Views: 2873
Submissions: 79
Favs: 227

Crafter | Registered: Mar 3, 2007 02:51
Just a kitty trying to do the best I can, and learn while I do.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 559
Comments Made: 1130
Journals: 35
Comments Made: 1130
Journals: 35
Recent Journal
One day left on auctions!
11 years ago
Hey guys! Just a reminder that there's only one day left in my current auctions! Listed are two bookmarks (one orange and black, and one red and gold Gryffindor colours) and both of my bottle necklaces. Please take a look, and signal boost if you don't mind. Thanks!
Also don't forget, I'm still running some limited sale commissions to raise money for bus tickets! Details here:
Thanks for reading!
Also don't forget, I'm still running some limited sale commissions to raise money for bus tickets! Details here:
Thanks for reading!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Leopardus pardalis (Ocelot)
Favorite Music
just about everything but rap and country. Esp love whatever the hell genre Deep Forest, Shpongle etc is in.
Favorite Games
Myst, Riven, End of Ages, The Dig, FF12, FF6, Terranigma, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, etc
Favorite Gaming Platforms
SNES, PS2, Wii, PC
Favorite Animals
too hard to pick! I get along with everything but birds. Understandably.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Armenian, and then a little of everything else.
Favorite Artists
Ursula Vernon
Contact Information


We are a chainmaille group if you are interested.
If not we are still going to watch you~<3