Views: 2413
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Artist | Registered: Apr 23, 2010 11:38
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Comments Earned: 286
Comments Made: 438
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 438
Journals: 2
Recent Journal
Starting Over, I guess
11 years ago
So yeah, I haven't really had the opportunity to get online for quite some time, I know. Not that my online presence was so imposing or anything; but at least I was 'there'. Then things got a bit hard.. Got a nice job, but hated it. Would sometimes sit in the parking lot and cry because I really, really hated that job. So I quit. Then my father died, my pc died, everyone DIED, or that was how I was feeling. Even lost a few close friends around that time. So, I had my pity-party, and eventually, began to pick myself back up off the ground, so to speak. I'm working again, two jobs, actually, trying to save up for a pc of my own, or maybe even a laptop. Whatever. Either way, I'm also starting to draw again. I really don't have that much time, but whenever I'm at work, and have access to a scanner and printer, I will try to upload a drawing or two. Nothing big, just sketches and such. But I welcome any and all comments, critiques, and what have you.
So yeah. This is me, just letting you all know that I'm still alive, trying to do a bit better, and I miss you all.
Also, I have a weasyl acct. username is 'safyia', same as here.
aka safyia.
So yeah. This is me, just letting you all know that I'm still alive, trying to do a bit better, and I miss you all.
Also, I have a weasyl acct. username is 'safyia', same as here.
aka safyia.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
all save country and polka
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
felines, canines, reptiles, birds...
Favorite Foods & Drinks
homemade and from scratch
Contact Information

In case you'd like to see the story of how he became so sublimely serpentine, that's over here:
Fair warning, it gets pretty kinky. :>
hope your day goes well!