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Anthro Artist | Registered: Jun 18, 2009 05:13
Hi! I'm Raegal! I’m 32 and male. I’m asexual, and my pronouns are he/him/they/them. I draw cute things! I'm a shape-shifting demon!
I love all things code, but especially web dev, as that is my forte!
I draw clean and NSFW. I have an alt account for more fetishy stuff, [Paws/WS centric stuff]
doomboggy if that's more your speed.
Wanna talk to me? Go right ahead! I love making friends.
I love all things code, but especially web dev, as that is my forte!
I draw clean and NSFW. I have an alt account for more fetishy stuff, [Paws/WS centric stuff]

Wanna talk to me? Go right ahead! I love making friends.
Comments Earned: 505
Comments Made: 1056
Journals: 130
Comments Made: 1056
Journals: 130
Recent Journal
Policies Regarding My Art
2 months ago
Yo! This year's already off to... a start.
Anyway, genuinely apropos of nothing, I'm gonna lay down the rules with regards to my draws in one canonical place (until my site is up) for reference! So let's get into it.
What's covered here?
- Uploading my art to other sites. When/How/What?
- Drawing my doods without my permission (Believe it or not, you CAN... conditionally)
- The characters I depict. How old are they? Some of them are small! What happens if I draw a minor?
- TAGS AND HOW I USE THEM AND HOW YOU CAN BLOCK THE RIGHT ONES IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED! Not that I see an issue here, buuuut I have that other gallery and it's a pain in the ass to straddle so eventually... that might change. Don't despair, prepare!
- Interested in finding out about my dudes? Where can I get the deets!?
Uploading My Art to Other Sites
TL;DR: Don't you dare without asking.
The longer version: I'm pliable, I'm flexible, I'm malleable. You want my stuff on E621? (Yes, this IS a callout) Leave a comment on the piece saying so. I don't frequent that site, so I have no idea how much pull my dudes have there, but I have an interest in knowing. I have an account there and will post my art there IF there's a reason for me to. (Hint: Demand is that reason. If you care, I care. Simple enough, right?) Do NOT post my art there without asking me first, or if I do spot it, I will call you out on it and potentially report it. It's my work, not yours. Let me do the catering, thanks.
Drawing My Dudes Without Permission
TL;DR: If it's clean? Go for it, but you must show me what you did so I can squee, thank you for your work, and pat you on the head. Else? Poke me first and odds are I'll let you draw whatever.
The longer version: My dudes are mine. I love seeing them, I love drawing them, I love getting commissions of them. If you're not drawing porn, go right ahead, but show me so I can put it on my fridge for all my friends to see so they (and I) can throw money at you to do it more.
If it's NSFW stuff, I'd prefer if you asked me first, as I'm very particular about what my characters get up to in the bedroom/spaceship/food court, and I'd like their preferences respected. I don't bite, simply ask. Even fetishy stuff. You see that other account of mine? I'm a freak, too! Don't be shy! All I care about is how my characters are depicted. For example, Aster is gay as the hills, but did you know he doesn't do anal? He's grossed out by it, so if you drew him going to town on another dude's ass, that would be inaccurate. He'd much prefer a more frontal assault. Things like that. :P
How I Depict My Characters
TL;DR: Assume they're adults unless I very explicitly specify otherwise.
The longer version: Some of my characters are Fennec Foxes/Avalis/Foxdragons. I even have a mouse. All of these characters are adults, but they're very short compared to the others. I'm not a pedophile, nor do I care for ABDL stuff or any sort of manchild tomfoolery. There's enough of that in US politics, I don't want or need it in my art. Unless I say otherwise (and I will very loudly do so in these cases) everyone you see in my drawings is an adult.
Disclaimer: I don't care for ABDL, but I don't hate anyone over it. You do you, just do it over there where I don't have to deal with it and I'll happily leave you alone in peace.
TAGS! You Can Block Them Now!
TL;DR: Character names/species/explicit fetishes. Look for them, hit them. I'm diligent, always have been. Don't worry.
The long version: ... Basically the TL;DR again. I tag the names of everyone, their species, and any fetishes I'm showing off. I'm not OCD about it, so if you're expecting E621 calibur tagging, I'm glad you have so much free time on your hands, but seriously see a professional, that level of obsession is not healthy. Count the damn toes yourself, the eye color doesn't matter, no shit there's bodily fluids use yer damn eyes.
Eventually I may merge my alt account into this one, but I may not. I'm very on the fence about that as that's a lot of work and a lot of metrics to flush down the drain if I do. IF I do however, I'll be loud about it well in advance and provide a list of tags you'll start encountering so you can block them in advance. I got you, fam. The fact that there even IS an alt account should be proof of that. :P
I For Some Reason Or Another Actually Like Your Characters! Where Can I Find Lore?
TL;DR: Find the ref sheet of the character in question. Check the description.
The longer version: My doods have lore. Some of it is even relevant! I stuff that stuff into ref sheets since I want those to be the one stop shop for everything you'd ever need to know about how to draw my guys/gals/non-binary pals. I get a bit wordy, but having a character that's just "They are a fox and they fuck, lol" is never good enough for me, so each one of my characters has a thing to do within my crazy ass universe. They have dreams, things they love, things they hate, ways they think, flaws, etc. Not super necessary for enjoying a drawing of them flogging the log, buuuut it gives context to what you'd maybe draw THEM doing, as I try to give enough detail that you can get a sense of personality since I'm big dumb doodoo head and I don't simply *draw* them showing their intricacies. (Let's be real. Nobody would give fuck one if I did, so if I did, such art would likely be for me and not be uploaded beyond my theoretical website gallery.)
