Views: 5842
Submissions: 85
Favs: 294

Anthro Artist | Registered: Dec 16, 2007 04:34
I'm Red Fox, 35 year old male. I do a little art and writing, but its mostly just scribblings I feel... as neither are any good X3
A lot of things you'll see here are commissioned works I've had done, so please check the description before saying I did a great job as there's a good chance it was something that was commissioned and not done by me.
My beloved little kittie

Current Icon by the great

1) '62 Chvey Impala (Licensed and driving from time to time!! =D)
2) '85 & '86 Jags (Looking for parts)
3) '42 CJ2
4) '51 Willy pick up truck
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Comments Earned: 786
Comments Made: 1027
Journals: 21
Comments Made: 1027
Journals: 21
Recent Journal
The Fox is back in town!
12 years ago
Yes in deed after all these many months my ship has returned home, while deployment wasn't to bad it sure is nice to be back in the US. Also coming back with a little more metal on my chest and extra weight on my collar X3 while on deployment I got awarded a NAM, qualified ESWS, and was promoted to Second Class ^^
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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Favorite Music
Any thing but Opera and Rap
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Star Gate
Favorite Games
Red Alert 3
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 4, PC
Favorite Animals
Foxs and Wolfs
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Umm All
Favorite Quote
With great power comes great responsibility