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PrOn Artist | Registered: Dec 4, 2005 07:15
Comments Earned: 22602
Comments Made: 12227
Journals: 403
Comments Made: 12227
Journals: 403
Recent Journal
Taking more portrait and icon commissions!
a month ago
I'm back at it again! Looking to paint more characters!
I'm offering two tiers this time:
Character Portraits
Acrylic and mixed media, 8x10" on acid-free paper.
For $250 USD you will get the original painting! If you'd rather not have the original, I will send you a high resolution scan for $150. I will invoice you upon completion, plus shipping w/ tracking (shipping has been ~$15 to the US and ~$30 overseas).
Recent examples to give you an idea of what I'm offering:
Available slots:
1. Labiodental
2. Rubberfeathers
3. Zeydaan
Acrylic and mixed media, 4x4" on acid-free paper.
$30, digital scan only. Similar to the portrait paintings, just smaller. Intended for use as PFPs on social media.
Available slots:
1. Alberto
2. Goatboy9
3. Sockfox
4. Solaster
5. RolfTheWhatever
6. Kehei
7. Esher
8. Zeydaan
9. Zeydaan
10. UncrownedJules
These will be done over the month of February.
Please contact me via note, with references, only if you are interested. If you have any questions, please leave them as a reply to this post.
I'm offering two tiers this time:
Character Portraits
Acrylic and mixed media, 8x10" on acid-free paper.
For $250 USD you will get the original painting! If you'd rather not have the original, I will send you a high resolution scan for $150. I will invoice you upon completion, plus shipping w/ tracking (shipping has been ~$15 to the US and ~$30 overseas).
Recent examples to give you an idea of what I'm offering:
Available slots:
1. Labiodental
2. Rubberfeathers
3. Zeydaan
Acrylic and mixed media, 4x4" on acid-free paper.
$30, digital scan only. Similar to the portrait paintings, just smaller. Intended for use as PFPs on social media.
Available slots:
1. Alberto
2. Goatboy9
3. Sockfox
4. Solaster
5. RolfTheWhatever
6. Kehei
7. Esher
8. Zeydaan
9. Zeydaan
10. UncrownedJules
These will be done over the month of February.
Please contact me via note, with references, only if you are interested. If you have any questions, please leave them as a reply to this post.