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Frustration as a chiaroscuro. 2024summary&2025projects
2 months ago
I can't believe this title isn't too long *w*
Most excellent new year to all. Hoping you're all well and wishing you better.
I wanted to end 2024 on a note. Then ended up not posting what I had typed as normally happens. As a result my summary differs in that it's probably a little less rambly. Or more, I am not sure, I was tired yesterday night and a lot whinier as a result. Let's see what I can recall about what I wanted to say - and what I no longer judge necessary to say, although that's just for me to know. As I said, "less rambly", what a great start. Good thing I didn't make this a new year resolution. Good thing I don't believe in these.
The annoyment zodiac sign for this year, personally, was frustration. So, just one of the lesser demons, and one of these bad things that imply there's something good to life. And for sure, for everything that happened which I consider bad, I am not permanently harmed (I think) and nothing major went wrong. Nothing that can't be fixed with just a few good nights of sleep so to speak. Mostly getting beat up by my job and stuff there getting to the point of uncertainty - where chaos in the mundanity of work turns me into a wounded, terrified and angry animal that I barely recognize as myself. Yet - way to be dramatic, me. Even then, I recall it's a seasonal thing, there's a chance it'll go away. Last winter I got into two traffic accidents at work, and one on my commute; only that last one was a) anything serious, b) all my fault, and even that was just a broken wheel. So with that in mind, and the fact I haven't had any accident ever since, let's consider this a win. Even socially, the very fact I'm realizing I'm more of a shut-in than ever would mean there's some kind of energy longing to break out from not only my usual social disinterest but also the fact whatever social stamina I have gets wasted on unpleasant customers. In short, all this has kept me away from realizing bigger aspirations. Which as I said, implies there ARE aspirations, which in the end is a positive. Hope that clarifies why I refer to frustration as a positive, yet shaded sign. A sort of chiaroscuro.
Especially for the last month and a half more or less, something in the air or the drinking water has made me feel slightly more alive in both good and bad - that is to say, frustration. I am not sure what you guys think of my comic, but to me it's a big breakthrough. My dream was always to make comics and this one just sort of happened, the process is very smooth, and it will continue in 2025 alongside other projects I would like to revive. I also consider it therapeutic, discovered I was using it subconsciously to deal with something I buried a few years ago, now that I've figured that out I'll lean more into it. It's the second time this happens and I'm delighted by this, it means I'm doing something right from my point of view; that this is slightly bigger than it was supposed to be. Perhaps this particular dimension will show, perhaps will it even mean something to you as well; but if I can just entertain you with it, then obviously my <s>day</s> YEAR is made. And otherwise, other projects should be continued if I find the time and energy, especially that football humiliation cup I'm looking forward to continue and I think it was rather liked so, if you enjoyed it you can wait for it not too long in the future :)
That's about all. It's a lot longer but also clearer than what I typed yesterday, also a lot more positive, so there's that.
Cheers! =)
Most excellent new year to all. Hoping you're all well and wishing you better.
I wanted to end 2024 on a note. Then ended up not posting what I had typed as normally happens. As a result my summary differs in that it's probably a little less rambly. Or more, I am not sure, I was tired yesterday night and a lot whinier as a result. Let's see what I can recall about what I wanted to say - and what I no longer judge necessary to say, although that's just for me to know. As I said, "less rambly", what a great start. Good thing I didn't make this a new year resolution. Good thing I don't believe in these.
The annoyment zodiac sign for this year, personally, was frustration. So, just one of the lesser demons, and one of these bad things that imply there's something good to life. And for sure, for everything that happened which I consider bad, I am not permanently harmed (I think) and nothing major went wrong. Nothing that can't be fixed with just a few good nights of sleep so to speak. Mostly getting beat up by my job and stuff there getting to the point of uncertainty - where chaos in the mundanity of work turns me into a wounded, terrified and angry animal that I barely recognize as myself. Yet - way to be dramatic, me. Even then, I recall it's a seasonal thing, there's a chance it'll go away. Last winter I got into two traffic accidents at work, and one on my commute; only that last one was a) anything serious, b) all my fault, and even that was just a broken wheel. So with that in mind, and the fact I haven't had any accident ever since, let's consider this a win. Even socially, the very fact I'm realizing I'm more of a shut-in than ever would mean there's some kind of energy longing to break out from not only my usual social disinterest but also the fact whatever social stamina I have gets wasted on unpleasant customers. In short, all this has kept me away from realizing bigger aspirations. Which as I said, implies there ARE aspirations, which in the end is a positive. Hope that clarifies why I refer to frustration as a positive, yet shaded sign. A sort of chiaroscuro.
Especially for the last month and a half more or less, something in the air or the drinking water has made me feel slightly more alive in both good and bad - that is to say, frustration. I am not sure what you guys think of my comic, but to me it's a big breakthrough. My dream was always to make comics and this one just sort of happened, the process is very smooth, and it will continue in 2025 alongside other projects I would like to revive. I also consider it therapeutic, discovered I was using it subconsciously to deal with something I buried a few years ago, now that I've figured that out I'll lean more into it. It's the second time this happens and I'm delighted by this, it means I'm doing something right from my point of view; that this is slightly bigger than it was supposed to be. Perhaps this particular dimension will show, perhaps will it even mean something to you as well; but if I can just entertain you with it, then obviously my <s>day</s> YEAR is made. And otherwise, other projects should be continued if I find the time and energy, especially that football humiliation cup I'm looking forward to continue and I think it was rather liked so, if you enjoyed it you can wait for it not too long in the future :)
That's about all. It's a lot longer but also clearer than what I typed yesterday, also a lot more positive, so there's that.
Cheers! =)
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