Views: 85659
Submissions: 864
Favs: 18888

Mostly Digital Anthro Artist | Registered: Dec 12, 2005 05:45
Yep, I made the video that became the GIF that became my avatar. Despite that, I'm a New Yorker. (Oh, and scroll down--I draw stuff too).
Text formatting is geared to FA's dark theme.
Parts of this profile page are updated frequently, hit F5 if you've been here recently just in case something's changed. Times quoted are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−05:00)
Currently Drawing?: Yes. ((week ending 03/01/25) Fitting in some art during the holiday and subsequent day off in-between household stuff. I have) Working on one of six images in-progress for eventual posting
Streaming?: Watch this space
--I don't have a stream schedule, and I do them on a very irregular infrequent basis. (An attempt at a test stream mid-October was derailed by a new install of OBS repeatedly crashing on launch)
-- "Watch this space" will become a date/time if I know in advance when I'll have the time and a suitable project to work on.
-- If I'm actually streaming, the link will appear above instead, whether planned or spur-of-the-moment.
--Slow Connection? Limited Data? I go out of my way to make sure you don't grow weary or blow your mobile data to see my art. Color pics are capped at around 200K and B/W ones around 100. (2024: I'm aware that a lot of pics here now average around 1-ish MB, but I'm not seeing a reason to increase the filesize of my uploads.)
---2019: I don't size my uploads for 4k monitors. Lacking the space for a desktop PC+large monitor, I do all my work on laptops which lack 4k screens, and scrolling around 2000+ pixel images is a pain in the butt, especially after having to [Download] them to be able to read comic text.
--I Always enter descriptions with my uploads. Even if they're commissions. Since I'm a firm believer in being able to effectively convey information, I add a "Technical" section to write about techniques and tactics used in the creation of the pic (especially if I learn something new), as well as the inspiration that made it happen. So oftentimes they are long-winded. But you'll learn stuff about what went into a given submission
--Keep up with what I'm doing art-wise: See this Journal-->(link) Last Update: 02/23/25 -07:20p. The info there will change as I start, advance and complete art projects, (including commissions) sometimes several times a day if I'm actually working on something. This journal gets updated instead of spamming my watchers with status journals.
--(Updates on the above are subject to appearing at completely bonkers times of the day/night.)
-Gallery Maintenance: A list (changelog) of tweaks, corrections and updates to my uploads. Updated 08/12/24.
-Commissions: Check --> here <--for offerings, prices and other info. Updated 12/11/2022
-Art trades?:
---Online: Yes, if no outstanding commissions are in-progress*
---At Conventions: Yes
---(I always complete my half of a trade (once it is mutually agreed upon). I'll link to your half when it's done)
*(trades should ideally occur between artists of roughly equal ability...otherwise it gets awkward)
--I havenine eleven fourteen main characters Tour their profiles. <--[link] (None of them are 'fursonas', however. I do not have one, and probably never will).
--All of my characters are long-term ones with varying social ties to each other, expressed in a comic, What, me Furry? that I started around the time I first became aware of this fandom around 1997 (and re-started in 2021 after an 11-year hiatus). The aim is to use this comic and the events taking place within it to provide a baseline behavior reference for other character owners who might envision their OC's interacting with mine, hopefully one day building a network of creators whose OC's cross paths with each other in artwork and short-form comics suggesting that multiple character owners' creations "know" each other and socialize accordingly. See -->this journal <--
--(TL:DR... I am looking for opportunities to have my OC's interacting with those of other people's, but with context making said interaction believable)
--I may occasionally move a pic to scraps, but I don't clear my gallery in whole or in part. If you +fave something of mine, it's not going to turn into a grey box.
--I have no plans to establish additional accounts for other categories of work. FA's folder system will be employed.
-Content Forecast: +90% General Audience. That's just where most of my inspiration lies. I'm not opposed to drawing full-on sex art but believe it or not, I am rarely asked if I even draw it. I've had only four commissions during my FA presence since 2005 that would qualify as [Adult], all occurring at convention artist-alleys. I look forward to one day drawing and posting a bunch of justifiably red-bordered material on my own, but it may take people commissioning NSFW from me to jumpstart them earlier than if left to my own devices owing to my backlog of 'other inspiration'.
