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Writer | Registered: Aug 12, 2009 06:56
Character List:
Alys the Cheetahmouse:
Noms the Sharky:
Ko-Mekai, my unpictured cheese collector mouse
Nameless hybrid flying squirrel/fennec fox:
Unpictured nameless cardinal wolpertinger
Snuggly Vulpix: need picture
Aeara, Cute Purple Doggy:
Kittycorn, adorable and most likely very delicious:
Seedling, beaky face and feathered but still mouse:
Icon by
Alys the Cheetahmouse:
Noms the Sharky:
Ko-Mekai, my unpictured cheese collector mouse
Nameless hybrid flying squirrel/fennec fox:
Unpictured nameless cardinal wolpertinger
Snuggly Vulpix: need picture
Aeara, Cute Purple Doggy:
Kittycorn, adorable and most likely very delicious:
Seedling, beaky face and feathered but still mouse:
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Facts Thing
10 years ago
Idea stolen from the
oddisyn @
Yep, random cheetahmousey facts in a list format!
-Chiren will either be around five feet tall, or seven inches tall. Depending on circumstances.
-Chiren is believed to be poisonous, as nearly everything that has bitten her has died, though usually victims show no signs of poisoning. Still you would be better off not biting her.
(note that 'poisonous' means it is toxic if you bite it, and 'venomous' means it is toxic if it bites you)
-The proportions of cheetah and mouse in Chiren is believed to be 75/25, though scientists have not confirmed this.
-Chiren is omnivorous, having a tendency to enjoy eating both meats and vegetation.
-Her favorite snacks include candycorn, gummy strawberries, starfruit, limeade, watermelon sherbet, and mashed potatoes.
-Chiren has somewhere between 50 and 300 spots. She always loses count halfway through.
-Clothes are for losers. And cold weather.
-Chiren's tail is indeed pointed at the end. Like a mouse tail. Not rounded like a cat tail.
-Speaking of cattails, she bit one once. It was not yummy.
-Chiren very much enjoys squeaking, sometimes as much as using it as both a greeting and as an answer to questions.
-On the off chance that she is not squeaking, it is advised that you do not squeak her in an attempt to help. She does not enjoy this.
-Chiren also very much enjoys hugging things. Especially things that are cute, fuzzy, or colorful.
-Chiren is believed to be the Goddess of Contradictions. This is very fitting as she is both a large cat and a small mouse. Also she is neither immortal nor all-powerful, contradicting the Goddess part.
-Chiren is sometimes a hat.
-Mouses is a proper plural of 'mice.' Her spell check does not put a red line under it.
-She will sometimes leave to acquire a food, as she is not often hungry enough to eat more than one. This is especially true when she is acquiring a pasta.
-Chiren may occasionally seem over-excited, bouncy, joyful, and chaotic in one big bundle of happy. This is completely normal.
-In the event of a Chiren malfunction or apparent shut down, it is advised to apply hugs liberally.
I think that's everything I can think of for now! Might add more later!

Yep, random cheetahmousey facts in a list format!
-Chiren will either be around five feet tall, or seven inches tall. Depending on circumstances.
-Chiren is believed to be poisonous, as nearly everything that has bitten her has died, though usually victims show no signs of poisoning. Still you would be better off not biting her.
(note that 'poisonous' means it is toxic if you bite it, and 'venomous' means it is toxic if it bites you)
-The proportions of cheetah and mouse in Chiren is believed to be 75/25, though scientists have not confirmed this.
-Chiren is omnivorous, having a tendency to enjoy eating both meats and vegetation.
-Her favorite snacks include candycorn, gummy strawberries, starfruit, limeade, watermelon sherbet, and mashed potatoes.
-Chiren has somewhere between 50 and 300 spots. She always loses count halfway through.
-Clothes are for losers. And cold weather.
-Chiren's tail is indeed pointed at the end. Like a mouse tail. Not rounded like a cat tail.
-Speaking of cattails, she bit one once. It was not yummy.
-Chiren very much enjoys squeaking, sometimes as much as using it as both a greeting and as an answer to questions.
-On the off chance that she is not squeaking, it is advised that you do not squeak her in an attempt to help. She does not enjoy this.
-Chiren also very much enjoys hugging things. Especially things that are cute, fuzzy, or colorful.
-Chiren is believed to be the Goddess of Contradictions. This is very fitting as she is both a large cat and a small mouse. Also she is neither immortal nor all-powerful, contradicting the Goddess part.
-Chiren is sometimes a hat.
-Mouses is a proper plural of 'mice.' Her spell check does not put a red line under it.
-She will sometimes leave to acquire a food, as she is not often hungry enough to eat more than one. This is especially true when she is acquiring a pasta.
-Chiren may occasionally seem over-excited, bouncy, joyful, and chaotic in one big bundle of happy. This is completely normal.
-In the event of a Chiren malfunction or apparent shut down, it is advised to apply hugs liberally.
I think that's everything I can think of for now! Might add more later!
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"Sometimes you need the wisdom of an eight year old to get you through." -Captain Robert
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