fox enjoying life, learning art, and making friends.
Comments Earned: 112
Comments Made: 91
Journals: 5
Comments Made: 91
Journals: 5
Recent Journal
Rainy Day Updates and Thoughts
2 years ago
The past year has been an one of the best years of my entire life. It is kind of hard to really summerize it all into even one journal entry, but it has had some of the most incredible and challenging developments of my life. I know not many people if any will read this, but for some reson it feels good to type this up here and because of everything now being tied so close to the furry fandom, I have to say that it feels like an appropriate space.
The last 6 years have held incredible changes. I cam out gay, found an amazing supportive boyfriend, graduated college, and more. This last year we moved to an entirely new state, I got a new job, we discovered an amazing group of furries that have impacted us more than we could ever have imagined. We have some amazing people that surround us that honestly have become my dearest and most important friends I have ever had in my entire life. I would say that I finally have a sense that I found a place where I belong, where I am welcome and even though they're not family by blood, I have family here. These incredible floofs have really been incredible. They're encouraging, willing to show, teach, and share about anything they know and they helped make our first ever furry convention one of the most magical expieriences I have ever had.
I find myself wanting to give back to the community and be part of it even more and more now. I definitely and exploring and learning what I can do and what I might be able to give back to not just my friendgroup but to a fandom that has been such and incredible part of my life and keeps bringing me some of the most incredible people I have ever met.
I am going to be working on stickers and other doodles and try to upload them regularly. I am also going to open up to start taking small commissions soon such as telegram stickers and other small things. Wish me luck!
The last 6 years have held incredible changes. I cam out gay, found an amazing supportive boyfriend, graduated college, and more. This last year we moved to an entirely new state, I got a new job, we discovered an amazing group of furries that have impacted us more than we could ever have imagined. We have some amazing people that surround us that honestly have become my dearest and most important friends I have ever had in my entire life. I would say that I finally have a sense that I found a place where I belong, where I am welcome and even though they're not family by blood, I have family here. These incredible floofs have really been incredible. They're encouraging, willing to show, teach, and share about anything they know and they helped make our first ever furry convention one of the most magical expieriences I have ever had.
I find myself wanting to give back to the community and be part of it even more and more now. I definitely and exploring and learning what I can do and what I might be able to give back to not just my friendgroup but to a fandom that has been such and incredible part of my life and keeps bringing me some of the most incredible people I have ever met.
I am going to be working on stickers and other doodles and try to upload them regularly. I am also going to open up to start taking small commissions soon such as telegram stickers and other small things. Wish me luck!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Music
Techno, EDM, House, Dance, Classical
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Back to the Future, Gardians of the Galaxy
Favorite Games
Favorite Animals
Foxes, Wolves, Tigers, Pandas,
Favorite Artists
Bill Waterson
Contact Information