Views: 191280
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Registered: Feb 16, 2010 03:15
Former account, no longer used. See my journal for info.
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Comments Earned: 9931
Comments Made: 7060
Journals: 16
Comments Made: 7060
Journals: 16
Featured Journal
So Weasyl may not be the best choice...
a year ago
For a new gallery. Weasyl as a site is pretty much a ghost town I forget exists half the time. It was kind of a spur of the moment choice that I am changing my mind about. I'll keep the stuff I've already upload there, but it may not actually end up being my final posting location after all. As far as sites that I am actually somewhat active on... Itaku is currently the main one I'm actively using, but I should get around to actually posting on it soon. Nothing in the gallery yet as of me posting this journal, but I'm planning on putting at least some of the newest stuff up there:
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However does cute stuff and/or dragons!
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