----Trivia: As of 08/24/2024 I have 236 submissions with 1000+ pageviews. Of those, four are Adult, seven are Mature, and 205 are General, with 75 of those over 2000 views, 19 of those topping 3000, three that topped 4000, and one each with 5000+ and 6000+
--Don't let my watcher count fool took me ten years to reach the first 1000. Many artists (and for that matter, non-artists who buy lots of commissions of a popular OC) manage to do that in as little as two years
-Critique: If you see something amiss on a recent upload and mention it early enough, (and it bothers me enough) I may well fix it and reupload the piece
----(That also means I don't play that game of asking for feedback then blocking you for saying "That (insert piece of anatomy) looks off")
-Comments: Don't be afraid to comment on old submissions (or for that matter, recent ones). Really. If it's a question or something else that I can answer, I will. Look down below at my comments given vs comments received stats. I look at FA several times a day, so I see new comments/notes within a day of their being sent (though sometimes I have to think about my answer).
-Other sites: YouTube channel (where my username is actually relevant)-- Artwork topic on JabArchives' forum
--FA added some additional privacy features some time ago. Let's see which ones I'll use:
---hiding my favorites: Nope
---hiding my gallery from guests: Nope
---disabling my notes: Nope
---disabling comments: Nope
2025 Convention Timeline:
--[01/17/2025]: Reserved vacation time for Anthrocon 2025
--[02/16/2025]: Registered for Anthrocon 2025
--[02/25/2025]: Made hotel reservation for Anthrocon 2025, Marriott CC. Will have to petition for an extra day, Thu-Mon wasn't available so I had to cut off Sunday to get availability
2024 Convention Timeline:
[01/28/2024]: Registered for Anthrocon 2024 (pre-reg is needed to receive hotel reservation link via email)
[01/30/2024]: Filed PA sales tax for 2023 (delayed because PA's switch from e-Tides to MyPATH required you to request a snailmailed access document with a code to access your account, which takes "5-10 business days" to arrive...mine took 10 days and arrived on the 29th)
[01/31/2024]: Received 2024 tax ID document via PDF. This is necessary to apply for Artist's Alley this year.
[02/08/2024]: I was not able to get into the reservation system at the stroke of 5pm. I was travelling between work locations and could only access the system 15 minutes later. Needless to say the existing blocks are all sold out. I'll have to try the waitlist system once it's put in, but things are looking not-so good.
[03/05/2024]: Made waitlist reservation for Anthrocon 2024. I have no idea which hotel I'm going to wind up in.
[04/08/2024]: Received word from 'Anthrocon housing' that I've been placed in the Kimpton Monaco hotel. It's that classy joint you pass just before reaching the Omni, and while it's reasonably close to the Amtrak station come Monday, boy oh boy is that a pricey joint. $1135 total for four nights.
[04/10/2024]: Purchased train tickets for travel to/from Anthrocon
[04/22/2024]: Signed up for Anthrocon Artist's Alley
[06/01/2024]: Received notice of Anthrocon Artist Alley seat asssignment: C-31 for all three days
[07/01/2024]: Received email confirmation from the Kimpton Monaco for room reservations
Green= Arrangements made - Yellow= Action taken - White= No action taken yet - Black= Completed
[Registration] - [Hotel] -[Transportation] - [Artist's Alley]: Anthrocon 2025 (July 3 - July 6)
[Registration] - [Hotel] - [Transportation] - [Artist's Alley] : Anthrocon 2024 (July 4 - July 7)
-Does fan or gift art?: Infrequently, due to my backlog of personal works waiting for inks and color. Planned pieces are in a 'fanart queue' in the status journal linked above in orange text.
-Sanctions fanart/giftart of his own characters: Yes (No squick edits, That includes ABDL, geez)
-Does requests: Almost effectively ruled out, for the same reasons as fanart.
-Shouts in the form of questions will be answered via notes. Because a conversation via shoutbox looks weird.
-Email: This username at Or tack on a zero and change the domain to Gmail.
