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Traditional Artist | Registered: Mar 1, 2009 03:39
I originally started drawing anthropomorphic stuff back in 1979 (believe it or not), progressed to xenomorphic work in the late 1980's, and got involved with the "furry" genre in 1995. I only draw this stuff; I don't have any other interest in the genre other than creating animal-based characters. I primarily produce more mundane mainstream work these days, but I still enjoy drawing anthropomorphic work whenever possible.
I produced a lot of adult erotica artwork from '95 to the late 2000's, but have since dropped that venue. I do occasionally draw adult stuff from time to time (and post it online), but the days of cranking out smut portfolios and prints by the dozens are gone. Call it changing attitudes due to age or a shift in priorities, but it is what it is. I no longer print or sell my artwork, though some of the older stuff is likely still available from Second if you happen to be searching for physical copies of the work.
Be sure to look through both the "Scraps" and "Gallery" section, as both contain artwork. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my stuff!
I produced a lot of adult erotica artwork from '95 to the late 2000's, but have since dropped that venue. I do occasionally draw adult stuff from time to time (and post it online), but the days of cranking out smut portfolios and prints by the dozens are gone. Call it changing attitudes due to age or a shift in priorities, but it is what it is. I no longer print or sell my artwork, though some of the older stuff is likely still available from Second if you happen to be searching for physical copies of the work.
Be sure to look through both the "Scraps" and "Gallery" section, as both contain artwork. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my stuff!
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Journals: 22
Comments Made: 6408
Journals: 22
Recent Journal
Coming up...
10 years ago
No, not my lunch. I don't seem to have any problem keeping food down. But thanks for asking. It was a good lunch, too.
I'm going to put up a small auction on Tuesday night (the 22nd of July), as my payment for my membership at Furbuy went back into the mail today (and it's heading towards the correct address this time). Once they receive that, I should be able to hold one more auction early next month before I get my arm hacked up and stitched back together (which is probably gonna keep me on low activity. I know I won't be permitted to lift more than 10 pounds with that arm, but I don't know what the clutch pull is on my bikes, so I might be homebound for a few weeks).
I'll stop running auctions by early- to mid-August, though I'll probably resume them around October sometime. I'm going to use some of that time between now and then to get my Will squared away (holy shit, there's so much crap you have to do and organize for those things), so that if I do end up biting the dust sometime next year, it'll be very easy for my family to know who's getting what and what things are going where. I figured on donating my clothing, especially my winter gear, to a homeless shelter, and maybe donate my library of books to either a public library or a school or something. I took all the kid videos I had and donated them to a place where families and kids stay while their parents/whomever are recovering in the nearby hospital. They were mighty happy with that. I take pretty good care of my books, videos and such, so that kind of stuff is in good shape, even if it's a decade or two old!
I'm expecting to get the inked outlines back for the pillows sometime next month. I'll be sending the inked outlines, as well as color reference copies, out in the mail so those can finally be printed and finished.
It looks like I will have to redraw a couple chapters and such for the Skunkworks books (unpublished work), since the originals were apparently destroyed a few years back by accident. Penciling them won't be a problem, but I will be asking my friend Adam if he can ink them for me. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to ink those Kickstarter commissions, because I've already ruined several drawings by trying to ink them with shaky hands. I'll get back with you on that when I figure it out.
So hopefully, I can get the Skunkworks book finished and out later this year. Due to my current health situation, all future portfolios, as well as both the "Penance" and "Caterwaul" stories, are on hold until I see how things turn out. If I last long enough for dialysis to give me a few more years, or if they find a matching kidney, then I can complete them. If the dialysis comes too little too late, or there's no match after awhile and things are going downhill fast, I'll likely just publish or post the all-text version of the "Penance" story, which is written exactly as a novel would be. There's not much left to write in that story (longhand version), so a text-version, while not preferable to an all-out drawn version, might be the way to go. A drawn graphic novel of that story would actually take me a few years to complete, which is time I might not have available.
So keep your eyes peeled, and I'll be putting up another small auction Tuesday. I also found a cool Onika picture I don't think I ever posted, so I'll probably post that tomorrow as well.
Stay frosty!
I'm going to put up a small auction on Tuesday night (the 22nd of July), as my payment for my membership at Furbuy went back into the mail today (and it's heading towards the correct address this time). Once they receive that, I should be able to hold one more auction early next month before I get my arm hacked up and stitched back together (which is probably gonna keep me on low activity. I know I won't be permitted to lift more than 10 pounds with that arm, but I don't know what the clutch pull is on my bikes, so I might be homebound for a few weeks).
I'll stop running auctions by early- to mid-August, though I'll probably resume them around October sometime. I'm going to use some of that time between now and then to get my Will squared away (holy shit, there's so much crap you have to do and organize for those things), so that if I do end up biting the dust sometime next year, it'll be very easy for my family to know who's getting what and what things are going where. I figured on donating my clothing, especially my winter gear, to a homeless shelter, and maybe donate my library of books to either a public library or a school or something. I took all the kid videos I had and donated them to a place where families and kids stay while their parents/whomever are recovering in the nearby hospital. They were mighty happy with that. I take pretty good care of my books, videos and such, so that kind of stuff is in good shape, even if it's a decade or two old!
I'm expecting to get the inked outlines back for the pillows sometime next month. I'll be sending the inked outlines, as well as color reference copies, out in the mail so those can finally be printed and finished.
It looks like I will have to redraw a couple chapters and such for the Skunkworks books (unpublished work), since the originals were apparently destroyed a few years back by accident. Penciling them won't be a problem, but I will be asking my friend Adam if he can ink them for me. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to ink those Kickstarter commissions, because I've already ruined several drawings by trying to ink them with shaky hands. I'll get back with you on that when I figure it out.
So hopefully, I can get the Skunkworks book finished and out later this year. Due to my current health situation, all future portfolios, as well as both the "Penance" and "Caterwaul" stories, are on hold until I see how things turn out. If I last long enough for dialysis to give me a few more years, or if they find a matching kidney, then I can complete them. If the dialysis comes too little too late, or there's no match after awhile and things are going downhill fast, I'll likely just publish or post the all-text version of the "Penance" story, which is written exactly as a novel would be. There's not much left to write in that story (longhand version), so a text-version, while not preferable to an all-out drawn version, might be the way to go. A drawn graphic novel of that story would actually take me a few years to complete, which is time I might not have available.
So keep your eyes peeled, and I'll be putting up another small auction Tuesday. I also found a cool Onika picture I don't think I ever posted, so I'll probably post that tomorrow as well.
Stay frosty!
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