Views: 2461
Submissions: 44
Favs: 299

┐(゚ ~゚ )┌ | Registered: Dec 13, 2019 07:27
Moving to 
Adorable Icon Artist!
Do not use my characters for RP without my permission.
Do not steal/trace/reference my artwork and characters.
Comments Earned: 207
Comments Made: 475
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 475
Journals: 2
Featured Journal
2 years agoMy fiance passed away nearly two years now.. I don't want to get into details or anything on here because this isn't a cry for attention or anything like that. But I had went down a very dark path in my life and am just now starting to claw my way back out of the pit. I took time to focus on my kids and my life in general and would like to take the time to draw and other hobbies and things of that nature that I havent even felt like doing.
So, if you liked my art and want to continue to see some then please watch what will become my new account

I am also going to be retiring the OC Pause because that was his sona and I just cant right now.
Thank you so much everyone.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
♥ Different ones ♥
Favorite Gaming Platforms
X-Box One
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Sushi, Noodles, Pizza, Chocolate cake! ^_^
Favorite Quote
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein
sent Shinies to Paused"Very cute Skirja getting a wash =3 Thank you for accommodating her particular body type ^^"