Views: 1256875
Submissions: 455
Favs: 606392

Professional Durrbutt | Registered: Jul 1, 2010 01:16
Hey there, I'm SigmaX, or just Sigma if you like. I make erotic furry art, usually of the gay male variety. I've done a couple comics, maybe you've seen my stuff around.

Buy my comics HERE and HERE
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Commissions: NO
Trades: MAYBE (send me a private message)
Requests: NO
Comments Earned: 17282
Comments Made: 4447
Journals: 52
Comments Made: 4447
Journals: 52
Recent Journal
20,000 furries fapping at once
8 years ago
I know I almost never make journals these days... but holy crap I have 20k watchers now. That's a big milestone for me. Thanks to all of you for watching, favoriting, and supporting my work over the years, and especially to those who've been watching since I started on FA back in 2010. It'll be 7 years next month. Time flies when you're drawing porn.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
film scores
Favorite Games
Skyrim, Zombie Army Trilogy, Talos Principle, others
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
deer, horse, and everything else
Favorite Quote
Creativity is low fidelity recollection
Contact Information