Views: 102396
Submissions: 467
Favs: 72007

Asstrophysicist | Registered: May 1, 2014 04:51
Comments Earned: 2259
Comments Made: 1307
Journals: 27
Comments Made: 1307
Journals: 27
Featured Journal
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
R&B &then all the other things
Favorite Quote
"Skill is the ability to overcome obstacles".
Contact Information

•Weekly Magmas (browser-based drawpiles)
•A channel you can sperg about your character lore and people care!
•Movie nights
•Game nights
•Both voiced AND silent art streams
This is only 25 invites. It's gone when it's gone.
sent a Shiny to pyredaemos