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Writer | Registered: Apr 8, 2011 11:58
Dr. Pheal Gudman, storywriter, occasional drawer, weight gain admirer, and doctor (printed out my doctorate this morning).
I'm here to provide you with the artistic furry weight gain in the written format and occasionally drawn, most of the time containing erotic situations. From the mildly plump to the downright blobish in proportions, all fatties are beautiful. My credentials may be questionable, intentions are always selfish, but my work will always be made with the best of my abilities. Now, enjoy while I perfect the reverse lyposuction process.
GorgeWorld the fatfur table top RPG
Ko-Fi Membership for more GorgeWorld content
Awesome Avatar of Awesome made by Matcha
I'm here to provide you with the artistic furry weight gain in the written format and occasionally drawn, most of the time containing erotic situations. From the mildly plump to the downright blobish in proportions, all fatties are beautiful. My credentials may be questionable, intentions are always selfish, but my work will always be made with the best of my abilities. Now, enjoy while I perfect the reverse lyposuction process.
GorgeWorld the fatfur table top RPG
Ko-Fi Membership for more GorgeWorld content
Awesome Avatar of Awesome made by Matcha
Comments Earned: 1521
Comments Made: 2002
Journals: 77
Comments Made: 2002
Journals: 77
Featured Journal
Remember the past year (And GorgeWorld Announcement)
3 months ago
Its the end of the year, only got a few weeks left, and I want to reflect on the past year in a way I never had before, and its mostly because of Gorge World.
GorgeWorld was literally just another one of my projects, one of those dumb ideas I had that I'd work on for a week, and I'd either drop it, or hyperfixate on it for the next month thinking that it will finally come out, only for nothing to come of it. I can name multiple projects like that. And whenever a project would fall to the wayside due to missing assets, lack of skill, lack of knowing someone who had skill willing to work on it with me, all I'd do would be to shelve it and go on with my life.
This one... this actually reached critical mass. This project got to a point where I realize I 'had' everything, the skills, the people willing to work on it with me, the drive, the method of distribution. Even when it suffered from feature creep it didn't fall apart. I mean, GorgeWorld was meant to be a pair of 30-40 page pamphlets documenting the main rules, GM's guide, and some 'Disney theme park" style maps to elaborate on settings.
Now, its a fully self published book, over 200 pages of sweat, tears, and kindness from so many friends who've contributed everything from artwork, feedback, playtesting, and more.
For once, one of my dumb ambitious projects actually succeeded, for once I've actually 'done' something.
And I couldn't have done it without the help and skill of so many people, but most importantly my friend Dusty, who went through so much work formatting and editing this book to make it look absolutely amazing, along with going through the hoops of putting it in a format for physical printing. Without Dusty, this game would have still been stuck on a Google Doc.
With all our work, not only did GorgeWorld release, not only are there countless people 'actually playing' the game, but there were so many sales that it reached #1 on the hottest trending books in Drive Thru RPG, beating out the Edgerunners expansion for Cyberpunk, the newly released Knave 2e made by a fairly well known and admired D&D Youtuber and author, BattleTech expansions, and Fabula Ultima's new expansions. I am still absolutely astonished and breath taken about how well GorgeWorld was revived in the community, and that in a short couple days it will reach Gold Best Seller status, meaning it has sold more copies then 95% of all other products in DriveThruRPG within its first 6 months of release.
And while the iron was hot, I started working on more books, more projects. It has now been proven I could do this once, and I'm determined to do it again. First it was 2 more books that were written within the waiting period sending proofs of GorgeWorld. Then it was setting up the Ko-Fi, making 'Appetizer' style Mini Expansions including new mechanics and creatures, like wrestling rules, monsters, and more.
I even have a banner ad on FA. An AD on a PUBLIC WEBSITE! Some of you might have been able to catch it from time to time, but it's there. I've been doing so much yelling from my social media, but this... this feels official , like I've actually 'made a marketable product'. It's so surreal. Though it was also a pain in the butt to get due to the fact I submitted the ad request... a little bit before the big Fur Affinity site hack. Still, its up now, and it will be up there for a bit. And from what I can guess it's already made its money back :D
With that, I'm announcing the release of GorgeWorld for Two on Valentines Day. A rules supplement designed to help facilitate 2 player play, in which both players hand off the roll of GM back and forth, helping construct the campaign together. OR as a set of solo play rules where you can creatively form a world and interact with it via a set of rolls that are meant to substitute a robotic GM. On top of just being a good general collection of graphs and charts to help track a campaign, and enough random roll charts for if you run into a bit of a creative block, a couple of rolls can answer your questions.
