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The normal AND abnormal
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I want to discuss a dream I had - Possible Hyper Story idea
7 years ago
I don't know if people read these, but I had a dream last night that I wanted to get out of my head and possibly develop a story around it, but I'm having some trouble describing some details I have in my head. There are some things I want to say, I just don't know how to put it into words.
So, in the dream I was watching some show on TV where two old men, well dressed in business suits, were discussing economy, it looked super serious, nothing out of the ordinary.
BUT, for the opening of the show, it showed scenes of several naked women, most of them hyper futas.
The opening starts with a camera following a woman from behind, walking her dog in a park at night while wearing high heels and nothing else, and the music starts with drums plates being hit lightly going *t-tiss t-t-tiss*, like one of those old strip club songs, with points of the music going *PA-POW* and when these parts hit, there is a shot of one of these women sharply throwing their hips from one side to the other in the rhythm the sound, and after each of those parts it goes back to the plate sounds with a diferent shot, after the first *PA-POW* the image changes to a close-up of some oiled up big butt from the side, bouncing and jiggling with each step. As the opening goes like this up until the title shows up, changing shots of diferent women from diferent angles, and for the transitions of the comercial breaks they take a few of those clips followed by the title of the show, as these bits go.
That's how the opening of a show that talks about economy is, and it came so out of nowhere, it wasn't like and error where they played the wrong video, that was the actual opening, and I have no explanation as to why that is.
Those women looked to confident, powerful and carefree, like my obsession with stories that treat sex and fetishes and something casual, commonplace and/or involving multiple characters in a fetish, they were all naked, proudly showing their stuff for all to see and going about their lives, and each women/futa was different.
The first woman walking her dog looked normal from behind, but at the first *PA-POW* part, cutting to a diferent woman throwing her hips forcefuly from side to side from behind, you could also see that she had a big horse dick and a set of balls swinging with her moves, with a dark skin collor, diferent from her own beige skin. And all these women were hairless from the neck down, just to be clear.
After that, the next thing I remember is that I was at the place where that opening was filmed, same time at night with the same women I saw then, and I came across a futa. I didn't pay much attention to her dick or the rest of her body, what really caught my attention was the size of her scrotal sack. Like, if you enjoy hyper art, we are used(or is it just me?) to see hyper nutsacks full with huge inflated balls which lifts and tauts the whole sack, or hanging low with the skin between the balls and the base loose and empty, but that's hardest thing out of this dream to describe, the way this particular nutsack was full doesn't ressemble any kind of hyper art i remember seeing. First of all, her balls hang very low inside her nutsack, up to her ankles and each about the size of basketballs, but the skin between the balls and the base isn't loose and empty. I think the best way I can describe it is like a tear/water drop? The skin of the nutsack is stretched and taut between the base and the balls, it is full but its not just the balls that are filling it, you can clearly see the circunference at the bottom, and it's not completely a liquid drop shape because the nutsack at the top doesn't end on a "thin tip", it connects to the base like a 1/3rd or a 1/4th of the way to the tip of the drop, that's the best way i can put it. And the skin was so smooth, not wrinkled at all but still very stretchy.
So I walk up to this futa and ask if I can play with her balls, and of course, being a sexually open world/place, she replies "sure, knock yourself out", so I touch them, fondle them, hug them and lift them with both arms wraped around the scrotal sack. And that's pretty much where the dream ends.
After I woke up I was thinking that, if I were to develop a story out of this, Maybe I would want it to be a bit more grounded in reality, like after playing with that futa's balls, I ask how did she get these, and she says she had a surgery to over-stretch the skin, the balls are actually implants (or maybe they could be the actual balls expanded if I wish they could feel them) and the whole thing is filled with saline liquid, with an added hidden orifice she can use to refill from home. There is no magic or something like "they are born like this", these people can get surgeries or other procedures to modify themselves and have their ideal bodies. Or maybe not, maybe we could come up with other explanations.
I don't interact with people here much because I'm usually very reserved, even though I appreciate comments, I feel awkward trying to come up with a response and not knowing what to say most of the time, but after this jolt of inspiration, I feel like I want to have some people to talk to and discuss openly about this stuff.
