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Photographer | Registered: Mar 13, 2006 07:45
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Comments Made: 1034
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Recent Journal
Eurofurence 17 - "It's OK, I'm a lesbian too"
13 years agoI didn't get around to typing this up when I had just returned from my trip to Germany, as I realised I hadn't been socialising as much as I should.
So ontop of the things that had been piling up over the last two weeks, and the terribly mess I left my flat in, I've been doing my best to give people the attention they deserve.
For my first week in Germany I went hiking with Richard and two other guys, in a very pretty area around Wippra. Wooded hills everywhere, little brooks, etc.
We went to a dam early on, a lake formed behind it. Where we saw a turtle. We wondered how it would survive winter.
Spent a lot of time hiking. Though not as much as I feel we should have .. but .. well, most of us were horribly out of shape. :P
One time Richard and I and Indie his german sheppard were about an hour and a half along, when it started raining a lot. Which may sound like a bad thing, but it kept all the bugs away, and after briefly hiding under an old and very large tree we decided to just keep walking.
I was dumb and had put my clothes on again, as I was getting cold before the rain started, and Richard was smart and hiked until it stopped raining, then some more so he dried up again. Oh, I didn't mention; nude hiking. Surprisingly relaxing and just plain nice. Except for the bugs.
The cabin wasn't much to write home about, but it had limited amount of hot water.
After seven days, Watani dropped me off at a little town where I caught a train to Eurofurence.
An hour and a half later, I arrived in Magdeburg, and two minutes later I was on-site.
Great location! Very nice atmosphere.
I loved the Piano Bar, and Naut introduced me to Pink Connections. It might be a very gay looking cocktail, but damn is it tasty!
It was great catching up with old friends and acquaintances and I enjoyed meeting plenty of new people as well. Though only some of their names stuck around in my brain. :P
( Love you, dutch guy with awesome english accent on whose lap I was briefly drunkenly stretched out on! I'd love to learn your name. :P )
I've even met someone whom I hadn't spoken to for 10 to 12 years. And after a while I remembered his name and some tiny fragments of what we used to talk about. Derp!
Did some things I shouldn't have, did some things I should have done ages ago, refrained from doing some things and I'm glad for it, refrained from doing other things and regretted it.
Over all, it was a blast! My thanks to everyone who's made my time at EF just that much more enjoyable by hanging out / talking / whatevering with me. :)
Some random quotes from EF:
"Open the door. Get on the floor. Everyone walk the dinosaur."
"Need I remind you, that you're lesbian. *shifts gaze* And that you're gay?"
P.S. The discoball was awesome, and my favourite prop was the 5-panel suspended dragon, and the wobbly warm light that was on that. *stares and sighs wistfully*
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