Views: 23723
Submissions: 404
Favs: 8985

vaguely corporeal | Registered: Oct 5, 2008 03:18

[-][-] ††† [-][-]
→ ♀/♂ l Shape-shifter l Introvert ←
The sinner closest to my heart
→†Current Theme†←
→Spiritbox - Rotoscope←
Valdamar l Requiem
Maxwell l Aniya l Virgil
Sezaku l Morrigan l Demitri l
Ammon l Niu nsfw
Niva l Andromeda l Lore
Commissions: CLOSED l Art Trades/Requests: CLOSED
Price Guide l Commission List & TOS
[-][-] ††† [-][-]

This user has no favorites.
Comments Earned: 2808
Comments Made: 3314
Journals: 16
Comments Made: 3314
Journals: 16
Recent Journal
+ I'm alive, sorta +
11 months agoI hope everything has been well with you all.
I'm planning on reopening commissions once I finished what I owe. I won't be taking a lot on due to my on going health issues but I plan to do 1-2 a month if I'm able.
I appreciate all the new watchers and I'm sorry I haven't done much in terms of art recently.
Thank you all for your support!