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Digital Artist | Registered: Sep 22, 2009 02:35
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[Put this on your page if you role-play]
iloce the hard vore, digestion and scta e
Discord: Redpod#1997
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[Put this on your page if you role-play]
iloce the hard vore, digestion and scta e
Discord: Redpod#1997
Comments Earned: 9515
Comments Made: 12138
Journals: 56
Comments Made: 12138
Journals: 56
Recent Journal
Rp: Idea
3 years ago
Estoy pensando en hacer un experimento y necesito presas, hare un experimento para saber donde se acumulan los nutrientes de las presas tanto en machos como hembras, quien se quiere sacrificar x el bien de la ciencia?
Mi experimento consiste en averiguar que especies engordan mas al depredador, que especies aportan mas nutrientes, donde se acumula la grasa, si los machos o hembras son mas deliciosos
En el caso de depredadores el experimento consistiria en: que especies agradan mas los pechos, si las presas gordas hacen crecer mucho los pechos o no, que tanta leche o grasa obtendrian de casa especie y cada tipo de presa, etc
I am thinking of doing an experiment and I need prey, I will do an experiment to find out where the nutrients of the prey accumulate in both males and females, who wants to sacrifice for the sake of science?
My experiment consists of finding out which species fatten the predator more, which species provide more nutrients, where the fat accumulates, if the males or females are more delicious
In the case of predators, the experiment would consist of: which species are more pleasing to the breasts, whether the fat prey make the breasts grow a lot or not, how much milk or fat would they obtain from each species and each type of prey, etc...
Estoy pensando en hacer un experimento y necesito presas, hare un experimento para saber donde se acumulan los nutrientes de las presas tanto en machos como hembras, quien se quiere sacrificar x el bien de la ciencia?
Mi experimento consiste en averiguar que especies engordan mas al depredador, que especies aportan mas nutrientes, donde se acumula la grasa, si los machos o hembras son mas deliciosos
En el caso de depredadores el experimento consistiria en: que especies agradan mas los pechos, si las presas gordas hacen crecer mucho los pechos o no, que tanta leche o grasa obtendrian de casa especie y cada tipo de presa, etc
I am thinking of doing an experiment and I need prey, I will do an experiment to find out where the nutrients of the prey accumulate in both males and females, who wants to sacrifice for the sake of science?
My experiment consists of finding out which species fatten the predator more, which species provide more nutrients, where the fat accumulates, if the males or females are more delicious
In the case of predators, the experiment would consist of: which species are more pleasing to the breasts, whether the fat prey make the breasts grow a lot or not, how much milk or fat would they obtain from each species and each type of prey, etc...
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Black lion with wings
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Titanic, Pokemon, Rescate e n la antartida
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Lion, cheetah, leopards, fox, wolf big cats
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Favorite Quote
All are my preys