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Hot Stuff | Registered: Feb 5, 2006 10:19
Comments Earned: 5229
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Journals: 16
Comments Made: 5693
Journals: 16
Recent Journal
Life update/Characters for sale
a month ago
First of all I want to thank everyone for their support over the last 6 months. Many of you left kind words that meant a lot to me as I mourned, and I want to apologize to anyone who I've retreated from as mustering the energy to be social is still quite taxing. The last year was very tough on me for many reasons and my fingers are crossed that this year will be an improvement, though it has not happened yet. Still, I will try to stay positive about what the future may bring.
I still have some characters looking for a better home than I can provide, so if any catch your attention feel free to send me a note.
Ulzana $15
Gryphon $20
I still have some characters looking for a better home than I can provide, so if any catch your attention feel free to send me a note.
Ulzana $15
Gryphon $20