-Social Media: Facebook is a huge time-sink that's losing relevancy, TwittX is a dumpster fire that also fails as an art gallery, and Bluesky is not as immune to AI scraping as those who flocked there believe (while also failing as a gallery for the same reasons as X). YouTube (and to a lesser extent, Discord) is the closest I get to "mainstream" social media.
Achievement unlocked: Username is also my XBox gamertag and YouTube channel
"Why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe, Jerry? Oh yeah, you can't--they blew up."
Text formatting is geared to FA's dark theme.
Parts of this profile page are updated frequently, hit F5 if you've been here recently just in case something's changed. Times quoted are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−05:00)
Currently Drawing?: Yes. (
Streaming?: Watch this space
--I don't have a stream schedule, and I do them on a very irregular infrequent basis. (An attempt at a test stream mid-October was derailed by a new install of OBS repeatedly crashing on launch)
-- "Watch this space" will become a date/time if I know in advance when I'll have the time and a suitable project to work on.
-- If I'm actually streaming, the link will appear above instead, whether planned or spur-of-the-moment.
--Slow Connection? Limited Data? I go out of my way to make sure you don't grow weary or blow your mobile data to see my art. Color pics are capped at around 200K and B/W ones around 100. (2024: I'm aware that a lot of pics here now average around 1-ish MB, but I'm not seeing a reason to increase the filesize of my uploads.)
---2019: I don't size my uploads for 4k monitors. Lacking the space for a desktop PC+large monitor, I do all my work on laptops which lack 4k screens, and scrolling around 2000+ pixel images is a pain in the butt, especially after having to [Download] them to be able to read comic text.
--I Always enter descriptions with my uploads. Even if they're commissions. Since I'm a firm believer in being able to effectively convey information, I add a "Technical" section to write about techniques and tactics used in the creation of the pic (especially if I learn something new), as well as the inspiration that made it happen. So oftentimes they are long-winded. But you'll learn stuff about what went into a given submission
--Keep up with what I'm doing art-wise: See this Journal-->(link) Last Update: 02/23/25 -07:20p. The info there will change as I start, advance and complete art projects, (including commissions) sometimes several times a day if I'm actually working on something. This journal gets updated instead of spamming my watchers with status journals.
--(Updates on the above are subject to appearing at completely bonkers times of the day/night.)
-Gallery Maintenance: A list (changelog) of tweaks, corrections and updates to my uploads. Updated 08/12/24.
-Commissions: Check --> here <--for offerings, prices and other info. Updated 12/11/2022
-Art trades?:
---Online: Yes, if no outstanding commissions are in-progress*
---At Conventions: Yes
---(I always complete my half of a trade (once it is mutually agreed upon). I'll link to your half when it's done)
*(trades should ideally occur between artists of roughly equal ability...otherwise it gets awkward)
--I have
--All of my characters are long-term ones with varying social ties to each other, expressed in a comic, What, me Furry? that I started around the time I first became aware of this fandom around 1997 (and re-started in 2021 after an 11-year hiatus). The aim is to use this comic and the events taking place within it to provide a baseline behavior reference for other character owners who might envision their OC's interacting with mine, hopefully one day building a network of creators whose OC's cross paths with each other in artwork and short-form comics suggesting that multiple character owners' creations "know" each other and socialize accordingly. See -->this journal <--
--(TL:DR... I am looking for opportunities to have my OC's interacting with those of other people's, but with context making said interaction believable)
--I may occasionally move a pic to scraps, but I don't clear my gallery in whole or in part. If you +fave something of mine, it's not going to turn into a grey box.
--I have no plans to establish additional accounts for other categories of work. FA's folder system will be employed.
-Content Forecast: +90% General Audience. That's just where most of my inspiration lies. I'm not opposed to drawing full-on sex art but believe it or not, I am rarely asked if I even draw it. I've had only four commissions during my FA presence since 2005 that would qualify as [Adult], all occurring at convention artist-alleys. I look forward to one day drawing and posting a bunch of justifiably red-bordered material on my own, but it may take people commissioning NSFW from me to jumpstart them earlier than if left to my own devices owing to my backlog of 'other inspiration'.
