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Aaaarrrrrr | Registered: Jul 8, 2020 03:53
* Hi there! I'm Sini, 32 years old and a Ginger Lombax, welcome to my Furaffinity!!!!
* Spanish living in Edinburgh furry artist.
* I love videogames, anime and cook
* Improve more everyday is my life target, hope you like what I am doing here!!!
•You can check all my social media here and also on my telegram channel where I am more active:
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Male| Bisexual | Taken by the best Kitty in the world ♥
* Spanish living in Edinburgh furry artist.
* I love videogames, anime and cook
* Improve more everyday is my life target, hope you like what I am doing here!!!
•You can check all my social media here and also on my telegram channel where I am more active:
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Male| Bisexual | Taken by the best Kitty in the world ♥
Featured Submission
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Comments Made: 866
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Featured Journal
Kuhanai's Info!!
2 years agoSpecie's details.
Name: Kuhanai.
Average Height: 2'5m
Average Weight: 120Kg
Planet name: Anoano
Sexuality: Diverse
Nutrition: Omnivore
Kuhanai's characteristics.
Fur: Each individual is unique. As you can see in the different characters I have made (click HERE to see some examples), the areas with fur change from one to another as well as the color of the fur and skin, hair style, etc.
Skin: The skin, even though it looks like water, is a very tough epidermis. They are not made of water; the skin only looks like it because of evolutive reasons. In the past, the skin colour was dependant on the water where the eggs were laid. After hundreds of thousands of years, the genetic mixing of various different populations of Kuhanai led to a wide variety of colours existing in any given locale.
Hair: Like humans, it can be thick, thin, straight, wavy, curley, etc. The color also can be any.
Reproduction: They reproduce sexually. Women have 4 ovaries, 2 of which produce the calcium needed to make the eggshell and the other 2 produce the ova. Males have 2 testicles and a curvy shaped dick with a knot in the base and a sensitive membrane under the glans.
Female: They are born with 2 flexible and bald tails that connect to the base, 2 eyes, and their ears look like the wings of the insects that the Kuhanai’s main prey eats. This is because, in the past, females used to be the hunters, hiding her tails in the water, they used to move the ears to guide their prey to her tails so they could catch him. 2 eyes gave them a better focus vision to hunt.
Male: They are born with 1 muscular and bald tail and 4 eyes. This is because in the past, the males used to protect the eggs by hiding them behind their tails until they hatch and could leave the water. The 4 eyes gave them more visual range to detect possible dangers for the eggs.
Makahole: This is the name given to those Kuhanai who were born without a single hair on their body (click HERE to see the species ref sheet). They have one big and blind eye and the ability of having uncontroled premonitions. They are always male and only exists one at time. The last vision they have is the date of birth for the next Makahole.
Kahuai: This is the name given to those Kuhanai who were born with the maximum ammount of fur that the species can have (click HERE to see the species ref sheet). They are extremely rare and they are destined to be a Ruler (read the lore below to understand).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not create your own Makahole or Kahuai. As I say in the rules below, those two are reserved.
Nutrition: This species' main food is an aquatic animal called Menis (I am currently working on the design). They also eat a big variety of vegetables, fruits and other meats. Today they have a big gastronomic culture focused on the respect to nature avoiding the massive production of ingredients.
Culture: Today, the Kuhanai have a very advanced society, living in harmony with nature, although this is the product of many milenia of societal change.
Kuhanai's Lore.
The "Fur hierarchy" in the Kuhanai's culture is as old as the species itself. The more coverage their fur provides, the better they are percieved and treated.
Milenia ago, Kuhanai with very little fur were treated as slaves, meanwhile those with more fur were the aristocrats. But after centuries of social evolution, this began to change. Nowadays there are still remnants of this as the society rulers are comprised by Kahuai and the beauty standard is based on how much fur they have (to the point that those with more fur can easily become top models).
The current society is confronting a civil war between the rulers and the rebels. The objective of this war is to end the Makahole tradition. This is an extremely old tradition which dictates the isolation the Makahole in a temple from the very moment they are born. The rebels consider this tradition a vile and cruel affront to the civil rights of the Makahole and the rulers think this neccesary to keep the peace. This belief harkens from centuries ago when the Makahole's premonition stated the end of the world coming about via the liberation of the Makahole.
The war has been ongoing for 85 years but 27 years ago, the rebels decided to plan their attacks in a more strategic way so there are no more innocent victims, focusing their attacks on the rulers and Makahole temples. Due to this, the cities are constanly guarded by the GRGs (Great Ruler's Guard) with orders to find the rebel shelters and members which are deep in hiding. Neither sides actually want to hurt people so they try to keep the attacks focused on each other, although they are not always successful.
Specie's rules.
* Don't claim the species as yours.
* Don't change the design or make it not the species anymore.
* The species is Semi-open. It means you can make your own sona without permission UNLESS is a Kahuai or a Makahole. Makahole and Kahuai are completely reserved for my personal use.
* If you create your own Kuhanai, attatch a link to this post and/or the species ref sheet.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Ginger Lombax
Favorite Music
Electroswing, metal, rock, 80´s music in general
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Zootopia, Big fish
Favorite Games
Ratchet&Clank, Kingdom hearts and Pokémon.
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo or play station
Favorite Animals
Favorite Site
Youtube I guess
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
Birds don´t just fly, they fall down and then get up! TRY EVERYTHING!!!!