Views: 23321
Submissions: 85
Favs: 4376

Watcher | Registered: Apr 10, 2007 12:48
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ATTENTION: I've moved to a new primary account.
Thank you in advance for faves/watches. I'm too lazy to thank people individually for them, but they ARE appreciated. >w<
I'm just a laid-back veterinary technician from the central USA who's been involved in the fandom in one facet or another for close to a decade now.
In spite of how much I hate using the cliche ''old school'' label, I've been a diehard gamer since the ancient arcade days (ever since I was barely even tall enough to reach the controls of arcade machines as a kid =P). S'always been one of my biggest passions, and it's one of the few things anyone has to worry about me ''geeking out'' over. Gamer from the womb until the tomb, baby. =D
I've also submitted a handful of game reviews on various websites in the past (even an award-winner on GameFAQs; go me! =P). So please bear with me if I post a TLDR review here from time to time. I'm approachable to talk to on AIM and/or Skype about gaming or ... whatever ... within reason. If you wish to add me to either of those chat progs, please note me a request first.
Oh, and no, none of the art in my gallery is drawn by me. I felt the need to post this disclaimer, since I've had people visit my page and just assume I drew what's in there (just goes to show how many people actually pay attention to the submission descriptions =P). I'm no artist, unless you count my command over the English language as an ''art.'' Haha.
Dear furries,
Just for the record? ''Yiff'' is the most idiotic and embarrassing word to be associated with sex since ''sausage wallet.'' Furries wonder why they're often the butt of ridicule, scrutiny, and an assortment of negative stereotypes? It's because, among other things, they think using ridiculous words like that is ''normal'' behavior.
There's NOTHING wrong with boning, shagging, fucking, screwing or even *gasp!* making love, people. So if you inwardly think sex is such a dirty, mentally scarring thing that you need to cute-ify it with words like ''yiff'' to an extent that it makes folks want to projectile vomit just from the mere mention of it, please get back in touch with reality. No offense meant here, but when I witness someone using that word, they're probably going to have to work a little harder than most to get their foot in the door with me. I know it's petty, but from my past experience, most individuals I've known who make regular use of this word tend to be a little ... off.
Furthermore, I'm not a big fan of the ''murrtards.'' You know, the social cretins who can't seem to stop fapping to a pic long enough to type out a comment to an artist that's any deeper than ''Ooo I wish I cud touch doze boobs'' or ''mrrr hawt feetz i wanna lick dem!!1oneone.'' Ugh, seriously, I think it's safe to say that most artists are looking for more constructive or meaningful feedback than that when they post something they've likely been working on for hours on end. Those creeper comments are like graffiti in a bathroom stall; sure, we see it, but no one really pays attention to it.

ATTENTION: I've moved to a new primary account.

Thank you in advance for faves/watches. I'm too lazy to thank people individually for them, but they ARE appreciated. >w<
I'm just a laid-back veterinary technician from the central USA who's been involved in the fandom in one facet or another for close to a decade now.
In spite of how much I hate using the cliche ''old school'' label, I've been a diehard gamer since the ancient arcade days (ever since I was barely even tall enough to reach the controls of arcade machines as a kid =P). S'always been one of my biggest passions, and it's one of the few things anyone has to worry about me ''geeking out'' over. Gamer from the womb until the tomb, baby. =D
I've also submitted a handful of game reviews on various websites in the past (even an award-winner on GameFAQs; go me! =P). So please bear with me if I post a TLDR review here from time to time. I'm approachable to talk to on AIM and/or Skype about gaming or ... whatever ... within reason. If you wish to add me to either of those chat progs, please note me a request first.
Oh, and no, none of the art in my gallery is drawn by me. I felt the need to post this disclaimer, since I've had people visit my page and just assume I drew what's in there (just goes to show how many people actually pay attention to the submission descriptions =P). I'm no artist, unless you count my command over the English language as an ''art.'' Haha.
Dear furries,
Just for the record? ''Yiff'' is the most idiotic and embarrassing word to be associated with sex since ''sausage wallet.'' Furries wonder why they're often the butt of ridicule, scrutiny, and an assortment of negative stereotypes? It's because, among other things, they think using ridiculous words like that is ''normal'' behavior.
There's NOTHING wrong with boning, shagging, fucking, screwing or even *gasp!* making love, people. So if you inwardly think sex is such a dirty, mentally scarring thing that you need to cute-ify it with words like ''yiff'' to an extent that it makes folks want to projectile vomit just from the mere mention of it, please get back in touch with reality. No offense meant here, but when I witness someone using that word, they're probably going to have to work a little harder than most to get their foot in the door with me. I know it's petty, but from my past experience, most individuals I've known who make regular use of this word tend to be a little ... off.
Furthermore, I'm not a big fan of the ''murrtards.'' You know, the social cretins who can't seem to stop fapping to a pic long enough to type out a comment to an artist that's any deeper than ''Ooo I wish I cud touch doze boobs'' or ''mrrr hawt feetz i wanna lick dem!!1oneone.'' Ugh, seriously, I think it's safe to say that most artists are looking for more constructive or meaningful feedback than that when they post something they've likely been working on for hours on end. Those creeper comments are like graffiti in a bathroom stall; sure, we see it, but no one really pays attention to it.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 4361
Comments Made: 5560
Journals: 153
Comments Made: 5560
Journals: 153
Recent Journal
9 years agoI eventually got tired of waiting, since there were a lot of people (including artists) I had no other method of contacting without access to my account, so I made a new one. As I said in my journal there, part of me was glad this happened because I'd been procrastinating making a new account for years, since this one's name is tied to a character I don't really use or identify with anymore. I won't be reposting art in my new gallery that doesn't have anything to do with my characters Tenkai or Jun, and no, I'm not going to mass delete artwork here. So don't worry if you have stuff faved in SamoyedSin's gallery; it'll still be there.
I don't expect to carry over all the followers I got on this account over the years. This place has never been about popularity for me. I've met some pretty cool people (and some pretty insufferable ones too -_-) in my time on FA, so I'm mostly just posting this journal to let my friends and acquaintances know what happened and why there's not much activity on this account anymore.
I'm going to leave SamoyedSin up as a backup account, but for those who're interested in keeping tabs on me, my new account is:

I found it kind of funny that I FINALLY got an email from the admins to tell me my password had been reset manually literally the SAME DAY I took the plunge and made the new account. The timing was curious, to say the least. XD
Oh well, I'm just glad to be back. For those of you who aren't planning on following me with my move, I appreciate what interest you took in my page here while it lasted, be it for the art I commissioned or my rants and observations in my fuck-ton of journals posted over the years. See you all on the flip side~
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!
Favorite Music
Radiohead, Rammstein, Depeche Mode, BT, Static-X, KMFDM, David Bowie, Lords of Acid, Dethklok, Scissor Sisters, Junkie XL, Soundgarden
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Aliens, Pacific Rim, Casino Royale, Iron Man, 300, Enemy Mine, The Last Starfighter, V for Vendetta, The Avengers
Favorite Games
XCOM, Dead Space, Tekken 6, Batman: Arkham Asylum/City/Origins, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fallout 3, Shadow of the Colossus
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Xbox 360, PS2
Favorite Animals
Me!(Or ... bunnies, bears, horses, and canines)
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Sushi, Italian, Thai, Mexican (Mmm, heartburn)
Favorite Quote
I don't wanna hurt nobody, but a bee has got to sting. <3
Contact Information