----Trivia: As of 08/24/2024 I have 236 submissions with 1000+ pageviews. Of those, four are Adult, seven are Mature, and 205 are General, with 75 of those over 2000 views, 19 of those topping 3000, three that topped 4000, and one each with 5000+ and 6000+
--Don't let my watcher count fool took me ten years to reach the first 1000. Many artists (and for that matter, non-artists who buy lots of commissions of a popular OC) manage to do that in as little as two years
-Critique: If you see something amiss on a recent upload and mention it early enough, (and it bothers me enough) I may well fix it and reupload the piece
----(That also means I don't play that game of asking for feedback then blocking you for saying "That (insert piece of anatomy) looks off")
-Comments: Don't be afraid to comment on old submissions (or for that matter, recent ones). Really. If it's a question or something else that I can answer, I will. Look down below at my comments given vs comments received stats. I look at FA several times a day, so I see new comments/notes within a day of their being sent (though sometimes I have to think about my answer).
-Other sites: YouTube channel (where my username is actually relevant)-- Artwork topic on JabArchives' forum
--FA added some additional privacy features some time ago. Let's see which ones I'll use:
---hiding my favorites: Nope
---hiding my gallery from guests: Nope
---disabling my notes: Nope
---disabling comments: Nope
2025 Convention Timeline:
--[01/17/2025]: Reserved vacation time for Anthrocon 2025
--[02/16/2025]: Registered for Anthrocon 2025
--[02/25/2025]: Made hotel reservation for Anthrocon 2025, Marriott CC. Will have to petition for an extra day, Thu-Mon wasn't available so I had to cut off Sunday to get availability
2024 Convention Timeline:
[01/28/2024]: Registered for Anthrocon 2024 (pre-reg is needed to receive hotel reservation link via email)
[01/30/2024]: Filed PA sales tax for 2023 (delayed because PA's switch from e-Tides to MyPATH required you to request a snailmailed access document with a code to access your account, which takes "5-10 business days" to arrive...mine took 10 days and arrived on the 29th)
[01/31/2024]: Received 2024 tax ID document via PDF. This is necessary to apply for Artist's Alley this year.
[02/08/2024]: I was not able to get into the reservation system at the stroke of 5pm. I was travelling between work locations and could only access the system 15 minutes later. Needless to say the existing blocks are all sold out. I'll have to try the waitlist system once it's put in, but things are looking not-so good.
[03/05/2024]: Made waitlist reservation for Anthrocon 2024. I have no idea which hotel I'm going to wind up in.
[04/08/2024]: Received word from 'Anthrocon housing' that I've been placed in the Kimpton Monaco hotel. It's that classy joint you pass just before reaching the Omni, and while it's reasonably close to the Amtrak station come Monday, boy oh boy is that a pricey joint. $1135 total for four nights.
[04/10/2024]: Purchased train tickets for travel to/from Anthrocon
[04/22/2024]: Signed up for Anthrocon Artist's Alley
[06/01/2024]: Received notice of Anthrocon Artist Alley seat asssignment: C-31 for all three days
[07/01/2024]: Received email confirmation from the Kimpton Monaco for room reservations
Green= Arrangements made - Yellow= Action taken - White= No action taken yet - Black= Completed
[Registration] - [Hotel] -[Transportation] - [Artist's Alley]: Anthrocon 2025 (July 3 - July 6)
[Registration] - [Hotel] - [Transportation] - [Artist's Alley] : Anthrocon 2024 (July 4 - July 7)
-Does fan or gift art?: Infrequently, due to my backlog of personal works waiting for inks and color. Planned pieces are in a 'fanart queue' in the status journal linked above in orange text.
-Sanctions fanart/giftart of his own characters: Yes (No squick edits, That includes ABDL, geez)
-Does requests: Almost effectively ruled out, for the same reasons as fanart.
-Shouts in the form of questions will be answered via notes. Because a conversation via shoutbox looks weird.
-Email: This username at Or tack on a zero and change the domain to Gmail.
