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Writer | Registered: Mar 11, 2007 11:19
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Comments Earned: 2188
Comments Made: 1214
Journals: 49
Comments Made: 1214
Journals: 49
Recent Journal
Final? Farewell
10 years ago
Sorry to have kept you waiting. It's been virtually impossible to get on FA since I lost my free connection. I just wanted to write and tell you that I'm fine, and you don't need to worry about me. I've been trying to get by without you, but it's been difficult since my stepmom put Fort Knox security on all my access points. I suffered a serious setback when my hard drive died and I lost over 12,000 pictures I had gotten and ALL of the logs and stories I was working on. I salvaged what I could, but I'm virtually scarred for life from losing all that awesome content. Iwanted to let you know that I'm still writing, but it's been much slower these days. I had actually come up with a kind of "tribute" series called "My Nightmare" where a human and a "Nightmare Lugia" virtually engage in any and every kind of fetish, fantasy and furry under the sun just for fun. I never got a chance to submit it, and I lost a couple chapters when my hard drive died. Otherwise, I've mostly been playing Flexible Suvival, Corruption of Champions and that awesome new game Trials in Tainted Space and kept a log of as much content as I could just for fun. I have nearly 2000 pages just from CoC alone! I'm always thinking of you, and if there comes a time where I can get back online, you'll be the first site I hit. It was fun while it lasted, and I promise to keep writing for as long as I can. Until next time, this is shadowlugia249 signing off for now!
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Anthro Twilight Lugia
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Mostly game
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Anything with a challenge.
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I am (not) one with myself.
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Hey there, InflationFan1080 here, I just like to say your stories are the best in my opinion. You mix emotion witth imagery so well I have to give you credit for being my favorite