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Horizon-Bound Dreamer | Registered: May 7, 2016 11:23
Hiya! My name is Riot. Welcome to my page! Icon was done by
I'm redoing all this stuff. Big changes, big exciting changes! I'll fix it soon!
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Featured Journal
Riot's First Migration (Con Writeup)
8 years ago
Welp. Just got back home from Furry Migration. As much as it sort of pains to me recall all this, because I miss it so damn much, but I need to write this while everything is fresh in my mind. I'm not going into the drama of getting my suit here with the post office before the con, because I want this to be a happy post, about everything I loved about this con, and everything I'll miss.
Got in around 5 on Thursday with enough time to check into the room, and get registered. Got to wait for it to open, and almost started #pillarcon, registered and then suited up in a partial and then came down for adult Fursuit charades, and think I did pretty well for it being my first time in suit! I even got the most points! I'm not sure whether or not to be proud of that... But people loved my suit, and I loved being in it!
It feels like forever ago, but it was just three short days. Still can't get my head around that. It feels like it all went too quickly and took forever at the same time.
After that I got sorta hungry, and got a random message from an awesome AWESOME guy named Jace who said he saw me in the charades. I thanked him and let him know that I was hungry and could use some food. I then followed him and another friend whose name I CANNOT remember (So sorry :C I saw you at the con a lot though. and you were fun and funny!). We wandered around trying to find food to no avail (I guess Minneapolis closes at midnight?) and I just went to bed hungry, which was fine. I had a fun time wandering around.
I woke up and got back into suit. I wanted to greet everyone as Riot! It was around that time (noonish maybe?) That I met
. Oh. My. Gosh. These two were so amazing. We went down to get breakfast and chatted, then hung out preeeeetty much the rest of the day. Sisu was a seasoned suiter, with an adorable kitty suit, and Purrsephone was very new to cons and furries, so she was borrowing a partial from Sisu. We suited up and got ready for the Fursuit games. At some point earlier that day, I think as I was getting pictures taken at the photoshoot, my pace froze and my gaze fixed for a moment upon an absolutely stunning girl. Short blonde hair, a cute flannel shirt, and a smile that almost melted the fur right off the base of my Fursuit. Our eyes locked for a moment, but then I turned to enter the room for the Fursuit games.
In the games, which were fun, the second event was to grab an audience member, and basically play musical chairs with them. Music would play, then when the music stopped, the fursuiters would have to grab an audience member. Whoever was left without one was out. Instantly, I scanned the audience for the girl from earlier and sure enough, there she was. Her eyes were fixed on me too. There was a mad dash of suiters, and I was sure someone would take her before I did. But they all found other audience members, so I approached her and held out my hand, which she took. I then pulled her over and we chatted a bit while they were explaining the rules again. I found out her name was Kelley, and we mentioned we both loved to dance, and eventually settled on seeing each other at the rave that night.
I then got out of my suit, as I was getting pretty hot, and played a furry version of Family Feud. I thought we did pretty well, and we almost won! But the other team stole it at the last second. A ton of fun.
Then came the rave. I suited up in my fullsuit, turned on all my lights, and I was ready to go. I showed up and saw Kelley already there.
Ho. Lee. SHIT. This girl can DANCE. The way she flowed, the way she moved, her arms so fluidly twirling about her body as she danced with me. I was entranced by her, and I did my best to give her the same effect. Time stood still as we lost ourselves in each other's eyes time and time again when the music slowed, before quickly picking back up and making us both strut our stuff. She had to leave after a few hours, and then I met back up with Sizu and Purrsephone, and went back to their room to watch Zootopia with
his mate Scarlet, and their friend Mango. We had to watch it on my tiny surface 3, but it was still fun. Note to self, bring chromecast to next con.
After meeting up with my roommate
later on Friday night, we woke up and chatted a bit Saturday morning, and then I went to my special sponsor's brunch before suiting up to go to the Fursuit parade, which was a blast! I fullsuited, which was a bit hot after a while, but very worth it. It was around then that I met up with Kelley again, and met her cousin/aunt (I'm still not entirely sure on this one, whoops!) and I hung out with them for most of the rest of the day. Went around the dealer's den and artist alley, and then went to the improv awesomeness of "Whose Lion is it Anyways?". I had a blast getting back into improv for a bit, and I hope I was at least a little funny!
It was then that my night got a little interesting. There are some people in this section who tend to preserve anonymity, and for their sake, I will be a bit vague on details and won't name names. If they'd like to name themselves they are more than welcome to, but better safe than sorry.