Keep a look out for more previews of GorgeWorld for Two on Twitter/Bluesky, or more reliably, my Ko-Fi.
If you haven't yet, you can buy GorgeWorld in PDF or physical form here.
And you can join my Ko-Fi for subscriber exclusive expansions and sneak peeks of future GorgeWorld projects.
GorgeWorld was literally just another one of my projects, one of those dumb ideas I had that I'd work on for a week, and I'd either drop it, or hyperfixate on it for the next month thinking that it will finally come out, only for nothing to come of it. I can name multiple projects like that. And whenever a project would fall to the wayside due to missing assets, lack of skill, lack of knowing someone who had skill willing to work on it with me, all I'd do would be to shelve it and go on with my life.
This one... this actually reached critical mass. This project got to a point where I realize I 'had' everything, the skills, the people willing to work on it with me, the drive, the method of distribution. Even when it suffered from feature creep it didn't fall apart. I mean, GorgeWorld was meant to be a pair of 30-40 page pamphlets documenting the main rules, GM's guide, and some 'Disney theme park" style maps to elaborate on settings.
Now, its a fully self published book, over 200 pages of sweat, tears, and kindness from so many friends who've contributed everything from artwork, feedback, playtesting, and more.
For once, one of my dumb ambitious projects actually succeeded, for once I've actually 'done' something.
And I couldn't have done it without the help and skill of so many people, but most importantly my friend Dusty, who went through so much work formatting and editing this book to make it look absolutely amazing, along with going through the hoops of putting it in a format for physical printing. Without Dusty, this game would have still been stuck on a Google Doc.
With all our work, not only did GorgeWorld release, not only are there countless people 'actually playing' the game, but there were so many sales that it reached #1 on the hottest trending books in Drive Thru RPG, beating out the Edgerunners expansion for Cyberpunk, the newly released Knave 2e made by a fairly well known and admired D&D Youtuber and author, BattleTech expansions, and Fabula Ultima's new expansions. I am still absolutely astonished and breath taken about how well GorgeWorld was revived in the community, and that in a short couple days it will reach Gold Best Seller status, meaning it has sold more copies then 95% of all other products in DriveThruRPG within its first 6 months of release.
And while the iron was hot, I started working on more books, more projects. It has now been proven I could do this once, and I'm determined to do it again. First it was 2 more books that were written within the waiting period sending proofs of GorgeWorld. Then it was setting up the Ko-Fi, making 'Appetizer' style Mini Expansions including new mechanics and creatures, like wrestling rules, monsters, and more.
I even have a banner ad on FA. An AD on a PUBLIC WEBSITE! Some of you might have been able to catch it from time to time, but it's there. I've been doing so much yelling from my social media, but this... this feels official , like I've actually 'made a marketable product'. It's so surreal. Though it was also a pain in the butt to get due to the fact I submitted the ad request... a little bit before the big Fur Affinity site hack. Still, its up now, and it will be up there for a bit. And from what I can guess it's already made its money back :D
With that, I'm announcing the release of GorgeWorld for Two on Valentines Day. A rules supplement designed to help facilitate 2 player play, in which both players hand off the roll of GM back and forth, helping construct the campaign together. OR as a set of solo play rules where you can creatively form a world and interact with it via a set of rolls that are meant to substitute a robotic GM. On top of just being a good general collection of graphs and charts to help track a campaign, and enough random roll charts for if you run into a bit of a creative block, a couple of rolls can answer your questions.
Keep a look out for more previews of GorgeWorld for Two on Twitter/Bluesky, or more reliably, my Ko-Fi.
If you haven't yet, you can buy GorgeWorld in PDF or physical form here.
And you can join my Ko-Fi for subscriber exclusive expansions and sneak peeks of future GorgeWorld projects.
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