Views: 24218
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Favs: 3725

Writer/Jewelcrafter | Registered: Nov 15, 2006 04:48
Commission status: tentative. (note me for info)
Trades: open
Requests: closed
Commissions and trades are for cut gemstones. Note me for more information on exact terms. Trades will be for roughly equivalent value.
Trades: open
Requests: closed
Commissions and trades are for cut gemstones. Note me for more information on exact terms. Trades will be for roughly equivalent value.
Hello there, my name's Albeon and I'm a blue and white feral storm you should be able to see. I do have an anthro form, but I greatly prefer feral. I am non-binary (irl) and hermaphroditic (sona only...unfortunately). I have a more masculine personality and use male pronouns since that's what I'm used to responding to, but my actual gender identity is expressed through my fursona: both. For my physical attributes, please see my ref sheets. I'm a reptile, meaning I grow slowly throughout my life, so my size will be updated occasionally. While my main form is a large feral dragon, I'm a bit of a shapeshifter and can take on the form of an anthro dragon, human, or kobold as need arises.
For real life stuff... I'm currently a molecular biologist working in a pharmaceuticals lab. I'm not intending for that to be my career, but I need more lab experience to get into grad school. It pays well, if nothing else, but drastically cuts into my free time. Any other questions you may have, feel free to IM or send a note.
Some facts about me
1. My name is Albeon, not RedDrake. I made my FA account before settling on a name. Please do NOT refer to me as RedDrake!
2. I almost never RP. It does happen on rare circumstances, but if I'm in the mood, I'll initiate.
3. I'm an otherkin. I don't believe that I was a dragon in a past life, but I do view my fursona as an extension of myself in terms of personality and emotions.
4. I don't do "online families."
5. I don't do master/pet relationships. I am about as far from submissive as one can be, but I also don't feel comfortable lording over someone else.
6. Because I'm an otherkin, I refer to my fursona in the first person. My fursona is me, not some character I created.
7. I don't do vore. At all. I have a pretty strong aversion to it and won't participate, nor will I consent to be in art where it's happening. No exceptions for anyone, for any reason.
8. I only have one fursona, but I may get art or write stories of other characters. Please don't confuse them for me though.
9. The only messenger services I use are Discord and Telegram.
10. I don't mind being used in art/stories by others. Just please ask me first.
11. Since my fursona is an extension of my personality, it can change in some ways as I change. I will always and forever be a dragon though.
12. I play several MMO's (see full list below) but I generally focus on one at a time and will switch around every few weeks/months. If you want to play one with me, let me know.
13. I am 100% androsexual. That means that I only really have sexual interest/attraction to males.
Mated to
cty_lover since November 12 2010
**Friends** (not in any particular order)

Several others should be here, but can't fit. If you think you belong on this list, but don't see yourself, that means that you do in fact belong on this list.
Current avatar by
MMO's I play: (If you want to contact/add me in game, send me a note for my info.)
Final Fantasy XIV (Hyperion/Primal)
WoW (Draka)
EVE Online
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Guild Wars 2
Elder Scrolls Online
I also play some games that are not MMO's, but have online multiplayer functionality:
Elite Dangerous
Starcraft 2
Sins of a Solar Empire
Star Wars: Battlefront
Diablo 3
Baldur's Gate 3
Member of:
Comments Earned: 2477
Comments Made: 2071
Journals: 318
Comments Made: 2071
Journals: 318
Featured Journal
Life Update
a year ago
I realized it's been a while since I posted anything regarding my writing or why it's taking so long. When I put up my last story about 2 years ago, I was just returning to college after finally addressing all the medical issues that have been plaguing me for nearly a decade. It took three semesters, but last spring I graduated with my degree.
Not too long after graduating, I got my first job that required a college diploma. Unfortunately, it was an extremely intense job that had me working over 40 hours per week on average and running around for 12 hours at a time. That job was temporary though, and just came to an end.
Now I'm preparing to start another new job with a much more consistent schedule and much better pay. $32/hr to be specific. That means that my financial stresses should be greatly alleviated in addition to this new job not destroying my body quite so much. I'll be working for the pharmaceutical industry, which I despise but I'd have to have brain worms to turn down a job like that when I have $85k in student debt.
Obviously, all this means that I had neither the time or mental capacity to do any writing over the past two years. Hopefully, however, once I get into the groove of this new job, that will change. I'll be training with an odd schedule for the first 4 weeks I'm there, then my regular hours will kick in. I'll also need to get a new computer, since my current laptop's keyboard isn't really functioning, but taking home about $1000 every week should allow me to handle that problem quickly enough. My hope is to start writing again within the next few months. I might ease my way back into it with a one-off story before continuing the series I've been working on. We'll just have to see how the inspiration hits.
Not too long after graduating, I got my first job that required a college diploma. Unfortunately, it was an extremely intense job that had me working over 40 hours per week on average and running around for 12 hours at a time. That job was temporary though, and just came to an end.
Now I'm preparing to start another new job with a much more consistent schedule and much better pay. $32/hr to be specific. That means that my financial stresses should be greatly alleviated in addition to this new job not destroying my body quite so much. I'll be working for the pharmaceutical industry, which I despise but I'd have to have brain worms to turn down a job like that when I have $85k in student debt.
Obviously, all this means that I had neither the time or mental capacity to do any writing over the past two years. Hopefully, however, once I get into the groove of this new job, that will change. I'll be training with an odd schedule for the first 4 weeks I'm there, then my regular hours will kick in. I'll also need to get a new computer, since my current laptop's keyboard isn't really functioning, but taking home about $1000 every week should allow me to handle that problem quickly enough. My hope is to start writing again within the next few months. I might ease my way back into it with a one-off story before continuing the series I've been working on. We'll just have to see how the inspiration hits.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Feral Storm Dragon
Favorite Music
Metal, Orchestral
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Star Wars (the old ones)
Favorite Games
FFXIV, Pokemon, EVE Online, SW:TOR, WoW, RS3, Warframe
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC, 2DS, Switch
Favorite Animals
Dragons, Snakes
Favorite Site
FA, SoFurry, YouTube
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Linguine bolognese, Pizza, Tacos
Favorite Quote
"Wisdom may make you wise. Cleverness may make you clever. With just the wrong amount of each, though, both may make you a fool." ~Bryce O'Connor
Contact Information