I noticed in a chat that someone/some people who I've personally looked up to in the fandom was looking for a room party that night. Fursuits only. Judging by how well watching a movie on the surface went the previous night, and by how much I wanted to meet this person/these people, I happily invited them over. Long story short, me and him/her/them went down and danced together, along with Kelley who again, I could write a freaking paragraph about how this girl can move her body. We danced until about 1 AM, and then Kelley and her aunt had to leave as the dance ended. The others (one more joined) were interested in checking out another party first, and invited me, but I said I'd rather go freshen up a bit before getting in suit for the movie in my room (I danced in just a partial this night. Fullsuit dancing is hard work!!!). I hadn't gotten a chance to step in the shower yet when I got a message saying they were coming up! I started panicking and quickly straightened out the room. They arrived while I was still getting my under armor on, and I had to have them wait about thirty seconds, so there was a lot clacking of Fursuit nails on the door. (Sorry guys!). So they came in, I cranked down the AC as low as it could get (which is never enough for a few fursuiters snuggling on a bed) and we started watching movies. After a bit, we got hot and needed to get up and stretch our legs, look at the view, etc. It was then that we all just sat and talked with each other.
From the bottom of my heart. Guys. Thank you. I needed this, and it sounded like you guys did too. We all shared stories, we joked, laughed, got deep, and shared some parts of where we came from, and what helped make us who we are today. We stayed up talking until 5 am, which is when my Fursuit head got heavy and my head started spinning a bit and I needed to go rest. I thanked them all. We hugged, said goodnight, and I promptly fell asleep.
Went down to checkout, got my bags and stuff all put away. Didn't suit at all today. One of the friends left their badge in my room the previous night, so I got to see them one last time, and we both commented fondly on how well the night went, and that we should keep in touch. It was great to have that closure, to know it wasn't just a bunch of stuff said in the moment for the moment's sake. It was really cool and comforting to know that my experiences and friends from
the con would be kept afterwards.
I met up with Kelley and her cousin/aunt again, and we spent the morning together going to a panel or two, and then finishing up at the ending ceremonies. It was really heart breaking to have to say goodbye to them. They're both wonderful and kind people, and I hope our paths cross again soon.
Drove home and sat down, and just sort of cried for about fifteen minutes. I missed the con so much. I didn't want to leave. I wanted it to go on forever. I don't want to go back to my normal life. But all good things must come to and end, I suppose. But I really do believe the friendships I've made will last and keep me going.
Also, this is something I've been debating for quite a while, but I think I may move out to Minnesota. It's not really related to any one thing at the con per se. But my reasons have been that I could easily make more money doing the same job I do now (android developer), be closer to a bigger city with a lot to offer, and the reason I bring it up in this post, the MNFurs community seems great. My good friend
is very involved I know, and there are a lot of local meetups and stuff. I miss that so much. In Kenosha where I used to live, there were ALWAYS things going on furrywise. Kenosha has kind of turned into a not so nice town as of recent, and I feel like I've moved past it. I think Minnesota with the MNFurs community could be a really good place to keep this great momentum I felt from this con going. For those who know about my life events since June-ish, I've been a bit more down than I think I've even been letting myself know. This weekend is the first time I've felt genuinely happy in a very long time. It was such a fresh feeling, I think I almost forgot what it felt like to feel this alive and happy. So I think I'm going to chase this feeling. And right now that feeling is calling me westward. I don't plan anything immediately, but I think it starts with looking at other jobs, and getting more involved with the MNFurs community.
I hope everyone else had fun. Please let me know some of your experiences too! Or if you saw me there! Show me pictures you took of me in suit! And keep on being awesome, furry community. I owe a lot to you. Let's start a fucking Riot.
Got in around 5 on Thursday with enough time to check into the room, and get registered. Got to wait for it to open, and almost started #pillarcon, registered and then suited up in a partial and then came down for adult Fursuit charades, and think I did pretty well for it being my first time in suit! I even got the most points! I'm not sure whether or not to be proud of that... But people loved my suit, and I loved being in it!
It feels like forever ago, but it was just three short days. Still can't get my head around that. It feels like it all went too quickly and took forever at the same time.
After that I got sorta hungry, and got a random message from an awesome AWESOME guy named Jace who said he saw me in the charades. I thanked him and let him know that I was hungry and could use some food. I then followed him and another friend whose name I CANNOT remember (So sorry :C I saw you at the con a lot though. and you were fun and funny!). We wandered around trying to find food to no avail (I guess Minneapolis closes at midnight?) and I just went to bed hungry, which was fine. I had a fun time wandering around.