-Social Media: Facebook is a huge time-sink that's losing relevancy, TwittX is a dumpster fire that also fails as an art gallery, and Bluesky is not as immune to AI scraping as those who flocked there believe (while also failing as a gallery for the same reasons as X). YouTube (and to a lesser extent, Discord) is the closest I get to "mainstream" social media.
Achievement unlocked: Username is also my XBox gamertag and YouTube channel
"Why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe, Jerry? Oh yeah, you can't--they blew up."
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 7219
Comments Made: 7553
Journals: 314
Comments Made: 7553
Journals: 314
Recent Journal
So another New Year happened...(updated 2/6)
2 months ago
Any earthshaking changes in my routine?
Nah. I'm still catching up with the existing routine.
So what's relevant to folks here? Art stuff. (some minor edits in Feb)
--Currently I have two to finish off. One is a five-page image sequence that I'm making decent progress on, and the other is...a bit challenging as to layout and perspective, but I think I'll be able to push ahead with it once the multi-pager is done. As usual, I don't solicit commissions outright since:
(A) I don't depend on them to make ends meet, and
(B) I don't like to stack more than two of them in queue. But I'm at least willing to hear out commission proposals (to think about how I'd do them) till I'm ready to formally take them.
Personal Art:
--I've been allowing myself to do impromptu sketches here and there when inspiration strikes (bear in mind I usually refrain from doing much "me for me" art when commissions are in-progress). One of these sketches became my most recent upload, "Mis Directed". Which became noteworthy for an unexpected reason:
--Wow, that pic has picked up a thousand views in a month. That just doesn't happen on my gallery. Especially a G-rated pic. Nothing of mine has ever accumulated anywhere near that many views in that short of a time. One potential reason was pointed out to me about four days after I uploaded it, was that the pic was reposted to e621, although it has a couple of things working against it getting much of any traffic on that platform, not the least of it being it's not Explicit, and it's a pencil-ish sketch of a niche subject matter. What kind of views its getting there, I don't know since view counts aren't displayed, only favorites (of which this one has13 15 as of this writing),
--While examining this pic on e621, I found there are eight other pics of mine reposted there, the oldest of which is Administrator at Work which has been there for 15 years, old enough to have possibly been sourced from my presence on VCL. While I have toured e621 many a time for "reference material", I've never thought to look up my name there since I'm not known for NSFW art and therefore nobody would bother reposting any of my stuff there (being I have 800+ uploads here and only nine pics have been reposted there seems to confirm this) till I was told about "Mis-Directed" appearing there. Then again, I haven't drawn enough NSFW work to get noticed by anyone who routinely reposts stuff there. Maybe that'll change once my new OC's make their formal debut and establish their personalities.
--Another sketch I've done behind the scenes depicts the event in "Mis-Directed" but about a half-minute later, but I'll wait till the current commission is posted to upload it. Given the success of the first pic, maybe I'll flesh out the entire story as a short-form comic like "Mudlark Mentor".
Nothing much to report here. After I found that Micrografx Picture Publisher no longer displays images properly after I upgraded my primary laptop to Win10 from Win7. Since then I found that despite its scrambled display it will export it's native file format (.pp5) files as .PSD with layers intact and readable by Clip Studio. This means I'll have to embark on a project to export .PSD's of all my multi-layer Picture Publisher projects to ensure they remain editable in Clip Studio. Given this encompasses most of my work prior to adopting Krita (and CSP) into my workflow, this is going to be a drawn-out preservation effort updating dozens of project archives duplicated across three backup drives, and the thumb drives various projects lived on while they were WIP.
--Right about now I could find a NAS to be really useful, but they're expen$$ive, and I don't know enough about configuring storage pools and RAIDs on them, much less on-board applications for stuff like media streaming (Jellyfin because it's free), transcoding and such.
--Got me a retro game console (Abernic RG406V), but the Aliexpress vendor left out the game card I ordered with it (I let them know about the omission and they sent one out a couple of days later. A backup copy of it (since the micro SD cards they use typically have short lifespans) now resides in my unit and I've managed to play a few games on it. I have leads for roms and console BIOS files not included on the card (not all possible systems have emulators pre-loaded), but now that I have it, it'll take a bit of time to add more to it.
