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100 Truths
9 years ago
So was tagged in this by a big fluff named
Akela_the_white Yay I actually got tagged in something!
1.) Real Name: Tyler
2.) Nicknames: Mikie, Wuff
3.) Zodiac Sign: Virgo
4.) Gender: Male
5.) Nursery: My mother and father
6.) Primary School: I guess that's k-12 in the US? That would be Riverheads Elementary and Stuarts Draft Middle and High School
7.) Secondary School: Blue Ridge Community College, James Madison University and now Life Chiropractic College/ University
8.) Hair Color: Brownish blond
9.) Long or Short: Tall, 6'3"
10.) Loud or Quiet: Usually pretty talkative and enjoy conversation, can be pretty outgoing and quirky with those I get to know
11.) Sweats or Jeans: Used to be all basketball shorts and sweats, now slowly switching over to some jeans.
12.) Phone or Camera: Phone
13.) Health Freak: Yep, Juice + and Nutrition advocate with a love of parkour and American Ninja Warrior training
14.) Drink or Smoke: Occassional Drink with friends.
15.) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Not sure now, but have had a few
16.) Political orientation: I align more with Democrat but don't like either party in particular. Both drink from the same cup if you look high enough
17.) Piercings: No way.
18.) Tattoos: Not for me
19.) Airplane: Yeah, several times
20.) Car Accident: a couple
21.) Fist Fight: I don't like to fight but I'm not afraid to. Would prefer real peace over fighting
22.) First piercing: Nope
23.) First Best Friend: Steven
24.) First Instrument played: Piano, music class
25.) First award: Baseball when I was a kid, probably lost in the depths of a closet somewhere.
26.) First Crush: Callie from Kindergarden
27.) First Language: English
28.) First Big Vacation: Um, Bahamas I think when I was 4
29.) Last Person you talked to: My younger brother.
30.) Last Person You Texted: Alan
31.) Last Person You Watched: People at my Sacred Circle Group
32.) Last Food You Ate: Chili
32.) Last Movie You Watched: Star Wars Episode VII
34.) Last Song You listened to: Rascal Flatts: Bless the Broken Road
35.) Last Thing You Bought: Food
36.) Last Person You Hugged: Everyone at Sacred Circle Group :)
37.) Food: Quessarito
38.) Drinks: Water, Juice, lots of stuff.
39.) Clothing: Like a teenager as I'm told by some school colleagues. T shirt and shorts with bare feet most of the time.
40.) Book: Inheritance series: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance.
41.) Color: Green, Black, Silver, Blue
42.) Flower: Don't have one
43.) Music: Spa music, country, hip hop
44.) Movie: Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke
46.) Subjects: Some History, Chiropractic, Metaphysics and Wholistic medicine
47.) [ ] Kissed in the rain
48.) [X] Celebrated Halloween.
49.) [ ] Had Your Heart Broken
50.) [X] Went Over the Minutes on Your Cell Phone
51.) [X] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation: Not a month goes by
52.) [ ] Used a Weapon
53.) [ ] Breathed fire
54.) [ ] Had an Abortion.
55.) [ ] Done something you've Regretted
56.) [ ] Broke a Promise
57.) [X] Kept a Secret (shhh...)
58.) [ ] Pretended To Be Happy
59.) [ ] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
60.) [ ] Pretended To Be Sick
61.) [ ] Left The Country
62.) [ ] Tried something you normally wouldn't like, and liked it.
63.) [X] Cried Over The Silliest Thing
64.) [X] Ran a Mile
65.) [ ] Went To the Beach
66.) [X] Stayed Single
67.) Eating: Nothing now
68) Drinking: Water
69.) Getting Ready To: Watch the next Once Upon A Time Episode
70.) Listening To: Nothing
71.) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: Christmas shopping
72.) Waiting For: Nothing
73.) Want Kids: Maybe
74.) Want To Get Married: Not in the forseeable future
75.) Careers in minds: Chiropractor, Wholistic doctor
76.) Lips or Eyes: Eyes
77.) Shorter or Taller: Medium/Taller, though I'm not picky on this one
78.) Romantic or Spontaneous: Both! Because I can be
79.) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Again, both I suppose, not picky as both will change with time
80.) Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive.
81.) Hook-up Or Relationship: Relationship
82.) Troublemaker or Hesitant: Neither
83.) Lost Glasses/Contacts: Yeah, usually because they were on my face :P
84.) Ran Away From Home: Nope
85.) Held A Weapon, For Self Defense: Yep.
86.) Killed Somebody: Who in their right mind would admit that on here XD
87.) Broken Someone's Heart: Probably back in grade school
88.) Been Arrested: Nope
89.) ??? ~ (Since it is missing…) Have you ever Texted something personal to a wrong number: I never have
90.) Yourself: Yes, because if you can't believe in yourself you'll never really believe in something else. That's my take
91.) Miracles: There have been to many wonderous occurences for me not to
92.) Love at First Sight: Not really, though some people just "click"
93.) Heaven: In the Christian sense? No way, same for hell. Afterlife: Definitely
94.) Santa Claus: Nope
96.) Magic: Again, been shown to many inexplicable things to say no
97.) Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now: Not really, maybe the friends from Sacred Circle
98.) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: Yes, 2015 was a year of planting seeds for me and I've got a lot lined up. just need to act on them
99.) Are You Happy With The Person You're With: I have only me relationship wise so yes. I'm not really looking
100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five People:

1.) Real Name: Tyler
2.) Nicknames: Mikie, Wuff
3.) Zodiac Sign: Virgo
4.) Gender: Male
5.) Nursery: My mother and father
6.) Primary School: I guess that's k-12 in the US? That would be Riverheads Elementary and Stuarts Draft Middle and High School
7.) Secondary School: Blue Ridge Community College, James Madison University and now Life Chiropractic College/ University
8.) Hair Color: Brownish blond
9.) Long or Short: Tall, 6'3"
10.) Loud or Quiet: Usually pretty talkative and enjoy conversation, can be pretty outgoing and quirky with those I get to know
11.) Sweats or Jeans: Used to be all basketball shorts and sweats, now slowly switching over to some jeans.
