Views: 1672
Submissions: 68
Favs: 239

Digital Artist | Registered: Mar 6, 2013 10:12
Comments Earned: 109
Comments Made: 84
Journals: 11
Comments Made: 84
Journals: 11
Featured Journal
8 years ago
sorry i wasnt active. unis killing me. currently taking lots of telegram sticker commissions off amino to pay for summer stuff and to go towards tuition etc. etc. ill try to post more often and update my commission info here. but yeah still alive
EDIT: please disregard any previous journals regarding commissions/prices etc. I haven't updated my page in a while but i'm working on it now.
EDIT: please disregard any previous journals regarding commissions/prices etc. I haven't updated my page in a while but i'm working on it now.