Nah. I'm still catching up with the existing routine.
So what's relevant to folks here? Art stuff. (some minor edits in Feb)
--Currently I have two to finish off. One is a five-page image sequence that I'm making decent progress on, and the other is...a bit challenging as to layout and perspective, but I think I'll be able to push ahead with it once the multi-pager is done. As usual, I don't solicit commissions outright since:
(A) I don't depend on them to make ends meet, and
(B) I don't like to stack more than two of them in queue. But I'm at least willing to hear out commission proposals (to think about how I'd do them) till I'm ready to formally take them.
Personal Art:
--I've been allowing myself to do impromptu sketches here and there when inspiration strikes (bear in mind I usually refrain from doing much "me for me" art when commissions are in-progress). One of these sketches became my most recent upload, "Mis Directed". Which became noteworthy for an unexpected reason:
--Wow, that pic has picked up a thousand views in a month. That just doesn't happen on my gallery. Especially a G-rated pic. Nothing of mine has ever accumulated anywhere near that many views in that short of a time. One potential reason was pointed out to me about four days after I uploaded it, was that the pic was reposted to e621, although it has a couple of things working against it getting much of any traffic on that platform, not the least of it being it's not Explicit, and it's a pencil-ish sketch of a niche subject matter. What kind of views its getting there, I don't know since view counts aren't displayed, only favorites (of which this one has
--While examining this pic on e621, I found there are eight other pics of mine reposted there, the oldest of which is Administrator at Work which has been there for 15 years, old enough to have possibly been sourced from my presence on VCL. While I have toured e621 many a time for "reference material", I've never thought to look up my name there since I'm not known for NSFW art and therefore nobody would bother reposting any of my stuff there (being I have 800+ uploads here and only nine pics have been reposted there seems to confirm this) till I was told about "Mis-Directed" appearing there. Then again, I haven't drawn enough NSFW work to get noticed by anyone who routinely reposts stuff there. Maybe that'll change once my new OC's make their formal debut and establish their personalities.
--Another sketch I've done behind the scenes depicts the event in "Mis-Directed" but about a half-minute later, but I'll wait till the current commission is posted to upload it. Given the success of the first pic, maybe I'll flesh out the entire story as a short-form comic like "Mudlark Mentor".
Nothing much to report here. After I found that Micrografx Picture Publisher no longer displays images properly after I upgraded my primary laptop to Win10 from Win7. Since then I found that despite its scrambled display it will export it's native file format (.pp5) files as .PSD with layers intact and readable by Clip Studio. This means I'll have to embark on a project to export .PSD's of all my multi-layer Picture Publisher projects to ensure they remain editable in Clip Studio. Given this encompasses most of my work prior to adopting Krita (and CSP) into my workflow, this is going to be a drawn-out preservation effort updating dozens of project archives duplicated across three backup drives, and the thumb drives various projects lived on while they were WIP.
--Right about now I could find a NAS to be really useful, but they're expen$$ive, and I don't know enough about configuring storage pools and RAIDs on them, much less on-board applications for stuff like media streaming (Jellyfin because it's free), transcoding and such.
--Got me a retro game console (Abernic RG406V), but the Aliexpress vendor left out the game card I ordered with it (I let them know about the omission and they sent one out a couple of days later. A backup copy of it (since the micro SD cards they use typically have short lifespans) now resides in my unit and I've managed to play a few games on it. I have leads for roms and console BIOS files not included on the card (not all possible systems have emulators pre-loaded), but now that I have it, it'll take a bit of time to add more to it.

User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Favorite Music
Goto my SoundCloud (same username) and hit my Liked Tracks (it's mostly EDM and its variants)
Favorite Games
Densha De Go!, BVE, and assorted shoot'em ups, racing games, and Cities: Skylines
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Dreamcast, and Xboxen...uh, er Steam Deck
Favorite Foods & Drinks
cherry pie
Favorite Quote
There are no human endeavours completely devoid of bad actors -- A belief that your cause is the exception doesn't change this.
Contact Information
