Views: 9547
Submissions: 8
Favs: 78

Watcher | Registered: Sep 2, 2017 04:15
oh, h-hiyas! welcome to my lil slice of FA! nothin' much goin on here... im kinda new hehe ^^'
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oh, i should probably tell you a bit about me! well, my name's Nibby but you can call me Mousey. im a bit chatty at times cuz im a bit hyper, hehe. i also have aspergers (its on the autis, scale, look it up if you dont know) so just keep that in mind, okie?
Anyhoo, im a bit of a sissy diaperfur (hence my username) and i like to meet new fwiends n' stuff. I RP a lot so ya, ask me in pm's and we'll have some fun!
well, i hope dats enough for now, thankyoo for reading this all! >w<
Bestest Fopsy Dadda ever!:
My bestest sissy fwiend:
Bestest widdwe bwovver evar!:
Big mousey bwuvver dat's da cutest babby butt ever! He always says he isnt cyoot but i know he's lyin!
cyootie pie pones:
Widdle baby dwaggy/foxy bwo
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oh, i should probably tell you a bit about me! well, my name's Nibby but you can call me Mousey. im a bit chatty at times cuz im a bit hyper, hehe. i also have aspergers (its on the autis, scale, look it up if you dont know) so just keep that in mind, okie?
Anyhoo, im a bit of a sissy diaperfur (hence my username) and i like to meet new fwiends n' stuff. I RP a lot so ya, ask me in pm's and we'll have some fun!
well, i hope dats enough for now, thankyoo for reading this all! >w<
Bestest Fopsy Dadda ever!:

My bestest sissy fwiend:

Bestest widdwe bwovver evar!:

Big mousey bwuvver dat's da cutest babby butt ever! He always says he isnt cyoot but i know he's lyin!

cyootie pie pones:

Widdle baby dwaggy/foxy bwo

Comments Earned: 551
Comments Made: 701
Journals: 13
Comments Made: 701
Journals: 13
Featured Journal
LOST MY DISCORD; MAKING A NEW ONE (and new character?!)
5 years ago
I lost my discord to 2 factor authentication... uuugh...
that being said, im adding a new character as well!
that being said, im adding a new character as well!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
white mouse, super fluffy!
Favorite Music
retro, 50's, i dun listen to music much hehe ^^'
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Secret Life of Pets, Minions, Zootopia, and a whole buncha others ^u^
Favorite Games
Super Mario Maker, Plants v.s Zombies GW2, most clicker or exponential type games, sandbox games, and retro games!
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playststion 3!
Favorite Animals
cute n' floofy animals >w<
Favorite Foods & Drinks
everything except most veggies.. bleh!
Contact Information