Views: 9026
Submissions: 36
Favs: 996

Certified Catdragon/Catcaribird | Registered: Sep 16, 2014 08:30
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Welcome my profile ^^ I'm just you average fuzz butt Alaskan dragon. Really not much to tell about myself, I tend to protect my friends, I'm an Air Force draggy, Enlisted Security Forces dog handler, and currently Base Honor Guard. Before you ask, I am not an artist, I commission my character through artists, whom I give much respect to.
If you want to get to know me, feel free to hit me up on my Twitter, I'm very active there. is my only one, any others you find out there, please inform me so that they can be taken care of accordingly.
And I still believe
DrachenHero is a big bundle of Awesomedurg!
I am trying my paw at this fA thing, but my home tends to be on deviantArt, you can find me there at
I do in fact have Skype, but it's mainly reserved for good friends. Feel free to speak your mind, although, within reason. Only thing that's sure to make me mad is posting weird creepy comments.
I may not say anything, but I thank y'all for all the watches and faves ^^
I can, and have been known, to RP, but I reeeeally reeeally have to be in the mood, and I will only RP with friends.
Remember No Creepy Comments!!
Good people I've met along the way

DarrisWhompa along with many others

Welcome my profile ^^ I'm just you average fuzz butt Alaskan dragon. Really not much to tell about myself, I tend to protect my friends, I'm an Air Force draggy, Enlisted Security Forces dog handler, and currently Base Honor Guard. Before you ask, I am not an artist, I commission my character through artists, whom I give much respect to.
If you want to get to know me, feel free to hit me up on my Twitter, I'm very active there. is my only one, any others you find out there, please inform me so that they can be taken care of accordingly.
And I still believe

I am trying my paw at this fA thing, but my home tends to be on deviantArt, you can find me there at
I do in fact have Skype, but it's mainly reserved for good friends. Feel free to speak your mind, although, within reason. Only thing that's sure to make me mad is posting weird creepy comments.
I may not say anything, but I thank y'all for all the watches and faves ^^
I can, and have been known, to RP, but I reeeeally reeeally have to be in the mood, and I will only RP with friends.
Remember No Creepy Comments!!
Good people I've met along the way

Anthro Jrain - Canon Ref Sheet - Clothes (by Rhos)
by JrainTheLeviathan, faved: 10 months ago

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Comments Earned: 679
Comments Made: 487
Journals: 9
Comments Made: 487
Journals: 9
Recent Journal
Telegram Stickers
9 years ago
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trying a set of Telegram stickers for me. As always, I'm good for the money. But anyone interested or any leads would be awesome.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Alaskan Fur dragon/ Tundra Dragon
Favorite Music
Any xD 'Cept Jazz and opera
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Too many to name
Favorite Games
GTA V, Silent Hill series, Fatal Frame, and everything but sports
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Dragons, cats, and dogs
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Not seafood or mushrooms
Favorite Quote
There will only be one of you for all of eternity, Fearlessly be yourself!
Contact Information