Views: 41763
Submissions: 197
Favs: 3243

Babyfur Storyteller | Registered: Jan 17, 2021 02:02
He/him/his - 23 - Asexual/Aromantic
Hello! I’m a writer specializing in silly slice of life babyfur stories, complete with cuteness and whimsical wordplay! While most of my works are SFW and given the General rating, please only interact with me if you're 18 or older. If you'd like to reach out to me, Discord is also where I'm easily accessible; my ID is OneEcstaticEmolga.
450k+ words of completed stories and counting. Currently getting months old short story ideas out of my system.
Commissions to Complete:
oiyo (in progress, 6k/10k words)
BlueMoonKin 10k words (not started yet)
DiaperedPingas (4k words, not started yet)
4. (5k words, not started yet)
If you'd like to support me, I've got a Kofi right here:
Hello! I’m a writer specializing in silly slice of life babyfur stories, complete with cuteness and whimsical wordplay! While most of my works are SFW and given the General rating, please only interact with me if you're 18 or older. If you'd like to reach out to me, Discord is also where I'm easily accessible; my ID is OneEcstaticEmolga.
450k+ words of completed stories and counting. Currently getting months old short story ideas out of my system.
Commissions to Complete:



4. (5k words, not started yet)
If you'd like to support me, I've got a Kofi right here:
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 622
Comments Made: 537
Journals: 45
Comments Made: 537
Journals: 45
Featured Journal
What Are Your Thoughts On My Writing?
2 weeks ago
I posed a question like this in a journal from three years ago, so I'm curious how the responses may differ given my writing style has changed pretty dramatically since then. I'm also asking because more developed input from others would be appreciated, as comments that have just been "This is a good story" are annoyingly vague and give me little to work with.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Snake, Skunk
Favorite Music
Favorite Games
Pokémon, Smash Ultimate, Hades, Astral Chain, Bayonetta, Shin Megami Tensei, Like A Dragon, OneShot
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, PS4
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
“The will must be stronger than the skill” - Muhammed Ali
Contact Information
