Views: 18705
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Favs: 7611

Art Whore | Registered: Sep 6, 2012 03:29
empty :'3c
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Comments Earned: 1040
Comments Made: 645
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 645
Journals: 2
Recent Journal
This account is basically dead
10 years ago
i haven't used this account at all and don't know when i plan to come back to it if ever. sorry to people who have been waiting to see me upload things <:O maybe one day i'll come back properly
edit: so if anyone wants to follow me i'm Phloxebutt everywhere. DA, TUMBLR, WEASYL, etc uvu/
edit: so if anyone wants to follow me i'm Phloxebutt everywhere. DA, TUMBLR, WEASYL, etc uvu/