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Registered: Jun 22, 2018 12:31
Hi, I am a french beginner in furry/anthro.
I have always been a big fan of furry since, and since I have internet since the age of 10 years.
The first furry I had to see we were those digimon because I preferred digimon when I was younger, I found it more mature, compared to pokémon.
I followed the beginnings of lot of artists. Who become arrogant and snob now.
What else to say ...
Oh yes I hope to do an art school to make my job later.
But furry is almost unknown in France, and the price of art schools is very high.
Finally, I'm still in pencil for my debut, I'm thinking about a graphics tablet ...
But when I see all the options, I feel that it is very complicated to use.
But as long as I do not know how to draw on paper, you do not need to buy a tablet.
If I ever manage to do my job, I'll be proud to let people know what furry is.
I am completely devastated. I loved an artist for 20 years (NEXUS), I was finally able to support him on Patreon and finally, he is someone not kind, obnoxious and arrogant. I wasted 20 years of my life loving him for nothing, my heart is completely broken.
He's no longer an artist, he's just become a business man who no longer draws for passion, but just for money. I lost a lot of money with coms that in the end will never be finished since I stopped supporting him.
I am particularly disappointed with the majority of artists who only seek to have the maximum number of followers on twitter and make overpriced YCH.
Art should be accessible to everyone and not just to snobbish elites.
Message important, je suis à court financièrement pour les commissions étant étudiant j'ai préféré mettre mon argent dans la passion des commissions plutot que dans ma vie.
Ce qui fait que je ne pourrais plus demander de commission, de Doost et d'autre artistes.
Voir même plus du tout.
J'ai toujours un Paypal pour ceux que ça interesse, si vous voulez aider.
Si pas, je ne pourrais plus demander de commission avant plusieurs années.
Important message, I am financially short on commissions as a student I preferred to put my money into the passion of commissions rather than into my life.
Which means that I could no longer ask for commissions from Doost and other artists.
Or even more at all.
I still have a Paypal for those who are interested, if you want to help.
If not, I won't be able to ask for commission for several years.
If you want to help with commissions and help pursue the various stories, I'm accepting tips now.
Any help is welcome !
the number of helpers, amounts to: 1
Thank you very much!
I have always been a big fan of furry since, and since I have internet since the age of 10 years.
The first furry I had to see we were those digimon because I preferred digimon when I was younger, I found it more mature, compared to pokémon.
I followed the beginnings of lot of artists. Who become arrogant and snob now.
What else to say ...
Oh yes I hope to do an art school to make my job later.
But furry is almost unknown in France, and the price of art schools is very high.
Finally, I'm still in pencil for my debut, I'm thinking about a graphics tablet ...
But when I see all the options, I feel that it is very complicated to use.
But as long as I do not know how to draw on paper, you do not need to buy a tablet.
If I ever manage to do my job, I'll be proud to let people know what furry is.
I am completely devastated. I loved an artist for 20 years (NEXUS), I was finally able to support him on Patreon and finally, he is someone not kind, obnoxious and arrogant. I wasted 20 years of my life loving him for nothing, my heart is completely broken.
He's no longer an artist, he's just become a business man who no longer draws for passion, but just for money. I lost a lot of money with coms that in the end will never be finished since I stopped supporting him.
I am particularly disappointed with the majority of artists who only seek to have the maximum number of followers on twitter and make overpriced YCH.
Art should be accessible to everyone and not just to snobbish elites.
Message important, je suis à court financièrement pour les commissions étant étudiant j'ai préféré mettre mon argent dans la passion des commissions plutot que dans ma vie.
Ce qui fait que je ne pourrais plus demander de commission, de Doost et d'autre artistes.
Voir même plus du tout.
J'ai toujours un Paypal pour ceux que ça interesse, si vous voulez aider.
Si pas, je ne pourrais plus demander de commission avant plusieurs années.
Important message, I am financially short on commissions as a student I preferred to put my money into the passion of commissions rather than into my life.
Which means that I could no longer ask for commissions from Doost and other artists.
Or even more at all.
I still have a Paypal for those who are interested, if you want to help.
If not, I won't be able to ask for commission for several years.
If you want to help with commissions and help pursue the various stories, I'm accepting tips now.
Any help is welcome !
the number of helpers, amounts to: 1
Thank you very much!
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4 years ago
I decided to replace all the Nexus coms with other less arrogant and disagreeable artists
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Fallout4, Kingdom heart, Spyro, Crash bandicoot, GTA, God of war, World of warcraft, Rayman
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Canidé, félin, dragon, dinosaure, animaux mythologique etc
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Artist i really hate and who are not reliable: Nexus, Dosan,Eggh, Badcoyote, zephyxus, Dangpa, DRKS, Kunn, zhenelov, NFP, Proxol
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Furryrevolution and...
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