But yeah. Wanna know more about my crew? Hit the ref sheets. I've probably got some sort of diatribe there, lol.
That's all. Just felt like getting this stuff down in one place. More art coming in the fullness of time. Work is busy aaaaaaaa
Anyway, genuinely apropos of nothing, I'm gonna lay down the rules with regards to my draws in one canonical place (until my site is up) for reference! So let's get into it.
What's covered here?
- Uploading my art to other sites. When/How/What?
- Drawing my doods without my permission (Believe it or not, you CAN... conditionally)
- The characters I depict. How old are they? Some of them are small! What happens if I draw a minor?
- TAGS AND HOW I USE THEM AND HOW YOU CAN BLOCK THE RIGHT ONES IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED! Not that I see an issue here, buuuut I have that other gallery and it's a pain in the ass to straddle so eventually... that might change. Don't despair, prepare!
- Interested in finding out about my dudes? Where can I get the deets!?
Uploading My Art to Other Sites
TL;DR: Don't you dare without asking.
The longer version: I'm pliable, I'm flexible, I'm malleable. You want my stuff on E621? (Yes, this IS a callout) Leave a comment on the piece saying so. I don't frequent that site, so I have no idea how much pull my dudes have there, but I have an interest in knowing. I have an account there and will post my art there IF there's a reason for me to. (Hint: Demand is that reason. If you care, I care. Simple enough, right?) Do NOT post my art there without asking me first, or if I do spot it, I will call you out on it and potentially report it. It's my work, not yours. Let me do the catering, thanks.
Drawing My Dudes Without Permission
TL;DR: If it's clean? Go for it, but you must show me what you did so I can squee, thank you for your work, and pat you on the head. Else? Poke me first and odds are I'll let you draw whatever.
The longer version: My dudes are mine. I love seeing them, I love drawing them, I love getting commissions of them. If you're not drawing porn, go right ahead, but show me so I can put it on my fridge for all my friends to see so they (and I) can throw money at you to do it more.
If it's NSFW stuff, I'd prefer if you asked me first, as I'm very particular about what my characters get up to in the bedroom/spaceship/food court, and I'd like their preferences respected. I don't bite, simply ask. Even fetishy stuff. You see that other account of mine? I'm a freak, too! Don't be shy! All I care about is how my characters are depicted. For example, Aster is gay as the hills, but did you know he doesn't do anal? He's grossed out by it, so if you drew him going to town on another dude's ass, that would be inaccurate. He'd much prefer a more frontal assault. Things like that. :P
How I Depict My Characters
TL;DR: Assume they're adults unless I very explicitly specify otherwise.
The longer version: Some of my characters are Fennec Foxes/Avalis/Foxdragons. I even have a mouse. All of these characters are adults, but they're very short compared to the others. I'm not a pedophile, nor do I care for ABDL stuff or any sort of manchild tomfoolery. There's enough of that in US politics, I don't want or need it in my art. Unless I say otherwise (and I will very loudly do so in these cases) everyone you see in my drawings is an adult.
Disclaimer: I don't care for ABDL, but I don't hate anyone over it. You do you, just do it over there where I don't have to deal with it and I'll happily leave you alone in peace.
TAGS! You Can Block Them Now!
TL;DR: Character names/species/explicit fetishes. Look for them, hit them. I'm diligent, always have been. Don't worry.
The long version: ... Basically the TL;DR again. I tag the names of everyone, their species, and any fetishes I'm showing off. I'm not OCD about it, so if you're expecting E621 calibur tagging, I'm glad you have so much free time on your hands, but seriously see a professional, that level of obsession is not healthy. Count the damn toes yourself, the eye color doesn't matter, no shit there's bodily fluids use yer damn eyes.
Eventually I may merge my alt account into this one, but I may not. I'm very on the fence about that as that's a lot of work and a lot of metrics to flush down the drain if I do. IF I do however, I'll be loud about it well in advance and provide a list of tags you'll start encountering so you can block them in advance. I got you, fam. The fact that there even IS an alt account should be proof of that. :P
I For Some Reason Or Another Actually Like Your Characters! Where Can I Find Lore?
TL;DR: Find the ref sheet of the character in question. Check the description.
The longer version: My doods have lore. Some of it is even relevant! I stuff that stuff into ref sheets since I want those to be the one stop shop for everything you'd ever need to know about how to draw my guys/gals/non-binary pals. I get a bit wordy, but having a character that's just "They are a fox and they fuck, lol" is never good enough for me, so each one of my characters has a thing to do within my crazy ass universe. They have dreams, things they love, things they hate, ways they think, flaws, etc. Not super necessary for enjoying a drawing of them flogging the log, buuuut it gives context to what you'd maybe draw THEM doing, as I try to give enough detail that you can get a sense of personality since I'm big dumb doodoo head and I don't simply *draw* them showing their intricacies. (Let's be real. Nobody would give fuck one if I did, so if I did, such art would likely be for me and not be uploaded beyond my theoretical website gallery.)
But yeah. Wanna know more about my crew? Hit the ref sheets. I've probably got some sort of diatribe there, lol.
That's all. Just felt like getting this stuff down in one place. More art coming in the fullness of time. Work is busy aaaaaaaa
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Ori and the Blind Forest, Axiom Verge, Hollow Knight
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Dragons, hyenas, protogens, fuzzy things
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Italian food
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I’m here for a good time, not for a long time.
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