Views: 5396
Submissions: 50
Favs: 2471

Registered: Apr 4, 2023 10:39
Hey there. I'm Sabu. I enjoy messing around with blender from time to time and thought I'd share some of the stuff I make here.
I love big male dragons. If you do too, you might enjoy my work.
I upload on an extremely inconsistent basis. I may upload multiple renders per week, I might upload nothing for a month or two straight.
I will try to answer any comments and notes that are sent my way. If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to do so either on here, or my discord which can be found below.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoy my work.
I love big male dragons. If you do too, you might enjoy my work.
I upload on an extremely inconsistent basis. I may upload multiple renders per week, I might upload nothing for a month or two straight.
I will try to answer any comments and notes that are sent my way. If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to do so either on here, or my discord which can be found below.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoy my work.
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Comments Earned: 85
Comments Made: 43
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Comments Made: 43
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No Favorite Music
Whatever "Armored Core 6 OST - Disc 3" is classed as.
Favorite Games
Furi, Armored Core 6, Bloodborne, Lost Judgment, Monster Hunter
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I'm Dragon Daft
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