Views: 78981
Submissions: 280
Favs: 28171

Digital Artist | Registered: Apr 17, 2009 10:06
I am an artist who focuses mostly in MLP:FiM and MLP:EQG stuff, but I am open to draw other themes.
I am afraid I am not yet open to draw commissions or requests because personal reasons, but I appreciate the interest some of you have shown in my art.
However, I've realized that never explained what kind of stuff I'd be willing to do and what I wouldn't, which is actually not fair for the people that would want to ask me, so here it is:
SoftVore / Endosoma
Anal Vore
Futanari / Dickgirls
Genderbent (Rule 63)
Femdom / Futadom
Chubby / Fat characters
Large Insertions
Vore involving non-explicit digestion
Other kinds of vore (Breast vore, cock vore, etc)
Morbidly obese characters
Mpreg (as long the character is androgynous enough)
Canon characters for Original Characters (I know this is a weird one, but I just don't like it)
Hard Vore
Minor characters in sexual situations (aka Lolicon/Shotacon/Toddlercon/Foalcon/Cubs)
Diaper fetishes
If your fetish doesn't appear here, feel free of asking.
Still, I'd reserve the right of rejecting a commission or request. Thank for your understanding.
Besides that, you can watch me in these sites as well:
I am afraid I am not yet open to draw commissions or requests because personal reasons, but I appreciate the interest some of you have shown in my art.
However, I've realized that never explained what kind of stuff I'd be willing to do and what I wouldn't, which is actually not fair for the people that would want to ask me, so here it is:
SoftVore / Endosoma
Anal Vore
Futanari / Dickgirls
Genderbent (Rule 63)
Femdom / Futadom
Chubby / Fat characters
Large Insertions
Vore involving non-explicit digestion
Other kinds of vore (Breast vore, cock vore, etc)
Morbidly obese characters
Mpreg (as long the character is androgynous enough)
Canon characters for Original Characters (I know this is a weird one, but I just don't like it)
Hard Vore
Minor characters in sexual situations (aka Lolicon/Shotacon/Toddlercon/Foalcon/Cubs)
Diaper fetishes
If your fetish doesn't appear here, feel free of asking.
Still, I'd reserve the right of rejecting a commission or request. Thank for your understanding.
Besides that, you can watch me in these sites as well:
Comments Earned: 1504
Comments Made: 1832
Journals: 4
Comments Made: 1832
Journals: 4
Recent Journal
Finding Basta, a fanfic by ArtLover8999
6 years ago
When you design an OC, there's much more work to be done besides coming up with her appearance and personality, specially if you want to give it a good and rich background. This is an issue I stumbled upon after making Basta, I have lots of ideas for her, but my writing skills definitely suck (english ain't m'ah native language I tell you what).
This good lad iconartlover8999 was nice enough to write me a quite well-worded origin story for her, where it explains how she was found and brough to the present world. I personally enjoyed it a lot and I shall use it as her "canon" story until well, I come up with more ideas that will provably (but hopefully not) clash with what it's written *cough cough*
This is a little preview of what he wrote (I shall post the full thing in a future):
The only sarcophagus in the chamber pinged sensors and spells alike as being solid gold, but not much of that gold could actually be seen very well, due to the multitude of hieroglyphs and images of cats. The face painted at the head of the sarcophagus showed a rather beautiful face, with a happy smile painted for the mouth. Two could even see a “tail” curling over the “legs” of the sarcophagus beneath the enormous swelling in the middle of the beautiful coffin. On the “belly” of the coffin, and that was the only way to look at it, there seemed to be mirrored images of cats with one paw raised and pressing against a golden pillar running down the linea nigra of the artificial belly. Other symbols and images of cats and people worshiping cats covered the rest of the coffin.
“Um, why is there such a large... bulge in the middle of that sarcophagus?” 80 questioned, staring in bewildered wonder at the coffin that apparently contained their prize.
“400!” Two barked, demeanor suddenly displeased. “Double check the triangulation spells.”
“Yes, sir.” 400 grumbled, before he and the exploratory Mage team spread throughout the room and worked their magic. They all chanted an unintelligible string of words, holding out one hand with their index finger extended to their direct right, and, without exception, all of their fingers swerved to point unerringly towards the intricately detailed sarcophagus at the center of the chamber.
“It’s a match, sir.” 400 huffed. “That’s our target.”
There's more of it at his recently started Patreon, so if you want to read more of it right now or have access to it you can become a patron for a very cheap pledge, I am pretty sure he'll appreciate all the help he can get :d
I want to thank him again for all the good will and effort, I always appreciate the love and dedication people is giving to my girl Basta, you guys are wonderful!
This good lad iconartlover8999 was nice enough to write me a quite well-worded origin story for her, where it explains how she was found and brough to the present world. I personally enjoyed it a lot and I shall use it as her "canon" story until well, I come up with more ideas that will provably (but hopefully not) clash with what it's written *cough cough*
This is a little preview of what he wrote (I shall post the full thing in a future):
The only sarcophagus in the chamber pinged sensors and spells alike as being solid gold, but not much of that gold could actually be seen very well, due to the multitude of hieroglyphs and images of cats. The face painted at the head of the sarcophagus showed a rather beautiful face, with a happy smile painted for the mouth. Two could even see a “tail” curling over the “legs” of the sarcophagus beneath the enormous swelling in the middle of the beautiful coffin. On the “belly” of the coffin, and that was the only way to look at it, there seemed to be mirrored images of cats with one paw raised and pressing against a golden pillar running down the linea nigra of the artificial belly. Other symbols and images of cats and people worshiping cats covered the rest of the coffin.
“Um, why is there such a large... bulge in the middle of that sarcophagus?” 80 questioned, staring in bewildered wonder at the coffin that apparently contained their prize.
“400!” Two barked, demeanor suddenly displeased. “Double check the triangulation spells.”
“Yes, sir.” 400 grumbled, before he and the exploratory Mage team spread throughout the room and worked their magic. They all chanted an unintelligible string of words, holding out one hand with their index finger extended to their direct right, and, without exception, all of their fingers swerved to point unerringly towards the intricately detailed sarcophagus at the center of the chamber.
“It’s a match, sir.” 400 huffed. “That’s our target.”
There's more of it at his recently started Patreon, so if you want to read more of it right now or have access to it you can become a patron for a very cheap pledge, I am pretty sure he'll appreciate all the help he can get :d
I want to thank him again for all the good will and effort, I always appreciate the love and dedication people is giving to my girl Basta, you guys are wonderful!
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Mostly movie and vidya OSTs
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Soul Calibur
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