I woke up and got back into suit. I wanted to greet everyone as Riot! It was around that time (noonish maybe?) That I met

In the games, which were fun, the second event was to grab an audience member, and basically play musical chairs with them. Music would play, then when the music stopped, the fursuiters would have to grab an audience member. Whoever was left without one was out. Instantly, I scanned the audience for the girl from earlier and sure enough, there she was. Her eyes were fixed on me too. There was a mad dash of suiters, and I was sure someone would take her before I did. But they all found other audience members, so I approached her and held out my hand, which she took. I then pulled her over and we chatted a bit while they were explaining the rules again. I found out her name was Kelley, and we mentioned we both loved to dance, and eventually settled on seeing each other at the rave that night.
I then got out of my suit, as I was getting pretty hot, and played a furry version of Family Feud. I thought we did pretty well, and we almost won! But the other team stole it at the last second. A ton of fun.
Then came the rave. I suited up in my fullsuit, turned on all my lights, and I was ready to go. I showed up and saw Kelley already there.
Ho. Lee. SHIT. This girl can DANCE. The way she flowed, the way she moved, her arms so fluidly twirling about her body as she danced with me. I was entranced by her, and I did my best to give her the same effect. Time stood still as we lost ourselves in each other's eyes time and time again when the music slowed, before quickly picking back up and making us both strut our stuff. She had to leave after a few hours, and then I met back up with Sizu and Purrsephone, and went back to their room to watch Zootopia with

After meeting up with my roommate

It was then that my night got a little interesting. There are some people in this section who tend to preserve anonymity, and for their sake, I will be a bit vague on details and won't name names. If they'd like to name themselves they are more than welcome to, but better safe than sorry.
I noticed in a chat that someone/some people who I've personally looked up to in the fandom was looking for a room party that night. Fursuits only. Judging by how well watching a movie on the surface went the previous night, and by how much I wanted to meet this person/these people, I happily invited them over. Long story short, me and him/her/them went down and danced together, along with Kelley who again, I could write a freaking paragraph about how this girl can move her body. We danced until about 1 AM, and then Kelley and her aunt had to leave as the dance ended. The others (one more joined) were interested in checking out another party first, and invited me, but I said I'd rather go freshen up a bit before getting in suit for the movie in my room (I danced in just a partial this night. Fullsuit dancing is hard work!!!). I hadn't gotten a chance to step in the shower yet when I got a message saying they were coming up! I started panicking and quickly straightened out the room. They arrived while I was still getting my under armor on, and I had to have them wait about thirty seconds, so there was a lot clacking of Fursuit nails on the door. (Sorry guys!). So they came in, I cranked down the AC as low as it could get (which is never enough for a few fursuiters snuggling on a bed) and we started watching movies. After a bit, we got hot and needed to get up and stretch our legs, look at the view, etc. It was then that we all just sat and talked with each other.
From the bottom of my heart. Guys. Thank you. I needed this, and it sounded like you guys did too. We all shared stories, we joked, laughed, got deep, and shared some parts of where we came from, and what helped make us who we are today. We stayed up talking until 5 am, which is when my Fursuit head got heavy and my head started spinning a bit and I needed to go rest. I thanked them all. We hugged, said goodnight, and I promptly fell asleep.
Went down to checkout, got my bags and stuff all put away. Didn't suit at all today. One of the friends left their badge in my room the previous night, so I got to see them one last time, and we both commented fondly on how well the night went, and that we should keep in touch. It was great to have that closure, to know it wasn't just a bunch of stuff said in the moment for the moment's sake. It was really cool and comforting to know that my experiences and friends from
the con would be kept afterwards.
I met up with Kelley and her cousin/aunt again, and we spent the morning together going to a panel or two, and then finishing up at the ending ceremonies. It was really heart breaking to have to say goodbye to them. They're both wonderful and kind people, and I hope our paths cross again soon.
Drove home and sat down, and just sort of cried for about fifteen minutes. I missed the con so much. I didn't want to leave. I wanted it to go on forever. I don't want to go back to my normal life. But all good things must come to and end, I suppose. But I really do believe the friendships I've made will last and keep me going.
Also, this is something I've been debating for quite a while, but I think I may move out to Minnesota. It's not really related to any one thing at the con per se. But my reasons have been that I could easily make more money doing the same job I do now (android developer), be closer to a bigger city with a lot to offer, and the reason I bring it up in this post, the MNFurs community seems great. My good friend

I hope everyone else had fun. Please let me know some of your experiences too! Or if you saw me there! Show me pictures you took of me in suit! And keep on being awesome, furry community. I owe a lot to you. Let's start a fucking Riot.