12.) Phone or Camera: Phone
13.) Health Freak: Yep, Juice + and Nutrition advocate with a love of parkour and American Ninja Warrior training
14.) Drink or Smoke: Occassional Drink with friends.
15.) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Not sure now, but have had a few
16.) Political orientation: I align more with Democrat but don't like either party in particular. Both drink from the same cup if you look high enough
17.) Piercings: No way.
18.) Tattoos: Not for me
19.) Airplane: Yeah, several times
20.) Car Accident: a couple
21.) Fist Fight: I don't like to fight but I'm not afraid to. Would prefer real peace over fighting
22.) First piercing: Nope
23.) First Best Friend: Steven
24.) First Instrument played: Piano, music class
25.) First award: Baseball when I was a kid, probably lost in the depths of a closet somewhere.
26.) First Crush: Callie from Kindergarden
27.) First Language: English
28.) First Big Vacation: Um, Bahamas I think when I was 4
29.) Last Person you talked to: My younger brother.
30.) Last Person You Texted: Alan
31.) Last Person You Watched: People at my Sacred Circle Group
32.) Last Food You Ate: Chili
32.) Last Movie You Watched: Star Wars Episode VII
34.) Last Song You listened to: Rascal Flatts: Bless the Broken Road
35.) Last Thing You Bought: Food
36.) Last Person You Hugged: Everyone at Sacred Circle Group :)
37.) Food: Quessarito
38.) Drinks: Water, Juice, lots of stuff.
39.) Clothing: Like a teenager as I'm told by some school colleagues. T shirt and shorts with bare feet most of the time.
40.) Book: Inheritance series: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance.
41.) Color: Green, Black, Silver, Blue
42.) Flower: Don't have one
43.) Music: Spa music, country, hip hop
44.) Movie: Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke
46.) Subjects: Some History, Chiropractic, Metaphysics and Wholistic medicine
47.) [ ] Kissed in the rain
48.) [X] Celebrated Halloween.
49.) [ ] Had Your Heart Broken
50.) [X] Went Over the Minutes on Your Cell Phone
51.) [X] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation: Not a month goes by
52.) [ ] Used a Weapon
53.) [ ] Breathed fire
54.) [ ] Had an Abortion.
55.) [ ] Done something you've Regretted
56.) [ ] Broke a Promise
57.) [X] Kept a Secret (shhh...)
58.) [ ] Pretended To Be Happy
59.) [ ] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
60.) [ ] Pretended To Be Sick
61.) [ ] Left The Country
62.) [ ] Tried something you normally wouldn't like, and liked it.
63.) [X] Cried Over The Silliest Thing
64.) [X] Ran a Mile
65.) [ ] Went To the Beach
66.) [X] Stayed Single
67.) Eating: Nothing now
68) Drinking: Water
69.) Getting Ready To: Watch the next Once Upon A Time Episode
70.) Listening To: Nothing
71.) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: Christmas shopping
72.) Waiting For: Nothing
73.) Want Kids: Maybe
74.) Want To Get Married: Not in the forseeable future
75.) Careers in minds: Chiropractor, Wholistic doctor
76.) Lips or Eyes: Eyes
77.) Shorter or Taller: Medium/Taller, though I'm not picky on this one
78.) Romantic or Spontaneous: Both! Because I can be
79.) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Again, both I suppose, not picky as both will change with time
80.) Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive.
81.) Hook-up Or Relationship: Relationship
82.) Troublemaker or Hesitant: Neither
83.) Lost Glasses/Contacts: Yeah, usually because they were on my face :P
84.) Ran Away From Home: Nope
85.) Held A Weapon, For Self Defense: Yep.
86.) Killed Somebody: Who in their right mind would admit that on here XD
87.) Broken Someone's Heart: Probably back in grade school
88.) Been Arrested: Nope
89.) ??? ~ (Since it is missing…) Have you ever Texted something personal to a wrong number: I never have
90.) Yourself: Yes, because if you can't believe in yourself you'll never really believe in something else. That's my take
91.) Miracles: There have been to many wonderous occurences for me not to
92.) Love at First Sight: Not really, though some people just "click"
93.) Heaven: In the Christian sense? No way, same for hell. Afterlife: Definitely
94.) Santa Claus: Nope
96.) Magic: Again, been shown to many inexplicable things to say no
97.) Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now: Not really, maybe the friends from Sacred Circle
98.) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: Yes, 2015 was a year of planting seeds for me and I've got a lot lined up. just need to act on them
99.) Are You Happy With The Person You're With: I have only me relationship wise so yes. I'm not really looking
100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five People:

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Instrumental, mostly soft relaxing stuff
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Spirited Away and any film made by Miyazaki
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Okami and Kingdom Hearts games
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Wolf, Fox, Dragon, stuff related to that
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Live your life, not someone else's