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Registered: May 30, 2024 12:23
~RouryTheCat is my mate!
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Comments Made: 27
Journals: 4
Featured Journal
Birdwatcher Journal 1
9 months ago
6/10 4pm ~ Harriet Park
Verona • Wisconsin
Chipping Sparrow on tippy top of a tree, "chipping" call! Loud and proudly until another one chased him away.
American Crow in flight over the tree tops
Two mourning doves in flight over treetops
American Robin preening on a tree branch
American Goldfinch (male) singing in lush tree cover on a branch.
American Robin in flight over treetops.
I heard a Northern Cardinal singing nearby ~ couldn't locate!
American Robin hop hop hop in clover/grass with a small worm in their beak.
Followed an American Robin in flight to land on top a tree, tail flicks!
A female American Goldfinch foraging along tiny tree branches.
Two Red-tailed Hawks soaring in circles next to one another. Teamwork?
Another female American Goldfinch foraging in same tree, just a different spot!
Common Grackle in flight across the park area ~ flying away from me.
House Wren flitting around under a tree, landed on a man-made object (fence type) material.
Spotted with my all new binoculars:
Vortex Viper 12x50
Verona • Wisconsin
Chipping Sparrow on tippy top of a tree, "chipping" call! Loud and proudly until another one chased him away.
American Crow in flight over the tree tops
Two mourning doves in flight over treetops
American Robin preening on a tree branch
American Goldfinch (male) singing in lush tree cover on a branch.
American Robin in flight over treetops.
I heard a Northern Cardinal singing nearby ~ couldn't locate!
American Robin hop hop hop in clover/grass with a small worm in their beak.
Followed an American Robin in flight to land on top a tree, tail flicks!
A female American Goldfinch foraging along tiny tree branches.
Two Red-tailed Hawks soaring in circles next to one another. Teamwork?
Another female American Goldfinch foraging in same tree, just a different spot!
Common Grackle in flight across the park area ~ flying away from me.
House Wren flitting around under a tree, landed on a man-made object (fence type) material.
Spotted with my all new binoculars:
Vortex Viper 12x50