So, if you are reading this and you share these tastes, I want to start a conversation about it and maybe develop a story from this wild dream I had, it would make me really happy to just talk about it with someone.
So, in the dream I was watching some show on TV where two old men, well dressed in business suits, were discussing economy, it looked super serious, nothing out of the ordinary.
BUT, for the opening of the show, it showed scenes of several naked women, most of them hyper futas.
The opening starts with a camera following a woman from behind, walking her dog in a park at night while wearing high heels and nothing else, and the music starts with drums plates being hit lightly going *t-tiss t-t-tiss*, like one of those old strip club songs, with points of the music going *PA-POW* and when these parts hit, there is a shot of one of these women sharply throwing their hips from one side to the other in the rhythm the sound, and after each of those parts it goes back to the plate sounds with a diferent shot, after the first *PA-POW* the image changes to a close-up of some oiled up big butt from the side, bouncing and jiggling with each step. As the opening goes like this up until the title shows up, changing shots of diferent women from diferent angles, and for the transitions of the comercial breaks they take a few of those clips followed by the title of the show, as these bits go.
That's how the opening of a show that talks about economy is, and it came so out of nowhere, it wasn't like and error where they played the wrong video, that was the actual opening, and I have no explanation as to why that is.
Those women looked to confident, powerful and carefree, like my obsession with stories that treat sex and fetishes and something casual, commonplace and/or involving multiple characters in a fetish, they were all naked, proudly showing their stuff for all to see and going about their lives, and each women/futa was different.
The first woman walking her dog looked normal from behind, but at the first *PA-POW* part, cutting to a diferent woman throwing her hips forcefuly from side to side from behind, you could also see that she had a big horse dick and a set of balls swinging with her moves, with a dark skin collor, diferent from her own beige skin. And all these women were hairless from the neck down, just to be clear.
After that, the next thing I remember is that I was at the place where that opening was filmed, same time at night with the same women I saw then, and I came across a futa. I didn't pay much attention to her dick or the rest of her body, what really caught my attention was the size of her scrotal sack. Like, if you enjoy hyper art, we are used(or is it just me?) to see hyper nutsacks full with huge inflated balls which lifts and tauts the whole sack, or hanging low with the skin between the balls and the base loose and empty, but that's hardest thing out of this dream to describe, the way this particular nutsack was full doesn't ressemble any kind of hyper art i remember seeing. First of all, her balls hang very low inside her nutsack, up to her ankles and each about the size of basketballs, but the skin between the balls and the base isn't loose and empty. I think the best way I can describe it is like a tear/water drop? The skin of the nutsack is stretched and taut between the base and the balls, it is full but its not just the balls that are filling it, you can clearly see the circunference at the bottom, and it's not completely a liquid drop shape because the nutsack at the top doesn't end on a "thin tip", it connects to the base like a 1/3rd or a 1/4th of the way to the tip of the drop, that's the best way i can put it. And the skin was so smooth, not wrinkled at all but still very stretchy.
So I walk up to this futa and ask if I can play with her balls, and of course, being a sexually open world/place, she replies "sure, knock yourself out", so I touch them, fondle them, hug them and lift them with both arms wraped around the scrotal sack. And that's pretty much where the dream ends.
After I woke up I was thinking that, if I were to develop a story out of this, Maybe I would want it to be a bit more grounded in reality, like after playing with that futa's balls, I ask how did she get these, and she says she had a surgery to over-stretch the skin, the balls are actually implants (or maybe they could be the actual balls expanded if I wish they could feel them) and the whole thing is filled with saline liquid, with an added hidden orifice she can use to refill from home. There is no magic or something like "they are born like this", these people can get surgeries or other procedures to modify themselves and have their ideal bodies. Or maybe not, maybe we could come up with other explanations.
I don't interact with people here much because I'm usually very reserved, even though I appreciate comments, I feel awkward trying to come up with a response and not knowing what to say most of the time, but after this jolt of inspiration, I feel like I want to have some people to talk to and discuss openly about this stuff.
So, if you are reading this and you share these tastes, I want to start a conversation about it and maybe develop a story from this wild dream I had, it would make me really happy to just talk about it with someone.
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